An Invitation To The Truth


An Invitation To The Truth



FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Fungus gnat larvae live on plant roots, fungi or waste. They are small, dark in color and have short life spans. There is no difference between the fungus gnats of 45 million years ago and specimens living today. Fossil discoveries are one proof of this. Fungus gnats that have remained unaltered over the course of millions of years once again confirm that living things did not evolve, and that God has created all life forms.

FLY (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

One of the proofs that flies have always existed as flies, are not descended from any other life form and never underwent any intermediate stages are the 45-million-year-old fossils shown here. Unaltered despite the intervening millions of years, flies confirm that the theory of evolution is a deception and that God has created all living things.

FLY AND SPIDER (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

A fly and a spider have been fossilized in amber. This dual fossil, which is 50 million years old, is one of the proofs pointing out the despairing situation of evolutionists.

Spiders, mites, centipedes and other such invertebrates are not true insects, although that is how they are commonly referred to. Highly significant fossil findings regarding these creatures were presented at the 1983 annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: The fascinating features of these 380-million-year-old spider, mite and centipede fossils were no different from those of contemporary specimens. One of the scientists who examined these fossils commented, "It is as if they had died yesterday." (New York Times Press Service, San Diego Union, 29 May 1983; W. A. Shear, Science, Vol. 224, 1984, p. 494.)

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

One of the most distinctive features of the fossil record is how living things remain unchanged during the geological periods in which they are discovered. A species preserves the structure it had when it first appears in the fossil record, until it either becomes extinct or else survives unchanged, over the course of tens or even hundreds of millions of years, to the present day. The meaning of this is clear: Living things did not undergo any process of evolution. God creates all living things together with the characteristics they possess.

One of the organisms that has survived unaltered for millions of years is the fungus gnat. There is no difference between this 45-million-year-old fungus gnat pictured and specimens living today.

FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

The 45-million-year-old fungus gnat pictured, with all its features, is fully formed and flawless. A fungus gnat living 45 million years ago is identical to those living today. Not the slightest change has taken place over millions of years in the fungus gnat's wings or flight systems, eyes and visual systems, or legs or any other of its physical structures. Fungus gnats were exactly the same 45 million years ago as they are today.

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

In the absence of a single fossil specimen showing that species evolve from earlier ones and are in a constant state of change, there are nevertheless countless fossil discoveries to show that living things preserve the exact same structures for as long as they are in existence. The 45-million-year-old fungus gnat pictured is one example. This finding shows that these insects have remained unchanged for millions of years. The stability in the fossil record, by itself, is sufficient to totally undermine the theory of evolution.

MIDGE (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Midges are a very small species of fly, and another life form that demolishes the theory of evolution. In the same way that spiders have always been spiders, flies have always been flies, and ants have always been ants, so midges have always existed as midges. There is not the slightest evidence that they evolved gradually from any other species, as evolutionists claim. On the contrary, all the scientific findings and fossil records show that midges emerged suddenly, together with all their flawless structures. In other words, God created them and they have never changed—meaning that they never evolved.

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

There is not the slightest difference between the 45-million-year-old fungus gnat fossil pictured and specimens alive today. Evolutionists have no logical explanation for fungus gnats, which have remained unchanged for 45 million years. As you have seen, natural history definitively and clearly refutes the theory of evolution.

FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

As can be learned from fossils—our source of information regarding the natural history of species that once existed in the past—living things possessed of complete features have always populated the Earth. The feet, forearms, wings, skins, fur, lungs, skulls, vertebrae, bone structures and countless other such characteristics of these creatures have always been fully formed, unique to them and of an ideal structure. No intermediate stage—in other words no "developing" limb or organ—exists in any fossil. This represents a major impasse for evolutionists.

The 45-million-year-old fungus gnat fossil pictured is one proof of these facts.

GALL GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

The fossil record shows that living things have remained unchanged for tens or even hundreds of millions of years. This, by itself, is sufficient to demolish the theory of evolution. In addition, the absence of any "intermediate forms" (half-fish, half-reptile, or half-reptile, half-bird species) in the fossil record again gives the lie to the theory. Among all the millions of fossils belonging to thousands of living species obtained so far, there is not a single example of a life form that isn't fully developed, or lacks certain attributes, that has remained halfway between two separate species. Every fossil shows that the living thing preserved is fully formed with all its characteristics, and that today's descendants have never changed since the species first came into existence.

The 45-million-year-old fossil pictured is one example, showing that gall gnats have not changed over that period of time.

FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

All the fossils of fungus gnats found to date show that these animals have always been fungus gnats, are not descended from any other species, and did not evolve into any other species. This 45-million-year-old specimen preserved in amber is one confirmation of this.

SPIDER (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

A large number of fossils show that spiders have existed as spiders for hundreds of millions of years. One of these specimens is this 45-million-year-old spider preserved in amber. Spiders living 100 million years ago, those living 50 million years ago and those alive today are all exactly the same. This poses a major dilemma for evolutionists and reveals their theory to be a terrible deception.

LONG-LEGGED FLY (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

There are more than 200 genera and around 6,500 known species of long-legged fly. They can be found just about everywhere on Earth, including the Tropics and at high altitudes.

The 45-million-year-old long-legged fly pictured is identical to specimens alive today. These life forms, which have remained unaltered for millions of years, completely overturn the claim that living things descended from one another by undergoing small changes over lengthy periods of time.

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

One of the proofs showing that fungus gnats have always existed as fungus gnats is this 45-million-year-old fossil. Fungus gnats of 45 million years ago were identical to those living today, showing that the concept of "evolutionary development" is a grave deception. The fossil record reveals that in fact, living things did not evolve, that Almighty God creates all of them.

LONG-LEGGED FLY (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Flies appear suddenly in the fossil record with all their organs and functions fully formed, invalidating evolutionist claims. The fact revealed by the fossil record is that flies did not evolve gradually from some other species. From the moment they first came into being until the present day, they have not changed at all.
The 45-million-year-old long-legged fly fossil pictured is one proof that these flies have never changed—in other words, that they never evolved.

MIDGE (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Ever since the mid-19th century, evolutionists have been looking for intermediate-form fossils to confirm their theory, carrying out wide-ranging excavations all over the world. The supposedly intermediate forms they seek have never been found. All the findings from excavations and the research performed show that contrary to evolutionists' expectations, living things appeared suddenly on Earth, fully and perfectly formed. In other words, God creates all living things. In seeking to prove their theory, evolutionists have actually demolished it with their own efforts.

One of the pieces of evidence that disprove the theory of evolution is the 45-million-year-old midge fossil pictured. This fossil shows that midges have undergone no changes over 45 million years, revealing that Creation is an indisputable fact.

FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Even bacteria that lived billions of years ago have been preserved in the fossil record. Despite this, however, it is striking that not a single fossil that might argue in favor of the theory of evolution has ever been found. Fossils belonging to a great many species, from ants to bacteria, from birds to flowering plants, have been unearthed. Extinct life forms have been so perfectly preserved that we are even able to establish the inner anatomy of these life forms we have never seen alive. Despite such a rich fossil record, the absence of any evidence in support of the theory of evolution once again emphasizes that the theory is a terrible deception and that Creation is an inarguable fact.

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

One of the first to realize that paleontology's findings would argue against the theory of evolution was Charles Darwin himself. This is how Darwin warned that fossils would represent the greatest difficulty facing his theory:

Research conducted in the 150 years since Darwin's time has translated his fear into reality, and all subsequent discoveries have proven that his theory is entirely unrelated to actual natural history. One of these proofs is the fungus gnat pictured, showing that these insects have remained unchanged for millions of years and have never undergone any intermediate stages.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

The oldest known fossilized spider dates back some 400 million years. The Museum of Australia's web page, for example, states that 380-million-year-old specimens of the species Attercopus fimbriungus possessed silk-producing organs even at that time. Spiders, which for hundreds of millions of years have undergone no changes in their physical characteristics, silk-producing organs or the silk they produce, inflict complete despair on Darwinists. The fossil record shows that spiders emerged not through evolution, but suddenly and fully formed. In other words, they did not evolve, but were created and remained unchanged for millions of years.





Age: 125 million years
Period:Lower Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China

Cockroaches live anywhere on Earth, with the exception of the polar regions, and can be traced for millions of years in the fossil record with their flawless and fully developed structures. The specimen pictured is 125 million years old. Cockroaches, having preserved their structures since before 125 million years ago, announce that they never underwent evolution, but were created. Darwinists too will be able to see this evident truth once they rid themselves of their ideological preconceptions.


Age: 125 million years
Period: Jurassic
Location: Liaoning Province, China

Contrary to what evolutionists claim, these insects, various species of which are encountered as fossils from the Carboniferous period (354 to 292 million years ago), have no evolutionary forerunners. Each species appears suddenly in the fossil record with its own unique structure and characteristics, and remains unchanged for so long as it remains in existence. This fact makes it impossible for Darwinists to defend their scenario of evolution.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

These arachnids, belonging to the arthropod phylum, have been given this name because their structure is reminiscent of scorpions. However, their anatomical characteristics are much closer to those of spiders than of scorpions. The oldest known specimens lived in the Devonian period (417 to 354 million years ago). And these invertebrates have never changed since the moment they first appeared in the fossil record. The fact that they remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years is proof that they never evolved.

FLY (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

One of the most distinctive features of the fossil record is how species remain unchanged during the geological periods in which they appear. A species preserves the structure it has when it first appears as a fossil until it either becomes extinct or else comes down unchanged to the present, over the course of tens or even hundreds of millions of years. This is clear evidence that living things never evolved. There is no difference between this 50-million-year-old fly fossilized in amber shown here and flies living today.

APHID (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

The aphid is a species of insect that feeds on plants and is a member of the superfamily Aphidoidea. There are some 4,000 known species of aphids, divided into 10 families. The oldest aphids so far identified lived in the Carboniferous period (354 to 290 million years ago). They have not changed in the least in the more than 300 million years since. The 50-million-year-old aphid preserved in amber in the picture is evidence that these insects have not changed since the day they first came into being, in other words, they have not evolved.

HOMOPTERAN (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

Concerning the origin of insects, the fossil record once again confirms that God has created all living things. Zoologist Paul-Pierre Grassé admits that the theory of evolution is totally incapable of explaining the origin of insects: "We are completely in the dark on the subject of the origin of insects." (Paul-Pierre Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, p. 30.)

As fossils show, all insect species alive today have displayed their same current flawless structures since the first moment they came into being. They never developed in stages and never changed. One of the proofs is this 50-million-year-old homopteran preserved in amber.

FLY (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

Like all other living things, flies appear suddenly in the fossil record, complete with all their own particular structures. They survive today with no changes in their sophisticated anatomy.

This fossil, preserved in 50-million-year-old amber, shows that there is no difference between flies living that long ago and present-day specimens. This once again reveals that evolution never happened, and proves the manifest fact of Creation.

JUMPING SPIDER (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

The oldest known spiders date back 400 million years. Some 40,000 species of spiders have been described, divided into 111 families. It is estimated that there are another 200,000 species not yet been identified and classified.

Every one of these spider species emerges suddenly in the fossil record, with all its unique structures fully formed. Not a single fossil exists to indicate that spiders developed from a primitive to a more advanced stage, as evolutionists claim. There are, however, countless fossils showing that spiders have always existed as spiders. Each of these fossils once again confirms the fact of Creation.

SPIDER (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

Countless fossils belonging to different species of spider show that these arachnids have existed in perfect form with all the characteristics they now possess ever since they first came into being. Not one is semi-developed. None has turned into any other life form. To put it another way, spiders have always existed as spiders, and will always continue to exist as such.

This spider preserved in amber is 50 million years old and shows that, like other living things, spiders never evolved.

CRANE FLY (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

These flies, belonging to the order Diptera, resemble very large mosquitoes. Their distinguishing features are the length of their legs and bodies. Some 14,000 species have been described to date, representing one of the most numerous families in the order Diptera.

The countless fly fossils discovered to date show that these insects have always existed as flies, they are not descended from any other life form, and never underwent any intermediate stages. In other words, they demolish evolutionist claims, showing us that they are the work of Omniscient and Almighty God.

SPIDER (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

The 50-million-year-old spider fossil pictured is one piece of evidence showing that spiders never evolved, but have always existed as spiders. There is no difference between spiders that lived 50 million years ago and spiders living today. This once again reveals that the theory of evolution is a figment of the imagination, and that God has created all living things.

PLANT BUG (above left)

Age: 50 million years 
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
Plant bugs (Miridae) are a family that wreaks the greatest harm on crops and comprises a very large number of species-approximately 6,000. They tear plant tissues and feed on the sap.
The fossils acquired to date show that plant bugs have always existed with the exact same characteristics. In other words, like all living things, these insects never underwent any form of evolutionary process. The 50-million-year-old fossil pictured is just one of the indications of this.

APHID (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

The fossil record completely refutes the scenario advanced by evolutionists. Yet even those evolutionists who have not lost the ability to evaluate scientific findings in an unbiased manner admit that the fossil record argues against the theory of evolution, because that fact is crystal-clear.

One of these proofs is the 50-million-year-old aphid fossil pictured. There is no difference between aphids living 50 million years ago and those alive today. This totally demolishes the claim that living things attained their present forms by a process of gradual changes.

FUNGUS GNAT (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

The hundreds of thousands of fossil specimens obtained to date all show that living things never evolved different anatomical structures, but have remained the same for hundreds of millions of years. Living species that stay the same for that long deal a severe blow to Darwinism, which maintains that living things are descended from one another and developed by way of gradual changes.

One of the life forms that dealt such a grave blow to Darwinism is the fungus gnat. The fossil pictured here is 45 million years old. These unchanged insects are some of the proofs of the fact of Creation.

FUNGUS GNAT (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania

Like all other living things, fungus gnats have remained unaltered for millions of years, with the same wings, vision systems and leg structures. Were evolutionists' claims true, then the fossil record should show the gradual changes that fungus gnats supposedly went through… For example, a great many fossils reminiscent of fungus gnats should have been found whose wings have not yet formed fully or whose eyes are only half-developed, and which have yet to achieve the form they have today. Yet despite around a century of excavations all over the world, not a single fossil specimen that might support evolutionists' claims has ever been encountered. All the specimens obtained are of fungus gnats with the same fully formed features they now display.


Age: 125 million years
Period: Lower Cretaceous

Location: Santana Formation, Nova Olinda Member, Araripe Basin, Brasil
With their compound eyes and sublime flying abilities, dragonflies are marvels of Creation. There is no difference between this dragonfly larva from 125 million years ago and a modern-day specimen. This demolishes the idea of the evolution of living things. The hollow, groundless comments and publications of evolutionists that are produced for propaganda only do not change this fact.



CENTIPEDE (above left)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

One environment in which fossils are preserved is amber. Resin emerging from trees flow over a living thing, preserving it in its exact original state, and such fossils trapped in amber point to a very important fact, as do all other fossils: Living things have remained unchanged for millions of years—in other words, they never underwent evolution.

The fossil centipede pictured is 50 million years old. According to evolutionist claims, various alterations should have taken place in these arthropods over the intervening millions of years, during which they should have evolved into another species or life form. However, there is no difference between centipede specimens that lived 50 million years ago and their present-day equivalents. These invertebrates have remained the same for millions of years and are clear evidence of Creation.

COCKROACH (above right)

Age: 128 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brasil

Cockroaches, which are encountered in the fossil record from the Carboniferous period (354 to 290 million years ago) onwards, are one of the important fossil species proving that living things never evolved. These insects, which have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, reveal a truth that makes the denial of Creation impossible.

HUMPBACK FLY (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

The humpback fly pictured is around 45 million years old. There are some 3,000 species of these insects, part of the Phoridae family. The insects have kept the same structures for millions of years. If a living thing has undergone absolutely no change for 45 million years, then any claim that it is evolving is out of the question. Fossils are the most important indication that evolutionists are lying.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

Gall midges give rise to the "galls" in plants, a swelling that emerges with more rapid growth in particular locations such as the plant's leaf or stem, due to the saliva secreted by larvae of the organism in question. The larvae then feed on the excess plant tissue that forms inside the gall.

Each insect species produces its own characteristic kind of gall. These particular midges, which are generally very small, appear with all their same structures in all fossils yet discovered. In other words, this organism never underwent evolution.

Another insect whose immutable structures show that it never evolved is the bog beetle. The fossilized amber pictured contains a gall midge trapped alongside a bog beetle.

This is a double-sided, "mirror-image" fossil seen on the two halves of a rock.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Utah, USA

Weevils, part of the Curculionidae superfamily, represent more than 60 separate species. When the fossil record is examined, it appears that these bugs have always existed as weevils, did not evolve from any other life form, have remained unchanged for tens of millions of years and never developed into any other species. One of the proofs is the weevil fossil pictured here. It is between 54 and 37 million years old, and identical to specimens living today.


Here can be seen another double-sided, "mirror image" fossil.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: British Columbia, Canada

With its structure and appearance, which have not altered for tens of millions of years, the marchfly is one of the countless life forms that challenge the theory of evolution. These insects, which average 3 to 12 millimeters (0.1 to 0.4 in) in length, emerge in the springtime, live close to the surface of the soil, and damage plants. The organisms belonging to this family are some of the oldest known flies.

CENTIPEDE (above left)

Age: 25 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Dominican Republican

Centipedes are exceedingly complex invertebrates whose bodies consist of between 20 and 100 segments, each of which bears a pair of feet. Thanks to this equipment, the creature is able to use its minimum of 40 feet it possesses in a perfect rippling motion. The fossilized centipede pictured dates back around 25 million years, and came into existence with exactly the same complex system as its descendants today, which have survived by using the perfect equipment in their body. It is Almighty God Who creates these centipedes now, Who created them 25 million years ago, and Who endows them with all their flawless structures, such as their immaculate locomotion system.

HISTER BEETLE (above right)

Age: 25 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Dominican Republic

General characteristics of the members of Histeridae family include the truncated structure of their wings and their jointed antennae. The well-preserved insect inside this amber specimen had the same flawless, complete structure as specimens living today. Evolutionists seek to convince people that all living things progress from the primitive to the more highly developed, by way of slow changes. Yet amber specimens millions of years old present clear evidence to show that no such changes ever took place.

CENTIPEDE (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

The fossil centipede pictured belongs to part of the Geophilidae family. This species' body structure resembles a worm or ribbon, and its antennae and legs are short. The fact that centipedes that lived 45 million years ago are exactly as members of the same family alive today is evidence that Darwinism is a terrible deception. The fact revealed by the evidence of fossil findings is that no evolutionary process ever took place; and living things are created by Almighty God.

HONEYBEE (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

This bee preserved in amber is identical to present-day honeybees. These, with the same mechanisms they have possessed for millions of years, continue living in the same social structure. No "survival of the fittest" of the kind claimed by evolutionists is ever to be seen in beehives. On the contrary, bees behave with the highest levels of altruism and co-operation, in a beehive hierarchy consisting of the queen, workers and males (or drones).

Imagine that the same number of humans as the number of bees in a colony had to live together in close quarters, meeting all their own needs by themselves. No doubt, it would be really laborious for humans to establish the order established by bees. Yet from the moment it hatches out of its cell, a bee knows how that order is to be maintained, its duties within that order, and where, when and how to behave. Moreover, no other bee manages these insects or tells them what they need to do. They receive no training, but perform their duties in an exceedingly disciplined manner. That is because bees are created together with these characteristics, and possess exactly the same features as bees that lived millions of years ago.

CENTIPEDE (above left)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

A centipede that lived 45 million years ago exhibits perfect characteristics that are indistinguishable from those of modern-day specimens. If living specimens provide no evidence that evolution ever happened, if no evidence of any intermediate form has ever been unearthed, this shows that the fossil record refutes the theory of evolution. As in all other branches of science, the theory of evolution has been completely discredited by the fossil record as revealed by paleontology. Many evolutionists admit the truth of this, as does Stephen Jay Gould:

The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology . . . We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life's history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study. (S. J. Gould, "Evolution's Erratic Pace," Natural History, Vol. 86, No. 5, p. 14, May 1977.)

WASP (above right)

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

Wasps belonging to this family have characteristically small bodies and flattened heads. Like all other wasp species, members of the Bethylidae family invariably appear with the same features and structures in the fossil record. The meaning is evident: These wasps that have remained unchanged over the course of tens of millions of years never underwent evolution, but were created by Almighty God.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

In order to find a home to live in, soldier beetle larvae employ a highly interesting technique. The larvae cling together en masse on a piece of vegetation or branch in colonies consisting of an average of 460 individuals. However, this is no ordinary mass: From close up, it bears a strong resemblance to a queen bee. When drone bees land on the mass, the larvae attach themselves to the male's abdomen. This enables the larvae to benefit from the new nest that the queen bee—which the drone will seek out—will establish.

Observations have revealed that the larvae imitate not only the appearance of queen bees but also their scent! ( These highly intelligent tactics manifest evidence that these insects are not the product of chance, but have been brought into being through a sublime Creation.

SPRINGTAIL (above right)

Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland

The springtail fossil pictured was obtained from the Baltic amber beds in Poland.

Springtails are part of the order Collembola. Organisms belonging to this order are generally smaller than 6 millimeters (0.2 in) in size, and have 6 or fewer feet attached to their thorax. They also have additional spring-like organs attached to their abdomens that enable them to leap out of harm's way in the event of any attack by predators.

All of these characteristics possessed by these insects alive today, were also possessed by specimens alive 50 million years ago. This proves that evolution, which maintains that living things are in a process of constant change and gradually develop into other distinct species, does not reflect the true state of affairs. The fossil record reveals no changes or intermediate stages, but rather demonstrates that living things have kept the same flawless characteristics ever since the moment they came into being; and that these species never change so long as they remain in existence. The meaning of this is obvious: Living things never evolved, but were created.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia

Darwinism is helpless in the face of the important discoveries of the fossil record. To date, some 100 million fossils have been unearthed, and all belong either to extinct life forms or to species that are still alive today. Since no such thing as evolution ever took place, no intermediate fossils exist in the Earth's fossil strata. Living things survive with the same characteristics they have always possessed, never undergoing any alteration. One of the proofs is this fossil amber showing that queen flying ants and long-legged flies have always been exactly the same for 45 million years.


Age: 125 million years
Period: Lower Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China

Scorpionflies, members of the order Mecoptera, are so called because of their abdominal organs that resemble scorpions' stingers. The females do not possess such sting-like organs. The 125-million-year-old fossil scorpionfly pictured documents that the insects have stayed exactly the same for millions of years and never underwent any evolutionary process. In the face of this fact, documented by countless fossil specimens, Darwinism has been condemned to collapse.




Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Green River Formation, Uintah County, Utah, USA

Plant cells accomplish a process that no laboratory can: photosynthesis. In a plant's cell, organelles called chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce starch.

This is the first link of the food chain and the food source for all living creatures on Earth. Details of this very complex process are still not exactly understood, and it is impossible for evolutionary mechanisms to explain this complexity.

The fossilized willow leaf pictured is 54 to 37 million years old. Willows that lived tens of millions of years ago employed photosynthesis in the same way that they do today. They reproduced in the same way and displayed the same features. This correspondence pushes evolutionists into a desperate situation and once again stresses the fact that living organisms are created by God.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Darwin himself first discovered that ginkgo leaf, which has left abundant fossil remains in Earth's geologic layers, has never changed. But in contrast to Darwin's assumptions, the ginkgo is not the only living fossil that has survived to the present day.

The many living fossil specimens displayed in this book and thousands of others displayed in museums definitely refute Darwin.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

By now, many plant fossils have been unearthed, and all of them have something in common: They are all flawless, and exactly like those plants alive in our day. Not a single fossil reveals that a particular plant is the forebear of any other, or that another species is an intermediate form. This is evidence that God created all living things.

The 320-million-year-old fern fossil pictured is one of the findings that shows the fact of Creation.

This fossil is a two-sided one. The plant has left its imprint on both surfaces of the layerd stone.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Metasequoia or "dawn redwood" is one of the largest, most upright and symmetrical trees of the world. This fossilized leaf has been preserved for 50 million years, verifying that the plant has never changed. If, 50 million years ago, a species possessed all the features it still has today, if it displays not a single trace of evolution, if none of its features show any characteristic of being an intermediate "missing link" fossil—and betray no inadequacy or "primitiveness," in the words of evolutionists—then they cannot say that this species has evolved. If a living species has not changed for millions of years and the Earth overflows with the evidence, then it is not possible to talk about evolution.




Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

This birch leaf from the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago) unearthed in British Columbia is identical to the birch leaves of our day. Birch trees have not changed for millions of years and have not gone through any process of evolution.

But thanks to Darwinists' misleading propaganda, some may be deceived into thinking that some fossil specimens belong to "intermediate forms"—a totally imaginary term. In the fossil record, there exists not a single transitional specimen claimed by evolutionists. The record reveals only fossil specimens that have remained unchanged for millions of years.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Darwinism tries to make people believe that coincidence, the false deity of evolution, has formed cells, organisms, animals, plants and even people. Darwinists suggest some irrational, even ridiculous claims that science cannot support and then seek some false evidence for them. That is why they seek imaginary intermediate forms in fossil beds. But as with this fossilized alder leaf from the Eocene epoch (54-37 million years ago), the geologic layers offer the remains of living things that have not changed—which is to say, have not evolved.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

This ginkgo leaf from the Eocene epoch (54-37 million years ago) is no different from the ginkgo leaves of our day. According to Darwinist claims, within a period of 50 million years, this living species should have undergone evolution innumerable times, developing from a primitive to more advanced form. According to evolutionists, in Earth's so-called "primitive" environment of 50 million years ago, this species also had to display primitive features. However, the fossil record shows that ginkgos have not undergone any changes. This fossil alone, with the same complexity as modern-day ginkgos, proves that the evolutionary process is an imaginary concept.


Age: 50 million years old
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The fossilized magnolia leaf pictured is 50 million years old. Despite this, the leaf is exactly the same as the ones living today. According to the theory of evolution, all those millions of years should have contributed changes to the organism. But such a change is observed in none of these fossil specimens. This 50-million-year-old magnolia leaf is one of the numerous pieces of evidence refuting evolution.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The fossil of this plant, which grows not very tall and is rich in leaves, is 50 million years old. This immaculate fossil specimen proves that the plant hasn't gone through any changes in millions of years as the evolutionists claim and has no "primitive" form.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

One of the fossils revealing that ferns have always remained the same, and have not gone through any changes—that is, have not evolved—is illustrated here. This fossil shows that ferns that grew 320 million years ago were no different from the present-day examples. This devastates all the claims of evolutionists about the history of nature.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The ash, native to North America nowadays, is a medium to large tree. Also 50 million years ago, the ash tree and sequoia—a tree even larger than the ash tree—grew in Canada, with exactly the same characteristics.
The fossil record provides undeniable evidence proving this. The excellent petrified remains show all the identifying details.


Age: 54-37 million years         
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The elm leaf pictured grew during the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago), with the very same shape it has today. Like all other living fossils, this plant has not undergone any changes. This 50-million-year-old specimen clearly preserves all the details of the plant's leaf. In the face of evidence like this, evolutionists have no explanations or alternatives to offer.


Age: 58 million years
Period: Paleocene
Location: Sentinel Butte Formation, Central North Dakota, USA

The first person to admit that the scenario of plants' evolution was in a quagmire was Charles Darwin himself. As he wrote in an 1881 letter to botanist Sir Joseph Hooker of Kew Gardens:

Nothing is more extraordinary in the history of the vegetable kingdom [according to the scientific classification], as it seems to me, than the apparently very sudden and abrupt development of the higher plants.

These words are Darwin's admission that the plants' origins could not be explained by evolution and that—like all other living organisms, plants were also created by God.


Age: 58 million years
Period: Paleocene
Location: Sentinel Butte Formation, Central North Dakota, USA

The fossil record is one of the main findings that devastate the theory of evolution—and the majority of scientists are aware of this. For example N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall make the following comment:

That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record had been known to paleontologists long before Darwin published his Origin. Darwin himself . . . prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search . . . One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin's predictions [Emphasis added]. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong. (N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, New York: Columbia University Press, 1982, pp. 45-46.)

One of the fossils revealing that Darwin was wrong is this 58-million-year-old fossilized horsechestnut leaf.





Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

David B. Kitts, a science history professor from the Oklahoma University, expresses that fossil findings have never supported the theory of evolution:

Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them. (David B. Kitts, " Paleontology and Evolutionary Theory," Evolution, Vol. 28, September 1974, p. 467.))

Whereas paleontology offers evolutionists no evidence, it displays that Creation is an undeniable fact. Innumerable fossils collected from every corner of the Earth reveal that living beings emerged suddenly, with their flawless and complete structures and have not changed since.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

These plants, which lived in the Eocene epoch, are among the countless findings that reveal that living beings have not evolved. Millions of fossils gathered for the past 150 years have ruined evolutionists' dreams. It is no longer possible for Darwinists to defend evolution based on the fossil record. This fact is also confessed by evolutionist paleontologist Mark Czarnecki:

A major problem in proving the theory has been the fossil record; the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth's geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin's hypothetical intermediate variants - instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God. (Mark Czarnecki, "The Revival of the Creationist Crusade," MacLean's, 19 January 1981, p. 56.)


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

Like all other living beings, plants were also created. From the first moment they appeared, plants had all their mechanisms intact. Terms frequently used in evolutionist literature such as "development in time," "changes based on coincidences," "adaptations resulting from needs" are far removed from reality and are devoid of any scientific meaning. Fossil findings are one of the most important evidence for this.

One of the regions where many various species of plant fossils have been obtained is the Cache Creek formation in Canada. This formation still bears traces of the surrounding mountains and the woods that existed in the region 50 million years ago. The rivers and winds carried leaves, flowers and some small living organisms to the lake and, sinking to the bottom there, they started to fossilize.

Two-thirds of the fossils obtained from the site so far belong to plants still alive today. Some, on the other hand, are the fossils of very rare plants that have not yet been identified. This site has a structure rich in silica, making it easier to obtain very well-preserved specimens. Their details make it possible to compare them comprehensively to those organisms' specimens living today—which comparison again shows that living things have been the same for tens of millions of years. In other words, they have not evolved.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Darwinists fail to explain the unchanging nature of the fossil record in the animal kingdom, as well as the invariability in the plant kingdom.

Along with thousands of animal specimens, the fossil record provides innumerable specimens of plants that have remained unchanged for millions, even hundreds of millions of years. One example is this 50-million-year-old cascara leaf from the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago). These specimens put a scientific end to Darwinism, which is entirely based on fraud.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Since Darwin' s time, evolution' s advocates have been trying to find their imaginary "intermediate links." Darwin himself always hoped that they would be found one day. Because Darwinists tried to keep Darwin's legacy alive in their own way, they truly believed that fossils would eventually provide the evidence they expected. However, developments proved contrary to their expectations. The fossil record proclaimed that intermediate forms never existed on Earth, that living species never changed, and that they were created. One of the most important indications of that fact is this leaf from the Eocene epoch, 54 to 37 million years ago.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

All fossils discovered throughout history prove the fact of Creation, but Darwinists continue to advocate otherwise. However, all scientific theories should be supported by scientific evidence. In the face of the unvarying fossil record and the countless living fossils that have appeared, all scenarios related to the theory of evolution have become void. Evolutionists do not have even a single shred of evidence to prove their theory.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

As is true of all other species, plants appear in the fossil record all of a sudden. They have no common ancestor, as evolutionists claim. The fossil record also reveals no such transitions between different species of plants. This renders all claims of evolutionists invalid.

The 320-million-year-old fern fossil pictured is one example that invalidates the theory of evolution. Ferns that lived 320 million years ago and those of today are no different.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

This 50-million-year-old redwood cone fossil clearly shows that redwoods remained the same for millions of years. This and other "living fossil" specimens openly proclaim that evolution never occurred. All Darwinist claims regarding evolution are void and are based on a great lie. Evolution is devoid of any evidence. Darwinists can offer no scientific evidence for the innumerable claims they have advanced. Living beings have not undergone evolution; God created them all.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Fossil findings dramatize the invalidity of evolution, and some evolutionists do confess that their theory is not verified by the fossil record. One of these is Dr. David Raup, curator of geology at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. He confesses that fossils do not support Darwinism:

. . . most people assume that fossils provide a very important part of the general argument in favour of Darwinian interpretations of the history of life. Unfortunately, this is not true. (David Raup, "Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology," Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Field Museum of Natural History: Chicago IL, January 1979, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 22-29.)

One of the findings proving the error of assuming fossils to be evidence for Darwinism is the 50-million-year-old magnolia leaf pictured.




Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Walnuts are trees between 10 and 40 meters (33 and 130 feet) tall that grow in almost all corners of the world. This fossilized walnut leaf of 50 million years ago is no different from the walnut leaves that can be seen almost everywhere today.

The fact of Creation is confirmed by countless pieces of evidence. In order to fabricate some evidence to support their own theory, evolutionists have to find an intermediate fossil that will prove the transition of one species to another. However, since evolution has never occurred on Earth, not a single intermediate fossil will be found to support this claim. For this reason alone, evolution lacks any scientific validation and is based totally on deception.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

If evolution were true, then Darwinists would have to publish a book similar to this one, in which they display hundreds of intermediate fossil specimens. However, they can never accomplish this, because it is impossible. There is not a single fossil belonging to an intermediate "missing link." That is because, as the fossil record manifests, living organisms have not evolved. Looking at this single fossilized ginkgo leaf, you can easily understand that living organisms have remained unchanged—that is, they were created.

The ginkgo leaf pictured is about 50 million years old, proving that the species has remained unchanged for millions of years.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find—over and over again—not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another. (Derek V. Ager, " The Nature of the Fossil Record," Proceedings of the British Geological Association, Vol. 87, 1976, p. 133.)

British paleontologist Derek V. Ager considers it a problem that fossils have never supported the theory of evolution, but have confirmed the fact of Creation. The 50-million-year-old alder leaf fossil pictured is one of the many fossils confirming that living organisms appeared all of a sudden on Earth. That is, they were created, have remained unchanged and have never evolved from one form into another.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Scientifically, Darwin' s time was an extremely primitive period. Scientists knew little about living creatures' anatomy, and had no idea about genetics. According to them, cell was simply a small balloon filled with some jelly. As discoveries of genetic and anatomic features of living organisms came one after another, the theory of evolution proposed in such a time of ignorance has been rendered untenable. Paleontology, which reveals the unchanging nature of living beings' structures, has posed another threat to the theory of evolution.

The fact that living organisms' complex structures have never changed once again shows that Almighty God created all living beings. This 54- to 37-million-year-old elm leaf fossil suggests as much.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The leaf of a hop hornbeam, with one of the hardest woods of any tree on Earth, with green branches and grey trunk, lived 50 million years ago with the same features. Our Lord God created it in the same way millions of years ago, just as how He creates it right now. Those who support the false theory of evolution only to deny God's existence will never succeed, for the heavens and the Earth abound with obvious evidence of His existence.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Today, Darwinists can no longer display fossils as evidence for evolution, for the paleontologists' researches since the mid-19th century in every corner of the globe have not found even a single fossil of any intermediate "missing link," though evolutionists claim they should be numerous. Today it is an established fact that "missing links" are an unscientific fable.

What has been discovered in quantity are the living fossils. The 50-million-year-old alder leaf pictured is only one of those that have been discovered.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Both of these tree species are often found today in the northern regions of North America and Canada. That these plants existed millions of years ago on the Earth and have never been through any evolutionary process is important evidence for the fact of Creation.

Like all other living things, these were created by God' s order "Be!" and have continued to exist with all the features they have today.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Countless remains of sequoia leaves that have survived as fossils prove that this plant has survived in different places on Earth and has never changed. Thanks to this important evidence, Darwinist speculations about the imaginary evolution of plants no longer exist. This 50-million-year-old sequoia leaf is one of the proofs that puts an end to these speculations.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Leaves of this tree, reaching heights of hundreds of meters, are no different from the sequoia leaves of our own day. This proves that these giant trees also existed 50 million years ago and had the very same systems. Darwinists try to form imaginary scenarios regarding the gradual evolution of plants, but are not sure what to do in the face of paleontological evidence. This is an indication of the failure of the theory of evolution.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

The 320-million-year-old fern fossil pictured is important evidence that today's plants have not undergone any process of evolution, since this fossilized leaf shows that ferns have remained the same for hundreds of millions of years. In the face of this finding, the theory of evolution—claiming that living beings evolved from one another with minor changes over long periods of time—is disproved.





Age: 50 million years   
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Another piece of evidence for a plant species that has not evolved is the black gum leaf fossil pictured. Examinations of the fossil reveal that the plant of 50 million years ago was no different from what it is currently. It has remained unchanged for millions of years. This example once again reveals the invalidity of evolution.


Age: 50 million years   
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

The theory of evolution cannot explain the origins of living organisms and is also desperate in the face of fossil ginkgo leaves, showing that the species has remained unchanged for tens of millions of years. Such fossils, proving that living organisms have stayed the same as long as they've existed, have dealt a fatal blow to the theory of evolution. As many other branches of science, paleontology also confirms that Creation is an obvious fact.


Age: 50 million years   
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

God is able to create all organisms perfectly at any time, and in any form. Our Almighty Lord creates any living being upon His order " Be!" The Earth abounds with perfect and complex living things that came into existence with His will, species that have displayed the same perfect features throughout history and—by God's will—have proved that they were created in one moment and in perfect form.

Whether Darwinists accept this fact or not, all paleontological evidence will continue to demolish their theory. That is because, as is in the case of this birch leaf that has remained unchanged for 50 million years, paleontology continues to provide specimens of living fossils.


Age: 50 million years   
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Claiming that intermediate forms must exist between known fossils, Darwinists try to deceive people. Yet countless living species and their fossil counterparts reveal clearly, and with adequate proof, that a process such as evolutionists claim to have existed never occurred. Those who continue to believe in the theory of evolution despite these facts are Darwinists. They ignore this obvious evidence revealed by the fossil record and trust that these imaginary "intermediate forms" will be found one day.

One of the living fossils that refutes Darwinists' hopes and keeps them from deceiving people is this 50-million-year-old robinia leaf pictured.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Like all other living organisms, plants too emerged in the fossil record quite suddenly and with structures peculiar to them. The appearance and structures they displayed millions of years ago is the same as the appearance and structures they do now. This shows that living things are created by One having a superior wisdom, that is, our Lord, God.

One piece of evidence is this serviceberry leaf, about 50 million years old.


Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Throughout history, turtles have remained as turtles, gnats have remained as gnats, ants have remained as ants and ginkgo leaves remained as ginkgo leaves. No matter how old a fossil ginkgo leaf we examine is, we see that it has the very same structure of today' s ginkgos. The leaves are the very same, whether 50 million years old or hundreds of millions of years old. Like all other living things, the ginkgo has not undergone any changes and has not lived through any process of evolution. Each species is created in the same way with the superior artistry of our Lord.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Pictured is a fossilized elm leaf, 50 million years old. As it illustrates, the elms that lived millions of years ago and those of our day are no different. This tree has never undergone any changes, as the advocates of the so-called "punctuated equilibrium" or those who favor the imaginary "gradual evolution" put forward. No matter how hard evolutionists, lacking proofs, try to adapt their theory to the situation they encounter, this truth will not change. Living fossils have refuted evolution.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Of the Earth' s rocks, 99 percent has been excavated, and roughly 100 million fossils belonging to 250 thousand still-living species have been unearthed. Among these fossils, there exists not one intermediate form, or any fossil belonging to a primitive version of a "later" organism. From the first moment they appear in the fossil record, living beings display complete and complex structures. This ginkgo leaf from the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago) is no different from the ginkgo leaves of our own day.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

According to the evolutionist suggestions far removed from science, living things evolved from one another. In such a case, there must have existed intermediate species between two known species and strange, inadequately developed versions. And the number of these intermediate beings' fossils should exceed millions.

However, fossil record lacks such intermediate stages. No one has ever found a single one of these specimens. From the first moment they existed, living things have enjoyed flawless and perfect structures. Living organisms of our own day also possessed their current features millions of year ago—a fact disclosed by the fossil record. This approximately 50-million-year-old ginkgo leaf proves this once again.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

This alder leaf of 50 million years ago is only one of the millions of examples showing that living organisms have remained unchanged for many millions of years.

Evolutionists have claimed approximately a dozen fossils to be intermediate forms, but they in fact belong to complex organisms of different types that by no means show any features of an intermediate species. Some of these, in fact, have been exposed as examples of fraud. Evolutionists have no evidence that will justify their claims; and living fossil specimens constantly confirm this fact.




Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

The fossil pictured is evidence that ferns did not evolve from other plants, and have not transformed into ferns of our day by gradual changes. They have always remained as ferns, with all their features and functions.
This fossil, 320 million years old, is evidence that as with all living and non-living things, Almighty God created plants; and that evolution is nothing but a scenario based on a figment of imagination.

For the last 150 years, every corner of the Earth has been excavated in search of fossils, and millions of them have been discovered. But among all these fossils, there exists not a single half-developed specimen that possesses the features of two different living species—which can be termed an intermediate "missing link." Every fossil discovered so far reveals that living beings emerged all of a sudden and have never changed, as long as they did not become extinct. This has a clear implication: God created living beings..


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

One piece of evidence invalidating the scenario of plants' evolution is the 50-million-year-old ginkgo leaf pictured. This fossil indicates that ginkgos have always remained as ginkgos and have not originated from another plant or transformed into another species. This places evolutionists in a deadlock.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

If a living being preserves its structure with no changes for millions of years and if it possessed all its current features millions of years ago, then it is impossible to say that this organism has evolved. The 320-million-year-old fern fossil pictured is no different from ferns in our day—one of the proofs that living things have not evolved.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

If evolution took place, as Darwinists claim, then there had to be thousands of intermediate forms, and not the countless living fossils that remained unchanged on Earth. Evolutionists would continuously find fossils of intermediate species that changed from one life form to another, millions of specimens of "developing species." However, evolutionists have failed to discover even a single such intermediate fossil. They've failed to present a single organ developing in a single organism. As you can see, this ginkgo leaf has not undergone any changes since the Eocene period (54-37 million years ago).


Age: 65-23 million years
Period: Early Tertiary
Location: New Bamberg, Germany

Scientists examining the structure of pine cones were astonished by their reproductive structures. The cones which produce pollen make use of aerodynamic forces. Research has shown that these plants can change the wind's linear movement in three different ways.

First, the branches and twigs direct wind's direction towards the center of the pine cone. Then, the wind in this area is directed and angled towards the cone's ovaries, where the seeds will be formed.

In the second method, the wind, getting in contact with the cone's outer covering, whirls around its axis and tends toward the openings to the cone's interior.

Third, thanks to the cone's projections, it causes turbulence that deflects the wind down, toward the cone's outer surface. (For further information, see Harun Yahya's The Miracle of Creation in Plants, Goodword Books, 2002.) No doubt that this tree, which lacks a brain and yet engages in making use of the wind's movements, employs a kind of wisdom that cannot be explained by coincidence, as evolutionists claim. Coincidences cannot teach a plant how to exploit the wind. Moreover, plants lack the ability to plan even a single part of such a complex system. This perfect structure in pine cones is the artistry of our Almighty Lord.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

A ginkgo leaf on a tree today is no different from the one that grew 50 million years ago or even before. The same holds true for all living organisms on Earth. The fact that they have remained unchanged amazes many evolutionist scientists. It has made many of them change their outlook, and brought others to see that evolution, which they had been defending for years, is only a fraud. Those evolutionists who insist in their error in spite of these facts are being entirely ideological, not scientific.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

Ferns that grew 320 million years ago were photosynthesizing, absorbing water from soil, taking benefit of sunlight and reproducing by spores just like those alive in our day. These plants that have the same features for hundreds of millions of years have clearly not evolved. However, Darwinists fail to recognize this obvious fact, due to their ideological concerns.


Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA

Zelkova serrate is native to Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. In Japan, it is known as keaki, a deciduous tree growing from 20 to 35 meters (65 to 114 feet) tall, with quite broad leaves.

Like all other plants, keaki have remained the same since the time they first existed, and fossil record supports this. The fossilized keaki leaf pictured is 45 million years old, but identical to the keaki leaves of today.


Age: 50 million years   
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Insentient atoms cannot come together coincidentally and make up a single cell of the ginkgo leaf, with its perfect appearance. Yet this is exactly what Darwinists claim. That is why they try to prove that unconscious atoms have succeeded at doing so, and why they constantly seek intermediate forms they have yet to find. However, as in the past, what they continue to encounter are living fossils.

One example is the 50-million-year-old ginkgo leaf pictured.


Age: 50 million years old         
Period: Eocene

Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada
This mountain alder leaf from the Eocene epoch (54 to 37 million years ago) displays the features of our day' s mountain alder leaves. The details in the leaf' s vein system are preserved perfectly, providing evidence, contradicting evolution, that the species has undergone no change.





Age: 300 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Saint Clair, Pennsylvania, USA

During excavations over the past 150 years, not a single half-developed, supposedly primitive plant fossil possessing the features of two different species (for instance, a half-fern, half-shrub) has been found. This demolishes any claim that plants have evolved. Other findings that invalidate this claim are the countless fossils of plants still living today. The 300 million-year-old fern is one of these "living fossils" that reveals that evolution is a deception.


Age: 65-23 million years
Period: Early Tertiary
Location: New Bamberg, Germany

The structure of cones, organs on conifers that contain the plant's ovaries, has remained the same for millions of years, as with the structures of all other living species. This cone, 65 to 23 million years old, and identical ones of our day are one of the important examples revealing that throughout these long ages, evolution has never occurred.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

Fossil findings have put evolutionists in such a position that they can no longer defend their claims regarding the origins of plants. N.F. Hughes, an evolutionist paleobotanist, confesses as such:

. . . With few exceptions of detail, however, the failure to find a satisfactory explanation has persisted, and many botanists have concluded that the problem is not capable of solution, by use of fossil evidence. (N. F. Hughes, Paleobiology of Angiosperm Origins: Problems of Mesozoic Seed-Plant Evolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976, pp. 1-2.)

One of the specimens that make it impossible for Darwinists to defend the theory of evolution is the 320-million-year-old fern pictured. Evolutionists fail to give any explanation for this example, which is one of the countless fossils showing that plants have not evolved, but were created by God.


Age: 37-23 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Bonanza, Utah, USA

Evolutionists claim that plants originated from a common ancestor, yet they fail to offer a single scientific finding to prove it. On the other hand, innumerable findings show that plants were separately created, with features distinct to each species, and that they did not evolve. One of these is the 37- to 23-million-year-old sycamore branch that fossilized together with its seed pods. This fossil, which is no different from the sycamores alive today, invalidates the theory of evolution.


Age: 70 million years
Period: Upper Cretaceous
Location: Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USA

A fig is the fruit of Figus, a genus of about 800 species of woody trees and shrubs. The 70-million-year-old fig fossil pictured reveals that evolutionists are unable to explain the origins of plants, along with that of animals. Other than a few speculations, the theory of evolution offers no information regarding the origins of tens of thousands of plants and their fruits and flowers. Moreover, all of these speculations are refuted by actual fossil findings.


Age: 308-294 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Jastrzebie, Poland

The seed fern fossil pictured is about 308 million years old, and it challenges evolution with its structure, unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

If the claims that living species develop by constantly changing were true, then during the hundreds of millions of years, ferns should have evolved into trees and germ cells had to change and develop totally different structures. But despite those 300 million years, no such change has been experienced and it will not happen in the future. Ferns of today are identical to those ferns that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. They have never experienced any evolutionary process, but were created with all their current features.


Age: 308-294 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Czerwionka, Poland

A fern is any of a group of plants classified in the phylum of Pteridophyta. Most species grow in damp environments, in between rocks or under trees. This example has survived to our day with no changes since the beginning of the Carboniferous period.

Along with leaves, the fossil record also provides specimens of fern spores. Spores are the single-celled reproductive bodies existing in some plants that are highly resistant to negative conditions. Ferns that reproduce through spores bear sporangia under their leaves that contain these cells.

Pictured is the underside of a fern leaf, which possesses the sporangia. For hundreds of millions of years, ferns have been reproducing in the same way and have preserved their physical features. Evolutionists, who claim that living species have gradually developed and constantly change, cannot explain this situation in any convincing scientific manner. This unchanging state of living species' structure shows that evolution has never occurred, that our Lord created them all.


Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada

Darwin himself was aware that his theory was contradictory, inconsistent and unrealistic and expressed his concerns in his articles and letters. For instance, in a letter to his close friend Asa Gray, a Harvard biology professor, he wrote that his theory of evolution was only a speculation:

I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science. (N.C. Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, 1979, p. 2.)

After Darwin, many scientists confirmed that the theory of evolution has no value and that it is only speculative. One of the branches of science that confirmed this was paleontology. All fossils collected so far demonstrate that evolution has never occurred with any of them. One fossil displaying this fact is the 50-million-year-old elm leaf fossil pictured.


Age: 300 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Liberty, Washington, USA

The theory of evolution's inability to explain the origins of plants is also confessed by evolutionists themselves. For instance, Eldred Corner, a professor in the Botanic Department of Cambridge University, expresses that fossils support not the evolution of plants, but the fact of Creation:

I still think that, to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favour of special creation. If, however, another explanation could be found for this hierarchy of classification, it would be the knell of the theory of evolution. Can you imagine how an orchid, a duckweed, and a palm have come from the same ancestry, and have we any evidence for this assumption? The evolutionist must be prepared with an answer, but I think that most would break down before an inquisition. (Dr. Eldred Corner, Evolution in Contemporary BotanicalThought, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961, p. 97.)

As Corner also states, fossil findings reveal that plants have not originated from a common, imaginary ancestor but were created individually with all the features they currently possess. One of the fossils displaying this fact is the 300-million-year-old palm fossil pictured. Palms have remained the same for hundreds of millions of years, which stresses the baseless nature of the theory of evolution.


Age: 320 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

Plants have extremely complex structures, and it is impossible for them to have emerged through coincidental effects or for one species to have transformed into another, as evolutionists claim. Fossil record also reveals that different plants have emerged on Earth momentarily, with structures peculiar to them and that they had no evolutionary "ancestors" before them, as evolutionists claim.

For instance this 320-million-year-old fossil fern indicates that these plants have not changed for hundreds of millions of years. Ferns in our day are no different from those that lived 320 million years ago. In the face of this fact, evolutionists can give no reasonable scientific answer.