According to Islam, the End Times are a blessed age that all believers have longed for over the centuries, when woes and shortages are replaced by plenty and abundance, injustice by justice, immorality by virtue and conflict by peace and security, when the moral virtues of Islam rule the world. The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) contain detailed descriptions of this time and its characteristics. During this time, God will make a servant with superior virtues known as the Mahdi (meaning he who guides to the right path) His instrument in leading people to salvation. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will first wage an intellectual struggle within the Islamic world and return Muslims who have broken away from the essence of Islam back to true faith and moral values. Later, together with the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the Islamic and Christian worlds will unite in a single belief and the world will enjoy a time of peace, security, happiness and well-being known as the Golden Age. |
The Enlightenment in the 18th century and the 19th-century
materialism that followed turned European society away from the revealed
faiths, and the spiritual vacuum that resulted brought in the 20th
century many false Eastern faiths to the Western way of thinking,
particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. These false faiths played a
significant role in eliminating the deep-rooted influence of religious
moral values in society, in causing the adoption of the materialist
world view and in deceiving people on a spiritual quest with “a false
religion that opposes belief in God.”
Many people today seek peace and happiness in these false
religions. Eastern religions espouse many heretical and distorted
teachings, and all these religions’ practices conflict with both reason
and logic. Above all else, these religions contain teachings that
legitimize racism and violence.
All those who sincerely believe in God must wage a multi-faceted
intellectual struggle against such movements that turn people away from
belief in God and seek to replace the moral virtues taught by all the
revealed faiths with materialist and superstitious beliefs. One of the
things that needs to be done to that end is to reveal the huge gulf
between a world filled with the peace, justice, equality, mutual aid,
compassion, affection and love taught by the revealed faiths and a life
style based on spiritual and physical perversion in superstitious
faiths. It must not be forgotten that the aim of a great many people in
Western society who sympathize with these heretical faiths is in fact
to draw attention to themselves with their unusual and outlandish
behavior. On the other hand, they mistakenly think they will find
happiness in these religions. But by turning away from the true paths
of the true faiths communicated by God through His messengers they
inflict terrible damage and a depressing world full of woe, fear and
hardship on themselves. It needs to be known that true happiness in
this world and the Hereafter is only possible through sincere faith in
God and in abiding by His verses.
Superstitious teachings that will do nobody any good are advertised on television programs and in newspapers and magazines, and some people influenced by this indoctrination, looking for something and unaware of what they are doing, start doing the same things. The reiki fashion that has lately swept over the public is a product of the same deception. People who want to attract attention and be original are affected by these teachings’ propaganda. The fact is however, that reiki is a huge deception and can never lead people to salvation. Man has no other friend, helper or guide than God. No power other than God can wreak any harm or bestow any benefit.
New Age beliefs, that atheist and materialist circles are trying to keep alive using various different propaganda techniques, are intended to turn people away from belief in God and cause them to abandon the moral values bestowed by religious virtues and replace God’s revelation with superstition. Present-day practices such as yoga, meditation, bio-energy therapies and transcendental meditation occupy a significant place in superstitious beliefs. Astrology, the tarot cards, fortune-telling and mediumism also represent a significant part of this culture. Heretical New Age beliefs include karma, reincarnation, reiki, feng shui, astral body, the belief in the power of crystals over the human body, black and white magic, telling the future, believing that talismans can ward off evil spirits, summoning the devil, telepathy and telekinesis. One frequently hears these terms these days as part of materialists’ propaganda activities.
God explains everything in the finest and wisest manner in the Qur’an, and reveals the true path to them through it. People who abide by the Qur’an are those who think most rationally, always make the best decisions, behave best and are the finest quality, most select, lovable and compassionate people in the world, who harm no-one but who benefit themselves and all those around them.
Under the influence of some publications opposed to God and religion, however, some people have a misconceived idea of Muslims and think they are not all modern or rational. Of course the role of some people who describe themselves as Muslims, but who live in a manner far removed from the moral values commanded by God in the Qur’an, in the formation of that mistaken view cannot be denied.
The fact is that every Muslim who embodies the moral virtues enjoined in the Qur’an is not only modern, but super-modern and exceedingly rational. The nobility in their appearance, demeanor and behavior carries them beyond the modernity and rationality of the time they live in. So much so that if the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) were to appear today he would immediately be recognized as the most contemporary person of this century. And even of the centuries to come.
The love of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) has bestowed moral virtues on Christians down the ages. In the Qur’an, God describes Christians as "the people most affectionate to those who believe" and says:
... That is because some of them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant. (Surat al-Ma’ida, 82)
In another verse He refers to Christians’ positive moral values:
Then We sent Our Messengers following in their footsteps and sent Jesus son of Mary after them, giving him the Injil. We put compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. (Surat al-Hadid, 27)
Throughout the course of history, Christians have experienced various forms of oppression, chosen lives of hardship by withdrawing from the joys of this world, and made great sacrifices. These things are all important signs of their sincerity. However, that sincerity needs to be strengthened still further in this time when the return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is close at hand.
• According to Christian sources, too, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth. The Gospel refers to the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) many times.
• According to Christian sources, too, the return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is close at hand. Many Christians believe that the second coming is imminent because almost all the portents in the Gospel and the Torah regarding the coming of the Messiah have come about.
• According to Christian sources, too, the return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be the greatest happening in the history of the world. Since such a Prophet as Jesus (pbuh), blessed by God, will soon be returning to Earth, the preparations for that must be made and the matter kept constantly on the agenda.
• Since the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will unite all believers when he returns, all disagreements, disputes and quarrels among Christians that will be meaningless in the near future must be set aside now.
• When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns, all Christians and Muslims who believe in him will unite in a common belief, so we must strive from now on to overcome all prejudice and distrust between Christians and Muslims.
The final book of the Injil, "Revelation", says:
… "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his [Messiah], and He will reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)
There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in him before he dies… (Surat an-Nisa’, 159)
It is indicated in this verse of the Qur’an that when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns everyone will believe in him, and that faith will thus rule the world in the End Times.
All Christians must share the awareness, fervor, passion, excitement and joy of this approaching great event. As Muslims who share these feelings, we call on Christians:
Come, let us prepare for the approaching return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) together. Let us respect the differences between our beliefs in the knowledge that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will teach us the truth. Let us strive to fill the world with the peace, brotherhood, compassion and love that he will wish to see. Let us together wage an intellectual struggle against philosophies and ideologies that are hostile to him and deny the existence of God.
Come, let us together await one of the greatest miracles and gladdest tidings in the history of the world.
The fact that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth is most important for Muslims. By a miracle from God, he is a prophet who was born with no father, called the People of Israel to the truth and showed them many miracles. He is the Messiah and, as revealed in the Qur’an, "the word of God" (Surat an-Nisa’, 171). With his return to Earth, disputes between Muslims and Christians, who believe in God in the same way, share the same moral values and are, again as revealed in the Qur’an, "the most affectionate" (Surat al-Ma’ida, 82) to one another will be resolved and these two greatest religious communities will be unified. Members of the other revealed religion, the Jews, will find guidance by believing in the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the Messiah (Surat an-Nisa’, 159). In this way, the three revealed faiths will be united, and there will be a single faith on earth, based on belief in God. That religion will inflict an intellectual defeat on pagan beliefs and philosophies that deny God. The world will thus be freed from wars, conflicts, racial and ethnic enmities, oppression and injustice, and mankind will enjoy a “Golden Age” of peace and happiness.
This is without doubt one of the greatest events in the history of the world. This climate in which the three revealed faiths will be united means that the whole continent of America, Europe, the Islamic world, Russia and Israel will establish an alliance based on common belief, a thing that has never been brought about in the world before. The peace, security, stability and happiness this union will bring to the world have never before been established, either, nor anything like it.
Furthermore, the fact of the Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) return to Earth is one of the greatest miracles of all time. In the light of the signs imparted by God in the Qur’an, the hadiths of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) and comments by Islamic scholars, we believe that this blessed time is imminent. As Muslims, we feel great excitement at the imminent return of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and are doing all we can to prepare ourselves and the world for this blessed guest.
We call on Christians to be as sensitive, aware and enthusiastic as possible on the subject.
Anyone looking at the position of Christians and Jews under Islamic rule in history with an unbiased eye will encounter one manifest reality: The People of the Book have always lived in peace and security under Islamic administration. Some even sought shelter in Islamic lands when they were oppressed by other rulers, and found the security they sought in Muslim countries. It is noted in the Qur’an that compared to members of other communities of believers, Christians will enjoy a particular friendship with Muslims. In this verse God describes how and why Christians are the people closest to Muslims: ... You will find the people most affectionate to those who believe are those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because some of them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant. (Surat al-Ma’ida, 82) The first instances of the closeness and warm relations described in the verse came in the time of the Prophet of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). Some oppressed Muslims were advised by the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) to Abyssinia, which was under the rule of the Christian King Negus, where they lived in peace and security. Excellent relations were established between Muslims and Christians in the early days of Islam, based on the principles of compassion, peace, respect, cooperation, mutual aid and freedom of religion, belief and worship. Aspects of social life such as marriage, trade and neighborliness were also implemented in such a way as to be role models for all Muslims and Christians. |
In the Qur’an a great deal of
information is provided about the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). It
is described how the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) came to the world without a
father, when Gabriel told Hazrat Mary the glad tidings, how he spoke
with people immediately after his birth and how he worked miracles even
as a baby through inspiration from God. Again as revealed in the
Qur’an, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was an exemplary servant and Messenger
of God throughout the course of his life. He preached the Injil, a
guide and counsel, confirming the Torah, and called on people to
sincerely serve God.
One of the main factors that weld Christianity and Islam together is the love for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) shared by the members of both faiths. It is described in the Qur’an how all the prophets communicated the same Divine message, told people glad tidings and also warned them, and also served as the finest role models for their communities. For that reason, Muslims believe in all the prophets and make no distinctions between them.
Like the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), Muslims also believe in the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and feel a great love and respect for him. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is described in the Qur’an as "the Messenger of God and His Word" (Surat an-Nisa’, 171); it is revealed that he is “a Sign” for mankind (Surat al-Anbiya’, 91); and very important information about his struggle, miracles and life is provided. Jesus the Messiah is praised as follows in this verse from the Qur’an:
When the angels said, “Mary, your Lord gives you good news of a Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 45)
Muslims believe that the Injil is a Divine scripture sent down from the Sight of God (but that it was subsequently corrupted by people, even though some of the true pronouncements in it have survived unchanged). They regard the Injil as a guide for Christians, sent down by God with qualities that distinguish between truth and error, lawful and unlawful. In one verse of the Qur’an the qualities of the Injil given to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is described thus:
And We sent Jesus son of Mary following in their footsteps, confirming the Torah that came before him. We gave him the Injil containing guidance and light, confirming the Torah that came before it, and as guidance and admonition for those who have piety. (Surat al-Ma’ida, 46)
There can be no clash between Islamic civilization and Western civilization, because the Judeo-Christian belief that constitutes the basis of Western civilization is in harmony and agreement with Islam, rather than in conflict with it.
The true faiths have provided the same basic belief and ethical model. They all possess the same essential beliefs regarding the existence and oneness of God, the purpose behind the creation of mankind and all beings, the ideal behavior and life style that is pleasing to God, the nature of the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, and what one must do for the eternal life.
When we look at the New Testament, the basis of Christianity, the Torah, the basis of Judaism, and the Qur’an, the basis of Islam, we see that the finest speech and behavior is recommended in interpersonal relations. The form of behavior that believers should adopt towards other people is described as follows in the New Testament:
… always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. (1 Thessalonians 5:15)
In many verses of the Qur’an, our Lord describes moral virtue, goodness and the importance of responding to evil with good, and He commands Muslims to treat Jews and Christians, the People of the Book, with affection.
We are explicitly told in the Qur’an that the People of the Book are closer to Muslims than are idolaters (meaning pagans or the irreligious). The People of the Book possess moral criteria, based on revelation from God, and the concepts of lawful and unlawful. For that reason, it is lawful for Muslims to eat food prepared by the People of the Book. In the same way, Muslim men are permitted to marry women from the People of the Book. These are things that will make warm human relations and the building of a peacefully shared life possible. Since such a moderate and affectionate perspective is advised in the Qur’an it is inconceivable for a Muslim to hold any other view.
God has told Muslims in the Qur’an to speak pleasantly to the People of the Book. There is no doubt that the most important feature common to Muslims and the People of the Book is faith in the One God:
… Only argue with the People of the Book in the kindest way saying, “We believe in what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to you. Our God and your God are One and we submit to Him.” (Surat al-‘Ankabut, 46)
Say, “People of the Book! Come to a proposition which is the same for us and you – that we should worship none but God and not associate any partners with Him and not take one another as lords besides God.” … (Surah Al ‘Imran, 64)
The proofs of Creation consist of all knowledge and facts that reveal the existence and oneness of God and His sublime power, omniscience and artistry. These are means whereby people become aware of and turn to God.
Revealing to the eyes of the heedless the details of many proofs of Creation and perfections that they are unaware of taking place all around them every day will be highly effective in doing away with that heedlessness. There are many signs leading to faith that everyone has grown used to seeing over the years and very few people even think about. A person’s own body is by itself a great proof of Creation. Our eyes are more complex and superior to even the most advanced cameras. All the systems in our bodies work together in great harmony and equilibrium, and chemical processes that can only take place in giant laboratories are carried out far more perfectly by our own internal organs. Jews, Christians and Muslims must work together in order to eradicate this culture of heedlessness and replace it with a culture based on thanks and obedience to God.
In many verses of the Qur’an people are called on to reflect on the facts cited above and to see and grasp these proofs of the existence and greatness of God. A few of the hundreds of verses on that subject are as follows:
Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the Moon as a light in them and made the Sun a blazing lamp? God caused you to grow from the earth then will return you to it and bring you out again. God has spread the earth out as a carpet for you so that you could use its wide valleys as roadways. (Surah Nuh, 15-20)
The universe is full of countless such details. Yet most people never stop to think of them in their daily lives. For that reason, preaching that describes proofs of Creation that people never think about will encourage the other party to reflect and play an important role in their appreciation of the might and power of God.
Every truly believing Christian, Jew and Muslim has a duty to do all he can in that regard. The correct course of action for Jews, Christians and Muslims who believe in the One God, seek to earn His good pleasure, fully submit themselves to Him, who are genuinely devoted to Him, who praise Him and basically share the same values, is to act together.
There must be an end to the historic problems, prejudices, misunderstandings and arguments and disputes based on bigotry between Christians, Jews and Muslims. It must not be forgotten that there is no time to lose. It is obvious that both sides must approach one another with understanding and compassion. The important thing is to mention common points, rather than differences, to be constructive rather than destructive, to help rather than to obstruct, to make things easy rather than difficult, to complete rather than separate and to unite rather than divide.
An intense propaganda, both overt and covert, has pervaded everywhere in the name of so-called evolution or so-called science. A newspaper you glance at, an advertising poster, a book you read, a film you see or a documentary you watch on television or on the Internet, they are all full of messages denying Creation and our Creator. Yet the proofs of Creation are everywhere. God created everything in the universe, what we see around us, from the cells in the depths of our bodies to the boundless galaxies. The perfection in these, the magnificent artistry and the grand order are proofs of that Creation.
There is no doubt that we are living in one of the times when the world stands most in need of peace, friendship and brotherhood. The wars and conflicts that left their mark on the 20th century are continuing full speed ahead in the new century, and innocent people across the world are suffering material and spiritual losses because of these wars.
However, certain circles are insisting on inciting conflict between two of the world’s great civilizations. Yet it is clear that the clash of civilizations these people are imposing is leading to a terrible tragedy for all mankind. One of the main ways of preventing such a disaster is the strengthening of dialogue and cooperation between civilizations.
The threat of radicalism: the good must unite against evil
It is ignorance that lies between radicalism’s ability to find supporters, even though it is a harmful and destructive movement. People who are not properly informed, or who are misinformed or only informed one-sidedly, may fall under the influence of extremist tendencies and may adopt the ideas put forward by them without judging them properly.
Intellectual activities carried out jointly by members of the three revealed faiths will be a means whereby the conditions that prepare the ground for radicalism are eliminated.
Muslims must treat the People of the Book, Christians and Jews, with respect, love and understanding and tell them of the Qur’an’s call for “unity in a common word” in the best manner possible. This call is the secret to an alliance between Islam, Christianity and Judaism:
Say, “People of the Book! Come to a proposition which is the same for us and you – that we should worship none but God and not associate any partners with Him and not take one another as lords besides God.” … (Surah Al ‘Imran, 64)
The aim of this call is to invite all believers to unite around common objectives, to strive together against atheism, hatred of religion and social and moral degeneration, and to spread moral virtues by working together. This call is issued to all honest, conciliatory and virtuous Jews, Christians and Muslims, who are supporters of moral virtue, peace and justice, and are of good conscience and common sense.