CENTIPEDE (above left)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
One environment in which fossils are preserved is amber. Resin emerging
from trees flow over a living thing, preserving it in its exact
original state, and such fossils trapped in amber point to a very
important fact, as do all other fossils: Living things have remained
unchanged for millions of years—in other words, they never underwent
The fossil centipede pictured is 50 million years old. According to
evolutionist claims, various alterations should have taken place in
these arthropods over the intervening millions of years, during which
they should have evolved into another species or life form. However,
there is no difference between centipede specimens that lived 50
million years ago and their present-day equivalents. These
invertebrates have remained the same for millions of years and are
clear evidence of Creation.
COCKROACH (above right)
Age: 128 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brasil
Cockroaches, which are encountered in the fossil record
from the Carboniferous period (354 to 290 million years ago) onwards,
are one of the important fossil species proving that living things
never evolved. These insects, which have remained unchanged for
hundreds of millions of years, reveal a truth that makes the denial of
Creation impossible. |

HUMPBACK FLY (above left)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
The humpback fly pictured is around 45 million years
old. There are some 3,000 species of these insects, part of the
Phoridae family. The insects have kept the same structures for millions
of years. If a living thing has undergone absolutely no change for 45
million years, then any claim that it is evolving is out of the
question. Fossils are the most important indication that evolutionists
are lying.
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
Gall midges give rise to the "galls" in plants, a
swelling that emerges with more rapid growth in particular locations
such as the plant's leaf or stem, due to the saliva secreted by larvae
of the organism in question. The larvae then feed on the excess plant
tissue that forms inside the gall.
Each insect species produces its own characteristic kind
of gall. These particular midges, which are generally very small,
appear with all their same structures in all fossils yet discovered. In
other words, this organism never underwent evolution.
Another insect whose immutable structures show that it
never evolved is the bog beetle. The fossilized amber pictured contains
a gall midge trapped alongside a bog beetle.

This is a double-sided, "mirror-image" fossil seen on the two halves of a rock.
Age: 54-37 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Utah, USA
Weevils, part of the Curculionidae superfamily, represent more than 60
separate species. When the fossil record is examined, it appears that
these bugs have always existed as weevils, did not evolve from any other
life form, have remained unchanged for tens of millions of years and
never developed into any other species. One of the proofs is the weevil
fossil pictured here. It is between 54 and 37 million years old, and
identical to specimens living today.

Here can be seen another double-sided, "mirror image" fossil.
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: British Columbia, Canada
With its structure and appearance, which have not altered for tens of
millions of years, the marchfly is one of the countless life forms that
challenge the theory of evolution. These insects, which average 3 to 12
millimeters (0.1 to 0.4 in) in length, emerge in the springtime, live
close to the surface of the soil, and damage plants. The organisms
belonging to this family are some of the oldest known flies.

CENTIPEDE (above left)
Age: 25 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Dominican Republican
Centipedes are exceedingly complex invertebrates whose bodies consist
of between 20 and 100 segments, each of which bears a pair of feet.
Thanks to this equipment, the creature is able to use its minimum of 40
feet it possesses in a perfect rippling motion. The fossilized
centipede pictured dates back around 25 million years, and came into
existence with exactly the same complex system as its descendants
today, which have survived by using the perfect equipment in their
body. It is Almighty God Who creates these centipedes now, Who created
them 25 million years ago, and Who endows them with all their flawless
structures, such as their immaculate locomotion system.
HISTER BEETLE (above right)
Age: 25 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Dominican Republic
General characteristics of the members of Histeridae
family include the truncated structure of their wings and their jointed
antennae. The well-preserved insect inside this amber specimen had the
same flawless, complete structure as specimens living today.
Evolutionists seek to convince people that all living things progress
from the primitive to the more highly developed, by way of slow
changes. Yet amber specimens millions of years old present clear
evidence to show that no such changes ever took place.

CENTIPEDE (above left)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
The fossil centipede pictured belongs to part of the Geophilidae
family. This species' body structure resembles a worm or ribbon, and
its antennae and legs are short. The fact that centipedes that lived 45
million years ago are exactly as members of the same family alive today
is evidence that Darwinism is a terrible deception. The fact revealed
by the evidence of fossil findings is that no evolutionary process ever
took place; and living things are created by Almighty God.
HONEYBEE (above right)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
This bee preserved in amber is identical to present-day
honeybees. These, with the same mechanisms they have possessed for
millions of years, continue living in the same social structure. No
"survival of the fittest" of the kind claimed by evolutionists is ever
to be seen in beehives. On the contrary, bees behave with the highest
levels of altruism and co-operation, in a beehive hierarchy consisting
of the queen, workers and males (or drones).
Imagine that the same number of humans as the number of
bees in a colony had to live together in close quarters, meeting all
their own needs by themselves. No doubt, it would be really laborious
for humans to establish the order established by bees. Yet from the
moment it hatches out of its cell, a bee knows how that order is to be
maintained, its duties within that order, and where, when and how to
behave. Moreover, no other bee manages these insects or tells them what
they need to do. They receive no training, but perform their duties in
an exceedingly disciplined manner. That is because bees are created
together with these characteristics, and possess exactly the same
features as bees that lived millions of years ago.

CENTIPEDE (above left)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
A centipede that lived 45 million years ago exhibits
perfect characteristics that are indistinguishable from those of
modern-day specimens. If living specimens provide no evidence that
evolution ever happened, if no evidence of any intermediate form has
ever been unearthed, this shows that the fossil record refutes the
theory of evolution. As in all other branches of science, the theory of
evolution has been completely discredited by the fossil record as
revealed by paleontology. Many evolutionists admit the truth of this,
as does Stephen Jay Gould:
The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the
fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology . . . We
fancy ourselves as the only true students of life's history, yet to
preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view
our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to
study. (S. J. Gould, "Evolution's Erratic Pace," Natural History, Vol.
86, No. 5, p. 14, May 1977.)
WASP (above right)
Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
Wasps belonging to this family have characteristically small
bodies and flattened heads. Like all other wasp species, members of
the Bethylidae family invariably appear with the same features and
structures in the fossil record. The meaning is evident: These wasps
that have remained unchanged over the course of tens of millions of
years never underwent evolution, but were created by Almighty God. |

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
In order to find a home to live in, soldier beetle larvae employ a
highly interesting technique. The larvae cling together en masse on a
piece of vegetation or branch in colonies consisting of an average of
460 individuals. However, this is no ordinary mass: From close up, it
bears a strong resemblance to a queen bee. When drone bees land on the
mass, the larvae attach themselves to the male's abdomen. This enables
the larvae to benefit from the new nest that the queen bee—which the
drone will seek out—will establish.
Observations have revealed that the larvae imitate not only the
appearance of queen bees but also their scent!
( These
highly intelligent tactics manifest evidence that these insects are
not the product of chance, but have been brought into being through a
sublime Creation.
SPRINGTAIL (above right)
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Poland
The springtail fossil pictured was obtained from the Baltic amber beds in Poland.
Springtails are part of the order Collembola. Organisms
belonging to this order are generally smaller than 6 millimeters (0.2
in) in size, and have 6 or fewer feet attached to their thorax. They
also have additional spring-like organs attached to their abdomens that
enable them to leap out of harm's way in the event of any attack by
All of these characteristics possessed by these insects
alive today, were also possessed by specimens alive 50 million years
ago. This proves that evolution, which maintains that living things are
in a process of constant change and gradually develop into other
distinct species, does not reflect the true state of affairs. The
fossil record reveals no changes or intermediate stages, but rather
demonstrates that living things have kept the same flawless
characteristics ever since the moment they came into being; and that
these species never change so long as they remain in existence. The
meaning of this is obvious: Living things never evolved, but were

Age: 45 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Russia
Darwinism is helpless in the face of the important discoveries of the
fossil record. To date, some 100 million fossils have been unearthed,
and all belong either to extinct life forms or to species that are
still alive today. Since no such thing as evolution ever took place, no
intermediate fossils exist in the Earth's fossil strata. Living things
survive with the same characteristics they have always possessed, never
undergoing any alteration. One of the proofs is this fossil amber
showing that queen flying ants and long-legged flies have always been
exactly the same for 45 million years. |

Age: 125 million years
Period: Lower Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
Scorpionflies, members of the order Mecoptera, are so called because of
their abdominal organs that resemble scorpions' stingers. The females
do not possess such sting-like organs. The 125-million-year-old fossil
scorpionfly pictured documents that the insects have stayed exactly the
same for millions of years and never underwent any evolutionary
process. In the face of this fact, documented by countless fossil
specimens, Darwinism has been condemned to collapse.