An Invitation To The Truth


An Invitation To The Truth

An Index To The Qur'an /-L- 1


The pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She (Maryam) said, 'Oh if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!' (19:23)


If their turning away is hard on you, then go down a tunnel deep into the earth, if you can, or climb up a ladder into heaven, and bring them a Sign. If Allah had wanted to He would have gathered them all to guidance. So do not be among the ignorant. ( 6:35)

Were it not that mankind might all become one community, We would have given those who reject the All-Merciful silver roofs to their houses and silver stairways to ascend. ( 43:33)

Or do they have a ladder on which they listen? Then let their listener bring clear evidence. ( 52:38)



There is no objection to the blind, no objection to the lame, no objection to the sick; nor to yourselves if you eat in your own houses or your fathers' houses or your mothers' houses or your brothers' houses or your sisters' houses or the houses of your paternal uncles or paternal aunts or the houses of your maternal uncles or maternal aunts or places to which you own the keys or those of your friends. There is nothing wrong in your eating together or eating separately. And when you enter houses greet one another with a greeting from Allah, blessed and good. In this way Allah makes the Signs clear to you so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (24:61)

There is no constraint on the blind, nor on the lame, nor on the sick. We will admit all who obey Allah and His Messenger into Gardens with rivers flowing under them. But We will punish with a painful punishment anyone who turns his back. (48:17)


Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The metaphor of His Light is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it. Light upon Light. Allah guides to His Light whoever He wills and Allah makes metaphors for mankind and Allah has knowledge of all things. (24:35)

Blessed be He Who placed constellations in the sky and put a blazing lamp and shining moon among them. (25:61)

O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, and a bringer of good news and a warner, and a caller to Allah by His permission and a light-giving lamp. (33:45-46)

In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate. We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and guarded it. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (41:12)

We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and made some of them stones for the Satans for whom We have prepared the punishment of the Blaze. (67:5)

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (71:15-16)

We built seven firm layers above you. We installed a blazing lamp. (78:12-13)


It (the charity) is for the poor who are held back in the Way of Allah, unable to travel in the land. The ignorant consider them rich because of their reticence. You will know them by their mark. They do not ask from people insistently. Whatever good you give away, Allah knows it. (2:273)

When you are travelling in the land, there is nothing wrong in your shortening your prayer if you fear that those who disbelieve may harass you. The disbelievers are your clear-cut enemies. (4:101)

He said, 'The land will be forbidden to them for forty years during which they will wander aimlessly about the earth. Do not waste grief on this deviant people.' (5:26)

(Salih said, 'My people,) remember when He appointed you successors to 'Ad and settled you in the land. You built palaces on its plains and carved out houses from the mountains. Remember Allah's blessings and do not go about the earth, corrupting it.' (7:74)

And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu'ayb who said, 'My people, worship Allah! You have no other god than Him. A Clear Sign has come to you from your Lord. Give full measure and full weight. Do not diminish people's goods. Do not cause corruption in the land after it has been put right. That is better for you if you are believers. (7:85)

The ruling circle of Pharaoh's people said, 'This is certainly a skilled magician who desires to expel you from your land, so what do you recommend?' (7:109-110)

They said, 'We suffered harm before you came to us and after you came to us.' He (Musa) said, 'It may well be that your Lord is going to destroy your enemy and make you the successors in the land so that He can see how you behave.' (7:129)

When you were few and oppressed in the land, afraid that the people would snatch you away, He gave you refuge and supported you with His help and provided you with good things so that hopefully you would be thankful. (8:26)

It is not fitting for a Prophet to take captives until he has thoroughly subdued the land. You desire the goods of this world, whereas Allah desires the hereafter. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (8:67)

Those who disbelieve are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (8:73)

An announcement to those idolaters you have a general treaty with that Allah and His Messenger are free of them: 'You may travel about in the land for four months and know that you cannot thwart Allah and that Allah will humiliate the disbelievers.' (9:1-2)

They said, 'Have you come to us to turn us from what we found our fathers doing, and to gain greatness in the land? We do not believe you.' (10:78)

No one believed in Musa except for a few of his people out of fear that Pharaoh, and the elders, would persecute them. Pharaoh was high and mighty in the land. He was one of the profligate. (10:83)

The Egyptian who had bought him told his wife, 'Look after him with honour and respect. It's possible he will be of use to us or perhaps we might adopt him as a son.' And thus We established Yusuf in the land to teach him the true meaning of events. Allah is in control of His affair. However, most of mankind do not know. (12:21)

And thus We established Yusuf in the land so he could live in any place he pleased. We grant Our grace to anyone We will and We do not allow to go to waste the wage of any people who do good. (12:56)

We sent none before you but men inspired with revelation from among the people of the cities. Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final fate of those before them? The abode of the hereafter is better for those who guard against evil. So will you not use your intellect? (12:109)

Do they not see how We come to the land eroding it at its extremities? Allah judges and there is no reversing His judgement. He is swift at reckoning. (13:41)

Those who disbelieved said to their Messengers, 'We will drive you from our land unless you return to our religion.' Their Lord revealed to them, 'We will destroy those who do wrong. We will leave you the land to live in after them. That is the reward of those who fear My station and fear My threat.' (14:13-14)

We said to the tribe of Israel after that, 'Inhabit the land and, when the promise of the hereafter comes, We will produce you as a motley crowd.' (17:104)

We will certainly make everything on it a barren wasteland. (18:8)

They said, 'Dhu'l-Qarnayn! Yajuj and Majuj are causing corruption in the land. Can we, therefore, pay tribute to you in return for your constructing a barrier between us and them?' (18:94)

Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. 'They worship Me, not associating anything with Me.' Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (24:55)

There was a group of nine men in the city causing corruption in the land and not putting things right. (27:48)

Pharaoh exalted himself arrogantly in the land and divided its people into camps, oppressing one group of them by slaughtering their sons and letting their women live. He was one of the corrupters. (28:4)

We desired to show kindness to those who were oppressed in the land and to make them leaders and make them inheritors and establish them firmly in the land and to show Pharaoh and Haman and their troops the very thing that they were fearing from them. (28:5-6)

But when he was about to grab the man who was their common enemy, he said, 'Musa! Do you want to kill me just as you killed a person yesterday? You only want to be a tyrant in the land; you do not want to be a reformer.' (28:19)

He (Pharaoh) and his troops were arrogant in the land without any right. They thought that they would not return to Us. (28:39)

Have they not travelled in the earth and seen the final fate of those before them? They had greater strength than them and cultivated the land and inhabited it in far greater numbers than they do. Their Messengers also came to them with the Clear Signs. Allah would never have wronged them; but they wronged themselves. (30:9)

Do they not see how We drive water to barren land and bring forth crops by it which their livestock and they themselves both eat? So will they not see? (32:27)

They swore by Allah with their most earnest oaths that if a warner came to them they would be better guided than any other community. But then when a warner did come to them, it only increased their aversion, shown by their arrogance in the land and evil plotting. But evil plotting envelops only those who do it. Do they expect anything but the pattern of previous peoples? You will not find any changing in the pattern of Allah. You will not find any alteration in the pattern of Allah. (35:42-43)

Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final fate of those before them? They were far greater than them in strength. Allah cannot be withstood in any way, either in the heavens or on earth. He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful. (35:44)

A Sign for them is the dead land which We bring to life and from which We bring forth grain of which they eat. (36:33)

Pharaoh said, 'Let me kill Musa and let him call upon his Lord! I am afraid that he may change your religion and bring about corruption in the land.' (40:26)

(A man among Pharaoh's people who believed, but kept his faith concealed, said,) 'My people! The kingdom is yours today, as masters in the land, but who will help us against Allah's violent force, if it comes upon us?' Pharaoh said, 'I only show you what I see myself and I only guide you to the path of rectitude.' (40:29)

Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final fate of those before them? They were more numerous than them and greater in strength and left more and deeper traces on earth, but what they earned was of no use to them. (40:82)

'Ad were arrogant in the land, without any right, saying, 'Who has greater strength than us?' Did they not see that Allah, Who created them, had greater strength than them? But they renounced Our Signs. (41:15)

Your Lord knows that you stay up nearly two-thirds of the night-or half of it, or a third of it-and a group of those with you. Allah determines the night and day. He knows you will not keep count of it, so He has turned towards you. Recite as much of the Qur'an as is easy for you. He knows that some of you are ill and that others are travelling in the land seeking Allah's bounty, and that others are fighting in the Way of Allah. So recite as much of it as is easy for you. And perform prayer and give the alms and lend a generous loan to Allah. Whatever good you send ahead for yourselves you will find it with Allah as something better and as a greater reward. And seek forgiveness from Allah. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (73:20)


We have not sent any Messenger except with the language of his people so he can make things clear to them. Allah misguides anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (14:4)

We know that they say, 'It is only a human being who is teaching him.' The language of him they allude to is a foreign one whereas this is in clear and lucid Arabic. (16:103)

Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and the variety of your languages and colours. There are certainly Signs in that for every being. (30:22)

If We had made it a Qur'an in a foreign tongue they would have said, 'Why have its Signs not been made plain? What! A foreign language for an Arab? 'Say: 'It is guidance and healing for people who believe. Those who do not believe have heaviness in their ears and for them it is blindness. Such people are being called from a very distant place.' (41:44)


A woman and a man who commit fornication: flog both of them with one hundred lashes and do not let compassion for either of them possess you where Allah's religion is concerned, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. A number of believers should witness their punishment. (24:2)

But those who make accusations against chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses: flog them with eighty lashes and never again accept them as witnesses. Such people are deviators. (24:4)


Among the people there are some who say, 'We believe in Allah and the Last Day,' when they are not believers. (2:8)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (2:62)

Who could do greater wrong than someone who bars access to the mosques of Allah, preventing His name from being remembered in them, and goes about destroying them? Such people will never be able to enter them-except in fear. They will have disgrace in this world and in the hereafter they will have a terrible punishment. (2:114)

And when Ibrahim said, 'My Lord, make this a place of safety and provide its inhabitants with fruits-all of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day,' He said, 'I will let anyone who disbelieves enjoy himself a little but then I will drive him to the punishment of the Fire. What an evil destination!' (2:126)

Who would deliberately renounce the religion of Ibrahim except someone who reveals himself to be a fool? We chose him in this world and in the hereafter he will be one of the righteous. (2:130)

It is not devoutness to turn your faces to the East or to the West. Rather, those with true devoutness are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, the Angels, the Book and the Prophets, and who, despite their love for it, give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travellers and beggars and to set slaves free, and who perform prayer and give the alms; those who honour their contracts when they make them, and are steadfast in poverty and illness and in battle. Those are the people who are true. They are the people who guard against evil. (2:177)

Divorced women should wait by themselves for three menstrual cycles; and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. Their husbands have the right to take them back within that time, if they desire to be reconciled. Women possess rights similar to those held over them to be honoured with fairness; but men have a degree above them. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (2:228)

When you divorce women and they are near the end of their waiting period, do not prevent them from marrying their first husbands if they have mutually agreed to it with correctness and courtesy. This is an admonition for those of you who believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and purer for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (2:232)

You who believe! Do not nullify your charity by demands for gratitude or insulting words, like him who spends his wealth, showing off to people and not believing in Allah and the Last Day. His likeness is that of a smooth rock coated with soil, which, when heavy rain falls on it, is left stripped bare. They have no power over anything they have earned. Allah does not guide disbelieving people. (2:264)

They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and compete in doing good. They are among the righteous. (3:114)

And (We have prepared a humiliating punishment) also for those who spend their wealth to show off to people, not believing in Allah and the Last Day. Anyone who has made Satan his comrade, what an evil comrade he is! (4:38)

What harm would it have done them to have believed in Allah and the Last Day and to have given of what Allah has provided for them? Allah knows everything about them. (4:39)

You who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in command among you. If you have a dispute about something, refer it back to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best thing to do and gives the best result. (4:59)

You who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Book He sent down to His Messenger, and the Books He sent down before. Anyone who rejects Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day has gone very far astray. (4:136)

But those of them who are firmly rooted in knowledge, and the believers, believe in what has been sent down to you and what was sent down before you: those who perform prayer and give the alms, and believe in Allah and the Last Day-We will pay such people an immense wage. (4:162)

Those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabaeans and the Christians, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (5:69)

The mosques of Allah should only be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and perform prayer and give the alms, and fear no one but Allah. They are the ones most likely to be guided. (9:18)

Do you make the giving of water to the pilgrims and looking after the Sacred Mosque (Masjid al-Haram) the same as believing in Allah and the Last Day and striving in the Way of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah. Allah does not guide wrongdoing people. (9:19)

Fight those of the people who were given the Book who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who do not make forbidden what Allah and His Messenger have made forbidden and do not take as their religion the religion of Truth, until they pay the poll tax with their own hands in a state of complete abasement. (9:29)

Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day do not ask you to excuse them from striving with their wealth and themselves. Allah knows the people who guard against evil. (9:44)

Only those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day ask you to excuse them. Their hearts are full of doubt and in their doubt they waver to and fro. (9:45)

And among the desert arabs there are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day and regard what they give as something which will bring them nearer to Allah and to the prayers of the Messenger. It does indeed bring them near. Allah will admit them into His mercy. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (9:99)

A woman and a man who commit fornication: flog both of them with one hundred lashes and do not let compassion for either of them possess you where Allah's religion is concerned, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. A number of believers should witness their punishment. (24:2)

And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu'ayb, he said, 'My people, worship Allah and look to the Last Day and do not act unjustly on earth, corrupting it.' (29:36)

You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah, for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much. (33:21)

You will not find people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having love for anyone who opposes Allah and His Messenger, though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their clan. Allah has inscribed faith upon such people's hearts and will reinforce them with a Spirit from Him and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. Such people are the party of Allah. Truly it is the party of Allah who are successful. (58:22)

There is an excellent example in them for you to follow, that is for those whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day. But if anyone turns away, Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. (60:6)

Then when they have reached the end of their waiting period either retain them with correctness and courtesy or part from them with correctness and courtesy. Call two upright men from among yourselves as witnesses and they should carry out the witnessing for Allah. This is admonishment for all who believe in Allah and the Last Day. Whoever has fear of Allah-He will give him a way out. (65:2)


To those who disbelieve, the life of this world is painted in glowing colours and they laugh at those who believe. But on the Day of Rising those who fear Allah will be over them. Allah provides for whoever He wills without any reckoning. (2:212)

Let them laugh little and weep much, in repayment for what they have earned. (9:82)

His wife was standing there and she laughed out loud. So We gave her the good news of Ishaq, and beyond Ishaq, Ya'qub. (11:71)

But you made a mockery of them so that they made you forget to remember Me while you were laughing at them. (23:110)

He (Sulayman) smiled, laughing at its words, and said, 'My Lord, keep me thankful for the blessing You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and keep me acting rightly, pleasing You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your servants who are righteous.' (27:19)

No wonder you are surprised as they laugh with scorn! (37:12)

When they see a Sign they only laugh with scorn. (37:14)

But when he came to them with Our Signs, they merely laughed at them. (43:57)

When an example is made of the son of Maryam your people laugh uproariously. (43:57)

(Has he not been informed) that it is He Who brings about both laughter and tears? (53:43)

Are you then amazed at this discourse and laugh and do not cry, treating life as a game? (53:59-61)

That Day some faces will be radiant, laughing, rejoicing. (80:38-39)

Those who did evil used to laugh at those who believed. (83:29)

So today those who believe are laughing at the disbelievers. (83:34)


And We have sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming and conserving the previous Books. So judge between them by what Allah has sent down and do not follow their whims and desires deviating from the Truth that has come to you. We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had Allah willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to Allah and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed. (5:48)


Allah erases whatever He wills or endorses it. The Master Copy of the Book is in His Hands. (13:39)

It is in the Source Book with Us, high-exalted, full of wisdom. (43:4)

We know exactly how the earth eats them away. We possess an all-preserving Book. (50:4)

Nothing occurs, either in the earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for Allah. (57:22)

No indeed! Truly it is a reminder, and whoever wills pays heed to it. Inscribed on Honoured Pages, inscribed on Honoured Pages, exalted, purified by the hands of scribes, noble, virtuous. (80:11-16)

It is indeed a Glorious Qur'an preserved on a Tablet. (85:21-22)


Mankind! Eat what is good and lawful on the earth. And do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He truly is an outright enemy to you. (2:168)

On the night of the fast it is lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives. They are clothing for you and you for them. Allah knows that you have been betraying yourselves and He has turned towards you and excused you. Now you may have sexual intercourse with them and seek what Allah has written for you. Eat and drink until you can clearly discern the white thread from the black thread of the dawn, then fulfil the fast until the night appears. But do not have sexual intercourse with them while you are in retreat in the mosques. These are Allah's limits, so do not go near them. In this way does Allah make His Signs clear to people so that hopefully they will guard against evil. (2:187)

('Isa said,) 'I come confirming the Torah I find already there, and to make lawful for you some of what was previously forbidden to you. I have brought you a Sign from your Lord. So have fear of Allah and obey me.' (3:50)

All food was lawful for the tribe of Israel except what Israel made unlawful for himself before the Torah was sent down. Say, 'Bring the Torah and read it out if you are telling the truth.' (3:93)

And also married women, except for those you have taken in war as slaves. This is what Allah has prescribed for you. Apart from that He has made all other women lawful for you provided you seek them with your wealth in marriage and not in fornication. When you consummate your marriage with them give them their prescribed dowry. There is nothing wrong in any further agreement you might come to after the dowry has been given. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (4:24)

Because of wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made forbidden for them some good things which had previously been lawful for them; and because of their obstructing many people from the Way of Allah. (4:160)

You who believe! Fulfil your contracts. All livestock animals are lawful for you, except those that are recited to you now; but it is still not lawful to hunt while you are in the state of pilgrimage. Allah makes whatever judgements He wills. (5:1)

They will ask you what is lawful for them. Say: 'All good things are lawful for you, and also what is caught for you by hunting animals which you have trained as Allah has taught you. Eat what they catch for you, mentioning Allah's name over it.' And have fear of Allah. Allah is swift at reckoning. (5:4)

Today all good things have been made lawful for you. And the food of those given the Book is also lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. So are chaste women from among the believers and chaste women of those given the Book before you, once you have given them their dowries in marriage, not in fornication or taking them as lovers. But as for anyone who rejects faith, his actions will come to nothing and in the hereafter he will be among the losers. (5:5)

You who believe! Do not make forbidden the good things Allah has made lawful for you, and do not overstep the limits. Allah does not love people who overstep the limits.(5:87)

(Allah said, 'I will prescribe My mercy for) those who follow the Messenger, the Ummi, whom they find written down with them in the Torah and the Gospel, commanding them to do right and forbidding them to do wrong, making good things lawful for them and bad things forbidden for them, relieving them of their heavy loads and the chains which were around them. Those who believe in him and honour him and help him, and follow the Light that has been sent down with him, they are the ones who are successful.' (7:157)

So make full use of any booty you have taken which is lawful and good; and have fear of Allah. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (8:69)

Say: 'What do you think about the things Allah has sent down to you as provision which you have then designated as lawful and forbidden?' Say: 'Has Allah given you authority to do this or are you inventing lies against Allah?' (10:59)

So eat from what Allah has provided for you, lawful and good, and be thankful for the blessing of Allah if it is Him you worship. (16:114)

Do not say about what your lying tongues describe: 'This is lawful and this is forbidden,' inventing lies against Allah. Those who invent lies against Allah are not successful. (16:116)

O Prophet! We have made lawful for you: your wives to whom you have given dowries and any slavegirls you own from the booty Allah has allotted you and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who have migrated with you and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet desires to marry her: exclusively for you as opposed to the rest of the believers-We know very well what We have prescribed for them regarding their wives and any slavegirls they possess-in order that there be no restriction on you. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (33:50)

After that no other women are lawful for you nor may you exchange them for other wives, even though their beauty might be pleasing to you, with the exception of any you own as slaves. Allah is watchful over all things. (33:52)

You who believe! When women who believe come to you as emigrants, submit them to a test. Allah has best knowledge of their faith. If you know they are believers, do not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful for them. Give the disbelievers whatever dowry they paid. And there is nothing wrong in your marrying them provided you pay them their due. Do not hold to any marriage ties with women who disbelieve. Ask for what you paid and let them ask for what they paid. That is Allah's judgement. Allah will judge between them. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (60:10)

O Prophet! Why do you make forbidden what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (66:1)


Mankind! Eat what is good and lawful on the earth. And do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He truly is an outright enemy to you. (2:168)

You who believe! Fulfil your contracts. All livestock animals are lawful for you, except those that are recited to you now; but it is still not lawful to hunt while you are in the state of pilgrimage. Allah makes whatever judgements He wills. (5:1)

Today all good things have been made lawful for you. And the food of those given the Book is also lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. So are chaste women from among the believers and chaste women of those given the Book before you, once you have given them their dowries in marriage, not in fornication or taking them as lovers. But as for anyone who rejects faith, his actions will come to nothing and in the hereafter he will be among the losers. (5:5)

Eat the lawful and good things Allah has provided for you, and have fear of Allah, Him in Whom you believe. (5:88)

Anything you catch in the sea is lawful for you, and all food from it, for your enjoyment and that of travellers, but land game is forbidden for you while you are in the state of pilgrimage. So have fear of Allah, Him to Whom you will be gathered. (5:96)

So make full use of any booty you have taken which is lawful and good; and have fear of Allah. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (8:69)

Say: 'What do you think about the things Allah has sent down to you as provision which you have then designated as lawful and forbidden?' Say: 'Has Allah given you authority to do this or are you inventing lies against Allah?' (10:59)

So eat from what Allah has provided for you, lawful and good, and be thankful for the blessing of Allah if it is Him you worship. (16:114)


Give orphans their property, and do not substitute bad things for good. Do not assimilate their property into your own. Doing that is a serious crime. (4:2)

Men receive a share of what their parents and relatives leave and women receive a share of what their parents and relatives leave, a fixed share, no matter whether it is a little or a lot. (4:7)

If other relatives or orphans or poor people attend the sharing-out, provide for them out of it and speak to them correctly and courteously. (4:8)

People should show concern in the same way that they would fear for small children if they were to die leaving them behind. They should have fear of Allah and say words that are appropriate. (4:9)

People who consume the property of orphans wrongfully consume nothing in their bellies except fire. They will roast in a Searing Blaze.(4:10)

Allah instructs you regarding your children: A male receives the same as the share of two females. If there are more than two daughters they receive two-thirds of what you leave. If she is one on her own she receives a half. Each of your parents receives a sixth of what you leave if you have children. If you are childless and your heirs are your parents your mother receives a third. If you have brothers or sisters your mother receives a sixth, after any bequest you make or any debts. With regard to your fathers and your sons, you do not know which of them is going to benefit you more. These are obligatory shares from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (4:11)

You receive half of what your wives leave if they are childless. If they have children you receive a quarter of what they leave after any bequest they make or any debts. They receive a quarter of what you leave if you are childless. If you have children they receive an eighth of what you leave after any bequest you make or any debts. If a man or woman has no direct heirs, but has a brother or sister, each of them receives a sixth. If there are more than that they share in a third after any bequest you make or any debts, making sure that no one's rights are prejudiced. This is an instruction from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing. (4:12)

You who believe! It is not lawful for you to inherit women by force. Nor may you treat them harshly so that you can make off with part of what you have given them, unless they commit an act of flagrant indecency. Live together with them correctly and courteously. If you dislike them, it may well be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed a lot of good. (4:19)

We have appointed heirs for everything that parents and relatives leave. If you have a bond with people, give them their share. Allah is a witness of all things. (4:33)

They request from you a ruling. Say: 'Allah gives you a ruling about people who die without direct heirs: If a man dies childless but has a sister she receives half of what he leaves, and he is her heir if she dies childless. If there are two sisters they receive two-thirds of what he leaves. If there are brothers and sisters the males receive the share of two females. Allah makes things clear to you so you will not go astray. Allah has knowledge of all things.' (4:176)

You who believe! When one of you is near to death and makes a will, two just men from among you should act as witnesses; or, if you are travelling when the misfortune of death occurs, two men who are strangers to you. You should detain them after prayer and, if you are doubtful, they should swear by Allah: 'We will not sell it for any price, even to a near relative, and we will not conceal the testimony of Allah. If we did we would indeed be wrongdoers.' (5:106)

If it then comes to light that the two of them have merited the allegation of wrongdoing, two others who have the most right to do so should take their place and swear by Allah: 'Our testimony is truer than their testimony. We have not committed perjury. If we had we would indeed be wrongdoers.' (5:107)

That makes it more likely that they will give their evidence properly or be afraid that their oaths will be refuted by subsequent oaths. Have fear of Allah and listen carefully. Allah does not guide deviant people. 5:108)


If they break their oaths after making their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief-they have no binding oaths-so that hopefully they will stop. (9:12)

He (Pharaoh) will go ahead of his people on the Day of Rising and lead them down into the Fire. What an evil watering-hole to be led to! (11:98)

We made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and revealed to them how to do good actions and perform prayer and give the alms, and they worshipped Us. (21:73)

We desired to show kindness to those who were oppressed in the land and to make them leaders and make them inheritors. (28:5)

We made them leaders, summoning to the Fire, and on the Day of Rising they will not be helped. (28:41)

We appointed leaders from among them, guiding by Our command when they were steadfast and when they had certainty about Our Signs. (32:24)


The keys of the Unseen are in His possession. No one knows them but Him. He knows everything in the land and sea. No leaf falls without His knowing it. There is no seed in the darkness of the earth, and nothing moist or dry which is not in a Clear Book. (6:59)

So he (Satan) enticed them to do it by means of trickery. Then when they tasted the tree, their private parts were disclosed to them and they started stitching together the leaves of the Garden in order to cover themselves. Their Lord called out to them, 'Did I not forbid you this tree and say to you, "Satan is an outright enemy to you"?' (7:22)

He (Musa) said, 'It is my staff. I lean on it and beat down leaves for my sheep with it and have other uses for it.' (20:18)

So the two of them ate from it and their private parts were disclosed to them and they started stitching together the leaves of the Garden to cover themselves. Adam disobeyed his Lord and became misled. (20:121)

He laid out the earth for all living creatures. In it are fruits and date-palms with covered spathes, and grains on leafy stems and fragrant herbs. (55:10-12)


(Satan said,) 'Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful.' (7:17)

Do they not see the things Allah has created, casting their shadows to the right and to the left, prostrating themselves before Allah in complete humility? (16:48)

You would have seen the sun, when it rose, inclining away from their cave towards the right, and, when it set, leaving them behind on the left, while they were lying in an open part of it. That was one of Allah's Signs. Whoever Allah guides is truly guided. But if He misguides someone, you will find no protector for them to guide them rightly. (18:17)

You would have supposed them to be awake whereas in fact they were asleep. We moved them to the right and to the left, and, at the entrance, their dog stretched out its paws. If you had looked down and seen them, you would have turned from them and run and have been filled with terror at the sight of them. (18:18)

There was also a sign for Saba in their dwelling place: two gardens-one to the right and one to the left. 'Eat of your Lord's provision and give thanks to Him: a bountiful land and a forgiving Lord.' (34:15)

And the two recording angels are recording, sitting on the right and on the left. (50:17)

But as for him who is given his Book in his left hand, he will say, 'If only I had not been given my Book.' (69:25)

What is the matter with those who disbelieve? They run about in front of you, with outstretched necks and staring eyes, on the right and on the left in scattered groups! (70:36-37)

Those who reject Our signs, they are the Companions of the Left. (90:19)

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