Age: 120 million years
Period: Mesozoic Age, Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
The theory of evolution claims that birds evolved from small therapod
dinosaurs—in other words, from reptiles. The fact is, however, that
anatomical comparisons between birds and reptiles refute this claim, as
does the fossil record.
The fossil pictured belongs to an extinct species of bird known as
Confuciusornis, the first specimen of which was discovered in China in
1995. Confuciusornis bears a very close resemblance to present-day birds
and has demolished the scenario of bird evolution that evolutionists
have proposed for decades.
In describing the imaginary evolution of birds,
evolutionists for years used the bird known as Archæopteryx as
evidence. All the subsequent scientific findings made, however, show
this claim to be untrue. The Conficiusornis fossil is another piece of
evidence showing that Archæopteryx cannot be the supposed forerunner of
This bird, from the same period as Archæopteryx (around
140 million years ago), has no teeth. Its beak and feathers have the
same characteristics as those of present-day birds. Its skeletal
structure is also identical to that of modern-day birds, and it has
talons on its wings, as does Archæopteryx. The structure known as the
pygostyle, which supports the tail feathers, is also present in this
bird. In short, this creature, the same age as Archæopteryx—which
evolutionists regard as the oldest supposed forebear of birds, as being
half-reptile and half-bird—bears a very close resemblance to
modern-day birds. This fact refutes evolutionist theses to the effect
that Archæopteryx is the primitive forerunner of all birds.
Messelornis cristata
Age: 50 million years
Period: Eocene
Location: Messel Shales, Germany
The bird fossil was named for having been discovered in the famous
Messel shales. None of the bodily mechanisms of birds, which have a
completely different structure from terrestrial life forms, can be
explained in terms of any gradual evolutionary model. First of all,
wings—the most important feature that makes birds what they
are—represent a complete impasse for the theory of evolution.
Evolutionists themselves state the impossibility of a reptile being
able to fly and indeed, that this claim is contradicted by the fossil
record. The ornithologist Alan Feduccia, for example, asks, "How do you
derive birds from a heavy, earthbound, bipedal reptile that has a deep
body, a heavy balancing tail, and fore-shortened forelimbs?
Biophysically, it's impossible." ("Jurassic Bird Challenges Origin
Theories," Geotimes, January 1996, p. 7.)
The fossilization of birds is generally a very rare and
difficult process because of the hollow structure of their bones. Bird
fossils that are very well-preserved with all their limbs are
frequently encountered, however, in the Messel Formation in Germany.
Messelornis cristata, shown here, is one of the species most frequently
discovered. This bird, resembling a small crane in size, is generally
included as part of the crane family. It has short feathers, long legs
and short nails. Its tail feathers, on the other hand, are quite long.
The crest on its head resembles a helmet. The total length of the
skeleton is 25 to 30 centimeters (9.8 to 11.8 in).
Some of the fossils belonging to different bird species obtained from the Messel Formation include:
Palaeotis (a kind of ostrich)
Parargornis (a kind of flycatcher)
Age: 144-65 million years
Period: Mesozoic Age, Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
All the fossils unearthed show that birds have always existed as birds,
and that they have not evolved from any other life form. Darwinists,
who maintain that birds evolved from terrestrial animals, are actually
well aware of this, and are unable to account for how wings and the
flight mechanism emerged through an evolutionary process and through
random mechanisms such as mutation.
The Turkish biologist Engin Korur admits the impossibility of wing
evolution: "The common feature of eyes and wings is that they can
perform their functions only when they are fully developed. To put it
another way, sight is impossible with a deficient eye, and flight is
impossible with half a wing. How these organs appeared is still one of
those secrets of nature that have not yet been fully illuminated."
(Engin Korur, "Gozlerin ve Kanatlarin Sirri" ("The Secret of Eyes and
Wings"), Bilim ve Teknik, No. 203, October 1984, p. 25.)
Powerful wing muscles must be securely attached to the
bird's breastbone, and have a structure suitable for lifting the bird
into the air and establishing balance and movement in all directions
when aloft. It is also essential that bird's wing and tail feathers be
light, flexible and in proportion to one another—that they should have a
perfect aerodynamic framework making flight possible.
At this point, the theory of evolution faces a major
dilemma: The question of how this wing's flawless structure could have
emerged as the result of a succession of random mutations goes
unanswered. "Evolution" can never explain how a reptile's forelegs
could have developed into a flawless wing as the result of impairments
in its genes—that is, mutations.
As the quotation cited on the preceding page states,
flight is impossible with just a half wing. Therefore, even if we
assume that a mutation of some kind did cause some kind of changes in a
reptile's forelegs, it is still irrational to expect that a wing could
emerge by chance, as a result of other mutations being added on. Any
mutation in the front legs would not endow the animal with wings, but
would deprive it of the use of its forelegs. This would leave the
creature physically disadvantaged (crippled, in other words) compared
to other members of its species.
According to biophysical research, mutations take place
only very rarely. Therefore, it is impossible to expect such
handicapped creatures to wait for millions of years for their
half-formed, functionless wings to be completed by small mutations.
Age: 120 million years
Period: Mesozoic Age, Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
The French scientific journal Science et Vie made the following comment
regarding this bird, now known as Confuciusornis sanctus: "According
to Chinese and American palaeontologists examining the fossil . . .
they were dealing with a first class discovery. This flying bird, the
same approximate size as a water rail, is around 157 million years old .
. . older than Archæopteryx." (Jean Philippe Noel, "Les Oiseaux de la
Discorde," Science et Vie, No. 961, October 1997, p. 83.)
The significance of this discovery is obvious; the fact that
Confuciusornis lived during the same period as a life form claimed to
have been the supposed forerunner of birds—and the fact that it bears a
very close similarity to present-day birds—totally invalidates
evolutionists' claims.
There are several structural differences between birds
and reptiles, one of the most important of these being bone structure.
The bones of dinosaurs—regarded by evolutionists as the supposed
ancestors of birds—are thick and solid, making them very heavy. On the
other hand, the bones of birds—both living and extinct species—are all
hollow and thus very light, which is of great importance in their being
able to fly.
Another difference between birds and reptiles is their
different metabolic rates. Reptiles have one of the slowest metabolisms
of all life forms on Earth, while birds hold the highest. Due to a
sparrow's very fast metabolism, for example, its body temperature may
sometimes rise to as high as 48°C (118.4 F). Reptiles are unable to
generate their own body heat, warming their bodies by basking in the
sun's rays. Reptiles consume energy the slowest, while birds consume it
the highest of all.
Despite his being an evolutionist, Alan Feduccia
strongly opposes the theory that birds and dinosaurs are related, on
the basis of scientific findings. On the subject of the dino-bird
evolution thesis, he has this to say:
Well, I've studied bird skulls for 25 years and I
don't see any similarities whatsoever. I just don't see it . . . The
theropod origins of birds, in my opinion, will be the greatest
embarrassment of paleontology of the 20th century. (Pat Shipman, "Birds
Do It … Did Dinosaurs?," New Scientist, 1 February 1997, p. 28.)
Age: 140 million years
Period: Mesozoic Age, Cretaceous
Location: Liaoning Province, China
Yet another discovery that invalidates evolutionist claims regarding
the origin of birds is the Liaoningornis fossil shown here. The
existence of this bird, around 140 million years of age and first
discovered in China in November 1996, was announced by the
ornithologists Lianhin Hou, and Martin and Alan Feduccia in an article
published in Science magazine.
Liaoningornis had a breastbone to which the flight muscles were
attached, as in present-day birds. It was also identical to birds living
today in all other respects. The sole difference was that it had teeth
in its jaw. This showed that odontornithes (toothed birds) by no means
had the kind of primitive structure claimed by evolutionists. Indeed,
in an analysis in Discover magazine Alan Feduccia stated that
Liaoningornis invalidated the claim that dinosaurs constitute the
origin of birds. ("Old Bird," Discover, 21 March 1997.) |
One of evolutionists' most unbelievable claims is the thesis
they propose to account for how terrestrial animals supposedly began to
fly. According to this tale, one that even primary school children
would find ridiculous, the forearms of reptiles that hunted flies
eventually turned into wings, and the animals began flying. This
thesis, a complete misery of logic, is just one of the countless
examples of the desperate straits in which Darwinism finds itself. So
great is the logical collapse Darwinists exhibited that they never even
consider the question of "How were the flies the reptiles were chasing
able to fly?"
The fact is that flies have an utterly immaculate flight
system. While human beings cannot flap their arms even 10 times a
second, an average fly is able to beat its wings 500 times a second. In
addition, both its wings beat simultaneously. The slightest
discrepancy between the movements of the two wings would cause the fly
to lose balance. Yet no such discrepancy ever arises. The biologist
Robin Wootton describes the perfection in the fly's wing:
The better we understand the functioning of insect wings,
the more subtle and beautiful their designs appear . . . Structures are
traditionally designed to deform as little as possible; mechanisms are
designed to move component parts in predictable ways. Insect wings
combine both in one, using components with a wide range of elastic
properties, elegantly assembled to allow appropriate deformations in
response to appropriate forces and to make the best possible use of the
air. They have few if any technological parallels—yet. (Robin J.
Wootton, "The Mechanical Design of Insect Wings," Scientific American,
Vol. 263, November 1990, p. 120.)
One of the main features of the fossil record is that
living things remain unchanged over the course of very lengthy periods
of geological time. There is no difference between this
50-million-year-old fossil fly and specimens alive today.
Specimens of winged insects are frequently encountered in
the fossil record, some of which are 300 million years old. The fossil
march fly in the picture is 50 million years old.
The countless mosquito fossils discovered to date show
that these animals have always been mosquitoes, that they did not
evolve from any other life form, and that they never underwent any
intermediate stages.
If the Darwinists' claims were true, then a great many other
animals famed for their high speed also would chase flies, and lions,
leopards, cheetahs and horses should also one day have grown wings and
started flying. Darwinists adorn these claims with scientific and Latin
terminology, and millions of people naively believe them. The fact is,
though, scientific findings openly and clearly reveal the invalidity
of evolutionist claims. Not a single example of a living thing
gradually acquiring wings has ever been encountered in the fossil
record. Research reveals that any such transition is impossible.
Believing in Darwinist
claims regarding the origin of flight means believing that cheetahs
will someday gain wings and fly, and that tigers will one day turn into
giant birds. No rational person could ever accept such an irrational