An Invitation To The Truth


An Invitation To The Truth

The Story of Darwin the Barrel-Mixer and Those Who Believe in Hi

When Darwin the barrel-mixer was young, he went on a boat trip. On this voyage, he thought he would find the answers to some questions about living things.

Darwin: Here are the Galapagos Islands; I’ll do my research here.

While wandering across the islands, Darwin came across some interesting-looking birds with very attractive colors.

Darwin: The beaks of those birds are very interesting. How did they get those beautiful wings, I wonder?

After a long trip, Darwin returned to England and continued thinking about the creatures he had seen and how they came into existence.

Darwin: Did these birds come into being by chance? If so, how did those peacocks get such wonderful feathers? I’m getting tired trying to explain it.

In the years that followed, Darwin continued his work. But the scientific instruments of his day were too primitive to let him examine the inner workings of cells. So, he made several errors.

Darwin: Cells are very important. I should explain their existence first.

With his primitive scientific instruments, Darwin couldn’t see that cells were composed of several structures, which he could perceive only as spots. Using his primitive instruments, Darwin drew false conclusions, believed they were true, and he was happy.

Darwin, jumping up and down and shouting for joy: Cells are only simple, tiny structures that probably came into being by chance.

But caught up in this wrong idea, Darwin still had many questions to answer.

Darwin asked himself: There are so many species of living things in the world. How did they all come into being from one cell?

Even though Darwin’s idea was erroneous, he thought it was true and proposed the theory of evolution. According to his idea, living creatures developed by chance from inanimate matter. First of all, an imaginary first cell inexplicably came into being, and then all living creatures supposedly evolved from this one cell.

Darwin’s being an atheist exerted a great influence on his thinking. With this theory, he would advance a series of ideas that would give strong support to atheism.

Darwin’s book

Darwin explained his ideas in a book, The Origin of Species, published in 1859.

At that time, the misstatements and errors contained in that book gave great support to some people who did not believe in God.

But even so, Darwin was not happy because some scientific developments which occurred after he proposed his ideas caused him great difficulty. For example, an Austrian botanist (or plant scientist) by the name of Gregor Mendel made experiments with plants and, as a result, proposed what he called the laws of heredity— which proved that Darwin’s claims as set out in the theory of evolution were untenable.

Darwin (anxious and unhappy): Mendel has discovered the laws of heredity. What can I do now?

When we examine his evolutionary theory, we see that Darwin believed living things were simple structures. But this was not so. One day, a friend of Darwin’s who did not accept his claims came to see him and started a conversation:

Friend: Charles, your claims are not convincing. Living beings of such perfection could not have come into being by chance, from inanimate matter. No such event could ever happen.

Darwin: Why not? The world is very old. I think that over time, inanimate matter could have jiggled itself together to form living things.

Friend: You claim that humans, fish, horses, plants and everything else came into being by chance, through the wind and the Sun’s rays. But very few are convinced. So, do you still insist on this?

Darwin: Yes.

Friend (patiently): And you also propose that these magnificent living things were formed when one single cell divided by chance and came together—again by chance?

Darwin: Yes.

Friend: But you have no clear proof. You’re just guessing. If you believe that these things happened by chance, it would be easy for you do an experiment under the right conditions and form a cell.

Darwin (after a short pause): I think I could make one.

Friend: There’s one point that you didn’t consider when you proposed your theory, and that is that there is no consciousness in the natural world. Rocks, soil, lightning and the Sun’s rays can’t think on their own. They can’t do experiments. And there is something else that you overlooked. You are not unconscious like a rock or soil; like all human beings, you have the ability to think. You will take advantage of this in your experiments, but you will see that the results will still be the same. You cannot form a conscious, living being from inanimate matter.

Darwin (long silence) . . . .

Friend: Let’s do an experiment to show that your theory is wrong. Let’s call it the “barrel experiment.”

Darwin: The barrel experiment?

Friend: Why are you worried? Don’t you think that a barrel and the proper materials are enough?

Darwin: I hope so.

Friend: In this experiment, you can use anything you need—and in whatever proportions you determine.

Darwin (thinking out loud): The environment of the experiment will be more advantageous for me than a natural environment. I will be able to prove my theory!

Friend: Well, then, let’s consider everything and try to imagine what this experiment will prove.

Darwin: All right.

Friend: I can tell you plainly that you will not be able to do it. No matter what you do, you will never produce a living being from inanimate matter.

After their conversation, Darwin and his friend considered all the stages of the experiment and started to make the necessary preparations. First of all, Darwin bought a barrel from a shop.

Darwin: I want to buy this barrel.

Then he made a guess about the elements that make up a living thing.

Darwin: Here’s the carbon. And here are the phosphorus and the magnesium.

Just before doing the experiment, Darwin hired an assistant to complete the preparations.

Darwin: Everything is ready. The temperature and the humidity are right.

First, Darwin put the appropriate amounts of the elements into the barrel.

Darwin: Yes, I’ll add a little iron.

Thinking that the Sun plays an important role in the combining of the elements, Darwin asked his assistant to heat the mixture.

Darwin: Be careful, not too hot.

Darwin didn’t forget the lightning. He took the barrel outside in a heavy storm.

Darwin (looking anxiously at the sky): I wonder if I should wait a bit longer for the lightning?

Darwin included the possibility of earthquakes in his calculations. He and his assistant periodically shook the barrel containing the mixture.

Darwin: Not so fast! You’ll spill it.

Assistant (thinking out loud): What a strange experiment!

And he thought that it might help to stir the liquid in the barrel from time to time.

Darwin : Soon the first cell should come into being.

Assistant (thinking out loud): I don’t think so.

Darwin : Pay close attention to how I stir it with this ladle.

Assistant (thinking out loud): What am I doing here?

After performing the required procedures, Darwin decided to check the mixture.

Darwin: The big day is now here. Would you bring me a bit of the mixture, please?

Assistant: Right away.

Darwin poured out the liquid from the tube. His assistant looked on to see what will happen, as Darwin examined the mixture with a primitive microscope.

Darwin: Let’s see. How many cells are there?

All of a sudden, Darwin the barrel-mixer shouted in anger. He did not expect this result.

Darwin: What does this mean?

Assistant:   What, sir?

Darwin: I don’t believe it; there must be some mistake.

Darwin (sadly): There’s nothing here.

Darwin: I wonder where we went wrong. It didn’t work this time, so let’s do it again.

Darwin worked on this first experiment for a long time without achieving any results. He didn’t acknowledge the facts and, instead of conceding that living things could not be formed in this way, he decided to do a new experiment.

Darwin: This can’t be possible. I must have made a mistake somewhere. Let me think. Maybe I didn’t add enough nitrogen. And I think I could have reduced the amount of oxygen.

And it all started over again . . . 

Darwin: This time, I’ll mix it faster. (To his assistant) Let’s reduce the temperature.

Then the assistant lowered the temperature.

Darwin: We have to shake it more. Get someone else in here.

Another person came in, and they all shook the barrel together.

Darwin: Shake it. Shake it faster!

The experiment continued for years in this way . . . but Darwin’s attempts to prove his theory were in vain.

Darwin: I wonder if more lightning would have made this work?

Every once in a while, Darwin would leave his experiment and look into his microscope to see what changes had taken place in the mixture. But there were none.

Darwin: It’s not working. It’s not working.

Assistant:   It’s time to get out of here . . .

Darwin: Come here! Don’t run away. This time it’s going to work, I promise.

Years passed without any change. Darwin still couldn’t do it.

Darwin: What am I going to do now?

Darwin: I’ve tried everything. No living thing has come into being, not even a single cell. I’ve tried everything. I’ve used every method, but with no success.

Darwin: What if I throw in a snail and say that it was formed in the experiment? But no, that lie will be found out like the other ones I told.

Later, Darwin and his friend met again to discuss the experiment.

Friend: What do you say, Charles? You see for yourself that your experiment was a failure. You must have abandoned your ideas by now.

Darwin: No. My ideas have not changed. No matter what you say, I still believe that I can form living things from inanimate matter.

Friend: You’re wrong. Life requires a particular creation. Nothing comes into being by chance.

Darwin: I think that everything comes into being by chance. Let’s wait and see.

After this conversation, Darwin and his friend left each other. Many years passed, and Darwin died.

At the beginning of the 20th century many important scientific developments occurred, each of them proving how wrong Darwin’s theory was.

In the 1900s, the science of genetics was born, and shortly afterwards the structure of genes and chromosomes was discovered.

The various components that make up a cell

In 1955, James Watson and Francis Crick demonstrated the structure of the DNA molecule. To explain DNA briefly:

Francis Crick & James Watson

In the nucleus of every cell in your body, there is a DNA molecule, containing all the information about your body. The color of your hair and your eyes, information about your internal organs, your external appearance, your height, and all your other characteristics are all encoded in your DNA. To understand how much information is contained in DNA, consider this comparison:

If you wrote down the information in one DNA molecule, it would fill a library of 900 volumes of 500 pages each. To house these encyclopedias, you would need a library as long as a football field. This much information, invisible to us, is contained in one single molecule.

DNA proves that cells could not have come into being by chance. This is one of the countless clear proofs of God’s existence.

We have mentioned just a few of the developments that occurred in the last century. Every branch of science separately affirms the invalidity of evolution. Despite this, evolutionists continue to cling to Darwin’s “explanations.” They even add new fabrications to the old ones. But these will still not make Darwin’s famous barrel experiment work, because evolutionists still do not think scientifically. They do not accept the fact that the Almighty God created all living things.

Very well, what has changed in Darwin’s theory in the meantime? Let’s look at a conversation between scientists who believe in the evolutionist myth, and those who don’t:

Scientist 1: Darwin’s resources were limited. In his day science was at a very low level. He could not prove evolution under those conditions.

Scientist 2: Maybe we can do what he couldn’t. We will prove that a cell can come into existence by chance.

Scientist 3: I don’t agree. No living creature will come out of your cherished barrel.

Scientist 1: Our laboratories are filled with high-tech instruments. Now we know more about living things. We have discovered the structure of cells. Perhaps human beings will soon produce a living thing.

Scientist 2: Let’s try it again.

Scientist 3: You’re wrong. People who think like you have been waiting by their barrels for a hundred years. You can wait for hundreds of years more, but still nothing will happen. Remember, Darwin didn’t get the results he wanted.

Scientist 1: Why not give it a try? We might succeed.

Scientist 2: Let’s see what happens.

Scientist 3: No! You can wait a million years, but nothing will happen. To create life, it isn’t enough to assemble all the elements in living things. Only God creates and gives life.

After their conversation, the three scientists make a decision.

Scientist 3: Alright, we have many more resources than Darwin had; let’s use them all and do an experiment. You will see the results, and maybe then you will accept the truth.

Scientist 1: OK.

Scientist 2: Let’s get started.

And they try the experiment again . . .

Scientist 1: There, I’ve made a mixture of gasses that I think were in the Earth’s primal atmosphere.

Scientist 2: I’ve made an artificial source of electrical discharge.

Scientist 1: Let’s boil the gas mixture at 100 degrees Centigrade for a week.

Scientist 2: Let’s apply a continuous electrical charge to the mixture. That may work better.

An electrical charge is applied to the mixture and it is heated constantly. What will be the result?

Scientist 1: It’s been a week. Let’s put some of the mixture in a test tube.

Scientist 2: But there are no test tubes in nature. . . !

Scientist 1: Never mind. We can’t do it any other way. It will just be a little deception.

Scientist 2: Alright. You’re very sly. Let’s see if it will work.

The scientists are amazed when they examine the mixture. There is still no cell.

Scientist 1: I don’t believe it; it still didn’t work.

Scientist 2: We’ve done everything. How could it not work?

Scientist 1: We have all the resources and we’ve tried everything but we couldn’t produce a single cell.

Scientist 2: Come on, let’s give up.

Like Darwin’s dream, the dream of these scientists also comes to an end.

Scientist 3: You see? I told you so. Inanimate matter cannot create life by itself. This is only a deception devised by some people that don’t believe in God.

Scientist 1(stubbornly): By the 21st century we will be proven right.

Scientist 2: Maybe we have failed so far. But soon we will do it; you will see.

Scientist 3: Gentlemen. It’s not possible; admit it. To prove the theory of evolution, you’ve added things to your experiment that do not exist under natural conditions. But you turned a blind eye to that. You had every resource at your disposal. And you carried out the whole experiment according to your own planned program.

Scientist 1: Yes, so what?

Scientist 3: You made a plan and did the experiment. You didn’t leave the experiment to chance; you calculated every stage of it. But, as you know, inanimate matter cannot decide to combine and then implement it. You did that and you failed. And you can wait a few weeks or a few years, but you still won’t be able to do it. You can bequeath this experiment to those who come after you for thousands or even millions of years but you will never be able to bring a perfectly formed living thing out of that barrel.

Since you have not been successful in this experiment in spite of all your plans and technological resources, how can you expect that living beings could be formed out of unconscious matter?

For living things to come into being, there must first of all be a delicate and precise measurement of the necessary elements and a superior knowledge to direct and assemble them. These are found in the infinite intelligence of the Almighty Lord. Living things did not come into being by themselves, but were created by God, the Lord of all the worlds.

All the followers of Darwin up to the present time have been proven wrong. But some among them have not still lost their belief in the barrel. The most noted evolutionists have all waited patiently, hopefully, expectantly around this barrel.

Let’s now look at the situation in which two evolutionist scientists find themselves.

Evolutionist 1: How can this be? Why has no living thing emerged? We’re trying everything.

Evolutionist 2: What answer can we give to the creationists? All the scientific research has shown them to be right.

Evolutionist 1: No matter what, we can’t accept creation. People must not think that people who believe in God are right. We’ll have to keep up the lie; there’s no other choice.

These scientists can’t obtain any results, either.

Now, we’ll introduce you to one of the cells that make up your body.

Hi! I’m a cell. There are about a hundred trillion of my friends, making up your body. We form you by dividing in your mother’s womb. We play a part in every activity you do throughout your whole life. We work for you every time you breathe, walk, eat, digest, see and feel. Inside us we have energy producing power stations, transportation systems to move products from one area to another, pipelines, information banks containing data about all the products and laboratories.

We are made up of numerous proteins,  not one of which can come into being by chance. So, we did not come into existence by chance, either. How could this marvelous system come into being by chance with its factories, information banks, laboratories, energy centers and transportation systems? Of course, it couldn’t.

Now let’s read what some famous scientists have said about the impossibility of life emerging by chance:

The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein. —Sir Fred Hoyle

Sir Fred Hoyle

The most elementary type of cell constitutes a “mechanism” unimaginably more complex than any machine yet thought up, let alone constructed, by man. —W.H. Thorpe

Some scientists are aware of the miracle of cells. They acknowledge that life cannot come into being from inanimate matter. Darwin the barrel-mixer and evolutionists have made several false claims about cells and living things. But now you know very well that it is Almighty God Who created everything.

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