Age: 125 million years
Period:Lower Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
Cockroaches live anywhere on Earth, with the exception of the polar
regions, and can be traced for millions of years in the fossil record
with their flawless and fully developed structures. The specimen
pictured is 125 million years old. Cockroaches, having preserved their
structures since before 125 million years ago, announce that they never
underwent evolution, but were created. Darwinists too will be able to
see this evident truth once they rid themselves of their ideological
preconceptions. |
Age: 125 million years
Period: Jurassic
Location: Liaoning Province, China
Contrary to what evolutionists claim, these insects, various species of
which are encountered as fossils from the Carboniferous period (354 to
292 million years ago), have no evolutionary forerunners. Each species
appears suddenly in the fossil record with its own unique structure and
characteristics, and remains unchanged for so long as it remains in
existence. This fact makes it impossible for Darwinists to defend their
scenario of evolution. |
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
These arachnids, belonging to the arthropod phylum, have been given
this name because their structure is reminiscent of scorpions. However,
their anatomical characteristics are much closer to those of spiders
than of scorpions. The oldest known specimens lived in the Devonian
period (417 to 354 million years ago). And these invertebrates have
never changed since the moment they first appeared in the fossil
record. The fact that they remained unchanged for hundreds of millions
of years is proof that they never evolved. |
FLY (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
One of the most distinctive features of the fossil record is how
species remain unchanged during the geological periods in which they
appear. A species preserves the structure it has when it first appears
as a fossil until it either becomes extinct or else comes down
unchanged to the present, over the course of tens or even hundreds of
millions of years. This is clear evidence that living things never
evolved. There is no difference between this 50-million-year-old fly
fossilized in amber shown here and flies living today.
APHID (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
The aphid is a species of insect that feeds on plants
and is a member of the superfamily Aphidoidea. There are some 4,000
known species of aphids, divided into 10 families. The oldest aphids so
far identified lived in the Carboniferous period (354 to 290 million
years ago). They have not changed in the least in the more than 300
million years since. The 50-million-year-old aphid preserved in amber
in the picture is evidence that these insects have not changed since
the day they first came into being, in other words, they have not
evolved. |
HOMOPTERAN (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
Concerning the origin of insects, the fossil record once again confirms
that God has created all living things. Zoologist Paul-Pierre Grassé
admits that the theory of evolution is totally incapable of explaining
the origin of insects: "We are completely in the dark on the subject of
the origin of insects." (Paul-Pierre Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, p. 30.)
As fossils show, all insect species alive today have displayed their
same current flawless structures since the first moment they came into
being. They never developed in stages and never changed. One of the
proofs is this 50-million-year-old homopteran preserved in amber.
FLY (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
Like all other living things, flies appear suddenly in
the fossil record, complete with all their own particular structures.
They survive today with no changes in their sophisticated anatomy.
This fossil, preserved in 50-million-year-old amber,
shows that there is no difference between flies living that long ago
and present-day specimens. This once again reveals that evolution never
happened, and proves the manifest fact of Creation. |
JUMPING SPIDER (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
The oldest known spiders date back 400 million years. Some 40,000
species of spiders have been described, divided into 111 families. It is
estimated that there are another 200,000 species not yet been
identified and classified.
Every one of these spider species emerges suddenly in the fossil
record, with all its unique structures fully formed. Not a single fossil
exists to indicate that spiders developed from a primitive to a more
advanced stage, as evolutionists claim. There are, however, countless
fossils showing that spiders have always existed as spiders. Each of
these fossils once again confirms the fact of Creation.
SPIDER (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
Countless fossils belonging to different species of
spider show that these arachnids have existed in perfect form with all
the characteristics they now possess ever since they first came into
being. Not one is semi-developed. None has turned into any other life
form. To put it another way, spiders have always existed as spiders,
and will always continue to exist as such.
This spider preserved in amber is 50 million years old and
shows that, like other living things, spiders never evolved. |
CRANE FLY (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
These flies, belonging to the order Diptera, resemble very large
mosquitoes. Their distinguishing features are the length of their legs
and bodies. Some 14,000 species have been described to date,
representing one of the most numerous families in the order Diptera.
The countless fly fossils discovered to date show that these insects
have always existed as flies, they are not descended from any other
life form, and never underwent any intermediate stages. In other words,
they demolish evolutionist claims, showing us that they are the work of
Omniscient and Almighty God.
SPIDER (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
The 50-million-year-old spider fossil pictured is one
piece of evidence showing that spiders never evolved, but have always
existed as spiders. There is no difference between spiders that lived
50 million years ago and spiders living today. This once again reveals
that the theory of evolution is a figment of the imagination, and that
God has created all living things. |
PLANT BUG (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
Plant bugs (Miridae) are a family that wreaks the
greatest harm on crops and comprises a very large number of
species-approximately 6,000. They tear plant tissues and feed on the
The fossils acquired to date show that plant bugs have
always existed with the exact same characteristics. In other words,
like all living things, these insects never underwent any form of
evolutionary process. The 50-million-year-old fossil pictured is just
one of the indications of this.
APHID (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
The fossil record completely refutes the scenario
advanced by evolutionists. Yet even those evolutionists who have not
lost the ability to evaluate scientific findings in an unbiased manner
admit that the fossil record argues against the theory of evolution,
because that fact is crystal-clear.
One of these proofs is the 50-million-year-old aphid fossil
pictured. There is no difference between aphids living 50 million years
ago and those alive today. This totally demolishes the claim that
living things attained their present forms by a process of gradual
changes. |
FUNGUS GNAT (above left)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania
The hundreds of thousands of fossil specimens obtained to date all show
that living things never evolved different anatomical structures, but
have remained the same for hundreds of millions of years. Living species
that stay the same for that long deal a severe blow to Darwinism,
which maintains that living things are descended from one another and
developed by way of gradual changes.
One of the life forms that dealt such a grave blow to Darwinism is the
fungus gnat. The fossil pictured here is 45 million years old. These
unchanged insects are some of the proofs of the fact of Creation.
FUNGUS GNAT (above right)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Lithuania
Like all other living things, fungus gnats have remained
unaltered for millions of years, with the same wings, vision systems
and leg structures. Were evolutionists' claims true, then the fossil
record should show the gradual changes that fungus gnats supposedly
went through… For example, a great many fossils reminiscent of fungus
gnats should have been found whose wings have not yet formed fully or
whose eyes are only half-developed, and which have yet to achieve the
form they have today. Yet despite around a century of excavations all
over the world, not a single fossil specimen that might support
evolutionists' claims has ever been encountered. All the specimens
obtained are of fungus gnats with the same fully formed features they
now display. |
Age: 125 million years
Period: Lower Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Nova Olinda Member, Araripe Basin, Brasil
With their compound eyes and sublime flying abilities, dragonflies are
marvels of Creation. There is no difference between this dragonfly
larva from 125 million years ago and a modern-day specimen. This
demolishes the idea of the evolution of living things. The hollow,
groundless comments and publications of evolutionists that are produced
for propaganda only do not change this fact.