But as for those who believe and do right actions, We will admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. In them they will have spouses of perfect purity and We will admit them into cool, refreshing shade. (4:57)
We said, 'Fire, be coolness and peace for Ibrahim!' (21:69)
(His Lord said to Ayyub,) 'Stamp your foot! Here is a cool bath and water to drink.' (38:42)
Reclining in it on couches, they will experience there neither burning sun nor bitter cold. (76:13)
From out of them come glistening pearls and coral. (55:22)
Then Allah sent a crow which scratched at the earth to show him how to conceal his brother's corpse. He said, 'Woe is me! Can I not even be like this crow and conceal my brother's corpse?' And he became one of those who suffer bitter remorse. (5:31)
'Today We will preserve your body so you (Pharaoh) can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs.' (10:92)
We tested Sulayman and placed a lifeless body on his throne. Then he repented. (38:34)
You who believe! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the case of people killed: free man for free man, slave for slave, female for female. But if someone is absolved by his brother, blood-money should be claimed with correctness and paid with good will. That is an easement and a mercy from your Lord. Anyone who goes beyond the limits after this will receive a painful punishment. (2:178)
It is prescribed for you, when death approaches one of you and if he has some goods to leave, to make a will in favour of his parents and relatives, correctly and fairly: a duty for all those who guard against evil. (2:180)
Divorce can be pronounced two times; in which case wives may be retained with correctness and courtesy or released with good will. It is not lawful for you to keep anything you have given them unless a couple fear that they will not remain within Allah's limits. If you fear that they will not remain within Allah's limits, there is nothing wrong in the wife ransoming herself with some of what she received. These are Allah's limits, so do not overstep them. Those who overstep Allah's limits are wrongdoers. (2:229)
When you divorce women and they are near the end of their waiting period, then either retain them with correctness and courtesy or release them with correctness and courtesy. Do not retain them by force, thus overstepping the limits. Anyone who does that has wronged himself. Do not make a mockery of Allah's Signs. Remember Allah's blessing to you and the Book and Wisdom He has sent down to you to admonish you. Have fear of Allah and know that Allah has knowledge of all things. (2:231)
When you divorce women and they are near the end of their waiting period, do not prevent them from marrying their first husbands if they have mutually agreed to it with correctness and courtesy. This is an admonition for those of you who believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and purer for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (2:232)
Mothers should nurse their children for two full years-those who wish to complete the full term of nursing. It is the duty of the fathers to feed and clothe them with correctness and courtesy-no self is charged with more than it can bear. No mother should be put under pressure in respect of her child nor any father in respect of his child. The same duty is incumbent on the heir. If the couple both wish weaning to take place after mutual agreement and consultation, there is nothing wrong in their doing that. If you wish to find wet-nurses for your children, there is nothing wrong in your doing that provided you hand over to them what you have agreed to give with correctness and courtesy. Have fear of Allah and know that Allah sees what you do. (2:233)
Those of you who die leaving wives behind: they should wait by themselves for four months and ten nights. When their waiting period comes to an end, you are not to blame for anything they do with themselves with correctness and courtesy. Allah is aware of what you do. (2:234)
Nor is there anything wrong in any allusion to marriage you make to a woman, nor for any you keep to yourself. Allah knows that you will say things to them. But do not make secret arrangements with them, rather only speak with correctness and courtesy. Do not finally decide on the marriage contract until the prescribed period has come to its end. Know that Allah knows what is in your selves, so beware of Him! And know that Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing. (2:235)
There is nothing wrong in your divorcing women before you have touched them or allotted a dowry to them. But give them a gift-he who is wealthy according to his means and he who is less well off according to his means-a gift to be given with correctness and courtesy: a duty for all good-doers. (2:236)
Those of you who die leaving wives behind should make a bequest to their wives of maintenance for a year without them having to leave their homes. But if they do leave you are not to blame for anything they do with themselves with correctness and courtesy. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (2:240)
Divorced women should receive maintenance given with correctness and courtesy: a duty for all who guard against evil. (2:241)
Do not hand over to the simple-minded any property of theirs for which Allah has made you responsible, but provide for them and clothe them out of it, and speak to them correctly and courteously. (4:5)
Keep a close check on orphans until they reach a marriageable age, then if you perceive that they have sound judgement hand over their property to them. Do not consume it extravagantly and precipitately before they come of age. Those who are wealthy should abstain from it altogether. Those who are poor should use it sensibly and correctly. When you hand over their property to them ensure that there are witnesses on their behalf. Allah suffices as a Reckoner. (4:6)
If other relatives or orphans or poor people attend the sharing-out, provide for them out of it and speak to them correctly and courteously. (4:8)
You who believe! It is not lawful for you to inherit women by force. Nor may you treat them harshly so that you can make off with part of what you have given them, unless they commit an act of flagrant indecency. Live together with them correctly and courteously. If you dislike them, it may well be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed a lot of good. (4:19)
If any of you do not have the means to marry free women who are believers, you may marry slavegirls who are believers. Allah knows best about your faith; you are all the same in that respect. Marry them with their owners' permission and give them their dowries correctly and courteously as married women, not in fornication or taking them as lovers. When they are married, if they commit fornication they should receive half the punishment of free women. This is for those of you who are afraid of committing fornication. But being patient is better for you. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (4:25)
We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his mother great debility and the period of his weaning was two years: 'Give thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final destination. But if they try to make you associate something with Me about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. Keep company with them correctly and courteously in this world but follow the Way of him who turns to Me. Then you will return to Me and I will inform you about the things you did.' (31:14-15)
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. But blood-relations have closer ties to one another in the Book of Allah than other believers and the emigrants, except that you should act in a proper manner towards your close associates. That is inscribed in the Book. (33:6)
Then when they have reached the end of their waiting period either retain them with correctness and courtesy or part from them with correctness and courtesy. Call two upright men from among yourselves as witnesses and they should carry out the witnessing for Allah. This is admonishment for all who believe in Allah and the Last Day. Whoever has fear of Allah-He will give him a way out. (65:2)
Let them live where you live, according to your means. Do not put pressure on them, so as to harass them. If they are pregnant, maintain them until they give birth. If they are suckling for you, give them their wages and consult together with correctness and courtesy. But if you make things difficult for one another, another woman should do the suckling for you. (65:6)
hen they are told, 'Do not cause corruption on the earth,' they say, 'We are only putting things right.' No indeed! They are the corrupters, but they are not aware of it. (2:11-12)
Those who break Allah's contract after it has been agreed, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption on the earth, it is they who are the lost. (2:27)
When your Lord said to the angels, 'I am putting an overlord on the earth,' they said, 'Why put on it one who will cause corruption on it and shed blood when we glorify You with praise and proclaim Your purity?' He said, 'I know what you do not know.' (2:30)
And when Musa was looking for water for his people, We said, 'Strike the rock with your staff.' Then twelve fountains gushed out from it and all the people knew their drinking place. 'Eat and drink of Allah's provision and do not go about the earth corrupting it.' (2:60)
When he leaves you, he goes about the earth corrupting it, destroying crops and animals. Allah does not love corruption. (2:205)
... So We decreed for the tribe of Israel that if someone kills another person-unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth-it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. (5:32)
The reprisal against those who wage war on Allah and His Messenger, and go about the earth corrupting it, is that they should be killed or crucified, or have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land. That will be their degradation in this world and in the hereafter they will have a terrible punishment. (5:33)
The Jews say, 'Allah's hand is chained.' Their hands are chained and they are cursed for what they say! No! Both His hands are open wide and He gives however He wills. What has been sent down to you from your Lord increases many of them in insolence and disbelief. We have incited enmity and hatred between them until the Day of Rising. Each time they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it. They rush about the earth corrupting it. Allah does not love corrupters. (5:64)
Do not corrupt the earth after it has been put right. Call on Him fearfully and eagerly. Allah's mercy is close to the good-doers. (7:56)
(Salih said to his people,) 'Remember when He appointed you successors to 'Ad and settled you in the land. You built palaces on its plains and carved out houses from the mountains. Remember Allah's blessings and do not go about the earth, corrupting it.' (7:74)
And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu'ayb who said, 'My people, worship Allah! You have no other god than Him. A Clear Sign has come to you from your Lord. Give full measure and full weight. Do not diminish people's goods. Do not cause corruption in the land after it has been put right. That is better for you if you are believers. Do not lie in wait on every pathway, threatening people, barring those who believe from the Way of Allah, seeking in it something crooked. Remember when you were few and He increased your number: see the final fate of the corrupters!' (7:85-86)
And then, after them, We sent Musa with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his ruling circle but they wrongfully rejected them. See the final fate of the corrupters! (7:103)
The ruling circle of Pharaoh's people said, 'Are you going to leave Musa and his people to cause corruption in the earth and abandon you and your gods?' He said, 'We will kill their sons and let their women live. We have absolute power over them!' (7:127)
We set aside thirty nights for Musa and then completed them with ten, so the appointed time of his Lord was forty nights in all. Musa said to his brother Harun, 'Take my place among my people. Keep order and do not follow the way of the corrupters.' (7:142)
Those who disbelieve are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (8:73)
Among them there are some who believe in it and some who do not. Your Lord best knows the corrupters. (10:40)
When they had thrown, Musa said, 'What you have brought is magic. Allah will certainly prove it false. Allah does not uphold the actions of corrupters.' (10:81)
(Shu'ayb said,) 'My people! Give full measure and full weight with justice; do not diminish people's goods; and do not go about the earth, corrupting it.' (11:85)
Would that there had been more people with a vestige of good among the generations of those who came before you, who forbade corruption in the earth, other than the few among them whom We saved. Those who did wrong gladly pursued the life of luxury that they were given and were evildoers. (11:116)
They said, 'By Allah, you know we did not come to corrupt the land and that we are not thieves.' (12:73)
But as for those who break Allah's contract after it has been agreed and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the earth, the curse will be upon them. They will have the Evil Abode. (13:25)
As for those who disbelieved and barred access to the way of Allah, We will heap punishment on top of their punishment because of the corruption they brought about. (16:88)
We decreed in the Book for the tribe of Israel: 'You will twice cause corruption on the earth and you will rise to a great height.' (17:4)
They said, 'Dhu'l-Qarnayn! Yajuj and Majuj are causing corruption in the land. Can we, therefore, pay tribute to you in return for your constructing a barrier between us and them?' (18:94)
(Salih said to his people,) 'Do not obey the orders of the profligate, those who corrupt the earth and do not put things right.' (26:151-152)
Do not diminish people's goods and do not go about the earth, corrupting it. (26:183)
(His people said to Qarun,) 'Seek the abode of the hereafter with what Allah has given you, without forgetting your portion of this world. And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love corrupters.' (28:77)
That abode of the hereafter-We grant it to those who do not seek to exalt themselves in the earth or to cause corruption in it. The successful outcome is for those who guard against evil. (28:83)
He (Lut) said, 'My Lord, help me against the people of corruption!' (29:30)
And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu'ayb, he said, 'My people, worship Allah and look to the Last Day and do not act unjustly on earth, corrupting it.' (29:36)
Would We make those who believe and do right actions the same as those who cause corruption on the earth? Would We make those who guard against evil the same as the dissolute? (38:28)
Pharaoh said, 'Let me kill Musa and let him call upon his Lord! I am afraid that he may change your religion and bring about corruption in the land.' (40:26)
Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? (47:22)
Do you not see what your Lord did with 'Ad-Iram of the Columns whose like was not created in any land-and Thamud who carved out rocks in the valley-side, and Pharaoh of the Stakes, all of whom were tyrants in their lands and caused much corruption in them? (89:6-12)
We will strip away any rancour in their hearts-brothers, resting on couches face-to-face. (15:47)
They will have Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing under them. They will be adorned in them with bracelets made of gold and wear green garments made of the finest silk and rich brocade, reclining there on couches under canopies. What an excellent reward! What a wonderful repose! (18:31)
The Companions of the Garden are busy enjoying themselves today, they and their wives reclining on couches in the shade. (36:55-56)
They will have preordained provision: sweet fruits and high honour in Gardens of Delight on couches face to face; (37:41-44)
We tested Sulayman and placed a lifeless body on his throne. Then he repented. (38:34)
They will recline on couches ranged in rows and We will marry them to dark-eyed maidens. (52:20)
They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade, the fruits of the Gardens hanging close to hand. (55:54)
On sumptuous woven couches, reclining on them face to face. (56:15-16)
Reclining in it on couches, they will experience there neither burning sun nor bitter cold. (76:13)
The truly good will be in perfect Bliss on couches gazing in wonder. (83:22-23)
So today those who believe are laughing at the disbelievers, on couches, gazing in wonder. (83:34-35)
In it is a gushing spring and raised-up couches, (88:12-13)
He (Nuh) said, 'My people, I am not in error at all but rather am a Messenger from the Lord of all the worlds, transmitting my Lord's Message to you and giving you good counsel, and I know from Allah what you do not know.' (7:61-62)
He (Hud) said, 'My people, I am by no means a fool, but rather am a Messenger from the Lord of all the worlds, transmitting my Lord's Message to you, and I am a faithful counsellor to you. (7:67-68)
He turned away from them and said, 'My people, I transmitted my Lord's message to you and gave you good counsel. However, you do not like good counsellors!' (7:79)
So he turned away from them and said, 'My people, I transmitted My Lord's message to you and gave you good counsel. Why should I grieve for a disbelieving people?' (7:93)
(Nuh said,) 'My counsel will not benefit you, for all my desire to counsel you, if Allah desires to lead you into error. He is your Lord and you will return to Him.' (11:34)
Remember when We made the covenant with you and lifted up the Mount above your heads: 'Take hold vigorously of what We have given you and pay heed to what is in it, so that hopefully you will guard against evil.' (2:63)
Remember when We made a covenant with the tribe of Israel: 'Worship none but Allah and be good to your parents and to relatives and orphans and the very poor. And speak good words to people. And perform prayer and give the alms.' But then you turned away-except a few of you-you turned aside. (2:83)
And when We made a covenant with you not to shed your blood and not to expel one another from your homes, you agreed and were all witnesses. (2:84)
Remember when We made a covenant with you and lifted up the Mount above your heads: 'Take hold vigorously of what We have given you and listen.' They said, 'We hear and disobey.' They were made to drink the Calf into their hearts because of their disbelief. Say, 'If you are believers, what an evil thing your faith has made you do.' (2:93)
Remember when Allah made a covenant with the Prophets: 'Now that We have given you a share of the Book and Wisdom, and then a messenger comes to you confirming what is with you, you must believe in him and help him.' He asked, 'Do you agree and undertake my commission on that condition?' They replied, 'We agree.' He said, 'Bear witness, then. I am with you as one of the witnesses.' (3:81)
Allah made a covenant with those given the Book: 'You must make it clear to people and not conceal it.' But they toss it in disdain behind their backs and sell it for a paltry price. What an evil sale they make! (3:187)
Remember Allah's blessing to you and the covenant He made with you when you said, 'We hear and we obey.' Have fear of Allah. Allah knows what the heart contains. (5:7)
Allah made a covenant with the tribe of Israel and We raised up twelve leaders from among them. Allah said, 'I am with you. If you perform prayer and give the alms, and believe in My Messengers and respect and support them, and make a generous loan to Allah, I will erase your wrong actions from you and admit you into Gardens with rivers flowing under them. Any of you who disbelieve after that have gone astray from the right way.' (5:12)
But because of their breaking of their covenant, We have cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort the true meaning of words and have forgotten a good portion of what they were reminded of. You will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except for a few of them. Yet pardon them, and overlook. Allah loves good-doers. (5:13)
We also made a covenant with those who say, 'We are Christians,' and they too forgot a good portion of what they were reminded of. So We stirred up enmity and hatred between them until the Day of Rising when Allah will inform them about what they did. (5:14)
We made a covenant with the tribe of Israel and We sent Messengers to them. Each time a Messenger came to them with something their lower selves did not desire, they denied some and they murdered others. (5:70)
An evil generation has succeeded them, inheriting the Book, taking the goods of this lower world, and saying, 'We will be forgiven.' But if similar goods come to them again they still take them. Has not a covenant been made with them in the Book, that they should only say the truth about Allah and have they not studied what is in it? The Final Abode is better for those who guard against evil. Will you not use your intellect? (7:169)
Some of them listen to you but We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though they see every Sign, they still have no faith, so that when they come to you, disputing with you, those who disbelieve say, 'This is nothing but the myths of previous peoples!' (6:25)
We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. When you mention your Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn their backs and run away. (17:46)
Who could do greater wrong than someone who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord and then turns away from them, forgetting all that he has done before? We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though you call them to guidance, they will nonetheless never be guided. (18:57)
They say, 'Our hearts are covered up against what you call us to and there is a heaviness in our ears. There is a screen between us and you. So act-we are certainly acting.' (41:5)
Some of them listen to you but We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though they see every Sign, they still have no faith, so that when they come to you, disputing with you, those who disbelieve say, 'This is nothing but the myths of previous peoples!' (6:25)
When night covered him he (Ibrahim) saw a star and said, 'This is my Lord!' Then when it set he said, 'I do not love what sets.' (6:76)
Children of Adam! Do not let Satan tempt you into trouble as He expelled your parents from the Garden, stripping them of their covering and disclosing to them their private parts. He and his tribe see you from where you do not see them. We have made the Satans friends of those who have no faith. (7:27)
They will have Hell as a resting-place and covering layers on top of them. That is how We repay wrongdoers. (7:41)
It is He Who created you from a single self and made from him his spouse so that he might find repose in her. Then when he covered her she bore a light load and carried it around. Then when it became heavy they called on Allah, their Lord, 'If You grant us a healthy child, we will be among the thankful!' (7:189)
Who could do greater wrong than someone who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord and then turns away from them, forgetting all that he has done before? We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though you call them to guidance, they will nonetheless never be guided. (18:57)
Say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts and not display their adornments-except for what normally shows-and draw their head-coverings across their breasts. They should only display their adornments to their husbands or their fathers or their husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons or their brothers or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons or other women or those they own as slaves or their male attendants who have no sexual desire or children who still have no awareness of women's private parts. Nor should they stamp their feet so that their hidden ornaments are known. Turn to Allah every one of you, believers, so that hopefully you will have success. (24:31)
They say, 'Our hearts are covered up against what you call us to and there is a heaviness in our ears. There is a screen between us and you. So act-we are certainly acting.' (41:5)
(On the Day of Threat, they will be told,) 'You were heedless of this so We have stripped you of your covering and today your sight is sharp.' (50:22)
And (I swear by) the self and what proportioned it and inspired it with depravity or sense of duty, he who purifies it has succeeded, he who covers it up has failed. (91:7-10)
And when Musa said to his people, 'Allah commands you to sacrifice a cow,' they said, 'What! Are you making a mockery of us?' He said, 'I seek refuge with Allah from being one of the ignorant!' They said, 'Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what it should be like.' He said, 'He says it should be a cow, not old or virgin, but somewhere between the two. So do as you have been told.' They said, 'Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what colour it should be.' He said, 'He says it should be a yellow cow, a pleasure to all who look.' They said, 'Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what it should be like. Cows are all much the same to us. Then, if Allah wills, we will be guided.' He said, 'He says it should be a cow not trained to plough or irrigate the fields-completely sound, without a blemish on it.' They said, 'Now you have brought the truth.' So they sacrificed it-but they almost did not do it. (2:67-71)
The King declared, 'I dreamt of seven fat cows which seven thin ones ate and seven green ears of wheat and seven others which were dry. O counsellors! Explain my dream to me if you are those who can interpret visions!' They said, 'A jumbled mass of mixed-up dreams! We do not know the meaning of such things.' The one of them who had been saved then said, remembering after a period, 'I will tell you what it signifies, so send me out.' 'O truthful Yusuf, tell us of seven fat cows which seven thin ones ate and seven green ears of wheat and seven others which were dry so that I can return to them and let them know.' (12:43-46)
You who believe! Do not be like those who disbelieve and say of their brothers, when they are going on journeys or military expeditions, 'If they had only been with us, they would not have died or been killed,' so that Allah can make that anguish for them in their hearts. It is Allah Who gives life and causes to die. Allah sees what you do. (3:156)
Among you there are people who hang back and if you encounter a setback then they say, 'Allah has blessed me in that I was not there with them.' (4:72)
But if you meet with favour from Allah they say-as if there were no friendship between you and them-'Oh! If only I had been with them so that I too might have won a great victory.' (4:73)
You who believe! When you encounter those who disbelieve advancing in massed ranks into battle, do not turn your backs on them. (8:15)
Anyone who turns his back on them that day, unless he is withdrawing to rejoin the fight or withdrawing to support another group, brings Allah's anger down upon himself. His refuge is Hell. What an evil destination! (8:16)
Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day do not ask you to excuse them from striving with their wealth and themselves. Allah knows the people who guard against evil. (9:44)
Among them are there some who say, 'Give me permission to stay. Do not put temptation in my way.' Have they not fallen into that very temptation? Hell hems in the disbelievers. (9:49)
They swear by Allah that they are of your number, but they are not of your number. Rather, they are people who are scared. (9:56)
If they could find a bolt-hole, cave or burrow, they would turn and scurry away into it. (9:57)
(The angels said to Maryam,) 'He ('Isa) will speak to people in the cradle, and also when fully grown, and will be one of the righteous.' (3:46)
Remember when Allah said, ''Isa, son of Maryam, remember My blessing to you and to your mother when I reinforced you with the Purest Spirit so that you could speak to people in the cradle and when you were fully grown; and when I taught you the Book and Wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you created a bird-shape out of clay by My permission, and then breathed into it and it became a bird by My permission; and healed the blind and the leper by My permission; and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and when I held back the tribe of Israel from you, when you brought them the Clear Signs and those of them who disbelieved said, "This is nothing but downright magic";' (5:110)
She pointed towards him. They said, 'How can a baby in the cradle speak?' (19:29)
It is He Who made the earth a cradle for you and threaded pathways for you through it and sent down water from the sky by which We have brought forth various different types of plants. (20:53)
It is He Who made the earth a cradle for you and made pathways for you in it so that hopefully you would be guided. (43:10)
He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son when He has no wife? He created all things and He has knowledge of all things. (6:101)
Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne. He covers the day with the night, each pursuing the other urgently; and the sun and moon and stars are subservient to His command. Both creation and command belong to Him. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. (7:54)
Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself firmly on the Throne. He directs the whole affair. No one can intercede except with His permission. That is Allah your Lord, so worship Him. Will you not pay heed? (10:3)
It is He Who appointed the sun to give radiance, and the moon to give light, assigning it phases so you would know the number of years and the reckoning of time. Allah did not create these things except with truth. We make the Signs clear for people who know. (10:5)
It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days when His Throne was on the water, in order to test which of you has the best actions. If you say, 'You will be raised up after death,' those who disbelieve will say, 'This is nothing but downright magic.' (11:7)
Do you not see that Allah has created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He wished He could eliminate you and bring about a new creation. (14:19)
We did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so turn away graciously. (15:85)
He created the heavens and the earth with truth. He is exalted above anything they associate with Him. (16:3)
Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (21:30)
He Who created the heavens and the earth and everything in between them in six days, and then established Himself firmly on the Throne; the All-Merciful-ask anyone who is informed about Him. (25:59)
Allah created the heavens and the earth with truth. There is certainly a Sign in that for the believers. (29:44)
Have they not reflected within themselves? Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with truth and for a fixed term. Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord. (30:8)
Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days and then established Himself firmly upon the Throne. You have no protector or intercessor apart from Him. So will you not pay heed? (32:4)
He created the heavens and the earth with truth. He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the night, and has made the sun and moon subservient, each one running for a specified term. Is He not indeed the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving? (39:5)
Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, 'Come willingly or unwillingly.' They both said, 'We come willingly.' (41:11)
In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate. We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and guarded it. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (41:12)
We did not create them except with truth but most of them do not know it. (44:39)
We have not created the heavens and earth and everything between them except with truth and for a set term. But those who disbelieve turn away from what they have been warned about. (46:3)
We created the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, in six days and We were not affected by fatigue. (50:38)
It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself firmly on the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes out of it, what comes down from heaven and what goes up into it. He is with you wherever you are-Allah sees what you do. (57:4)
It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. (65:12)
In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky-by which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind-and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect. (2:164)
There is no creature crawling on the earth or flying creature, flying on its wings, who are not communities just like yourselves-We have not omitted anything from the Book-then they will be gathered to their Lord. (6:38)
There is no creature on the earth which is not dependent upon Allah for its provision. He knows where it lives and where it dies. They are all in a Clear Book. (11:6)
(Hud said,) 'I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight Path.' (11:56)
Everything in the heavens and every creature on the earth prostrates to Allah, as do the angels. They are not puffed up with pride. (16:49)
If Allah were to punish people for their wrong actions, not a single creature would be left upon the earth, but He defers them till a predetermined time. When their specified time arrives, they cannot delay it for a single hour nor can they bring it forward. (16:61)
He (Satan) said, 'Do you see this creature you have honoured over me? If You reprieve me till the Day of Rising, I will be the master of his descendants except for a very few.' (17:62)
Then (He) formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (23:14)
(Shu'ayb said,) 'Have fear of Him Who created you and the earlier creatures.' (26:184)
How many creatures do not carry their provision with them! Allah provides for them and He will for you. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (29:60)
It is Allah Who created the heavens with no support-you can see them-and cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so that it would not move under you, and scattered about in it creatures of every kind. And We send down water from the sky and make every generous species grow in it. (31:10)
If Allah were to take mankind to task for what they have earned, He would not leave a single creature crawling on it, but He is deferring them until a specified time. Then, when their time comes, Allah sees His servants! (35:45)
Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the creatures He has spread about in them. And He has the power to gather them together whenever He wills. (42:29)
They have assigned to Him a portion of His creatures! Truly man is openly ungrateful. (43:15)
And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are Signs for people with certainty. (45:4)
He laid out the earth for all living creatures. (55:10)
The People of the Book who disbelieve and the idolaters will be in the Fire of Hell, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. They are the worst of creatures. (98:6)
But those who believe and do right actions-they are the best of creatures. (98:7)
He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it-without desiring it or going to excess in it-commits no crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (2:173)
Then if anyone alters it after hearing it, the crime is on the part of those who alter it. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (2:181)
But if someone fears bias or wrongdoing on the part of the person making the will, and puts things right between the people involved, in that case he has not committed any crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (2:182)
Do not devour one another's property by false means nor offer it to the judges as a bribe, trying through crime to knowingly usurp a portion of other people's property. (2:188)
If you are on a journey and cannot find a writer, something can be left as a security. If you leave things on trust with one another the one who is trusted must deliver up his trust and have fear of Allah, his Lord. Do not conceal testimony. If someone does conceal it, his heart commits a crime. Allah knows what you do. (2:283)
Give orphans their property, and do not substitute bad things for good. Do not assimilate their property into your own. Doing that is a serious crime. (4:2)
If you desire to exchange one wife for another and have given your original wife a large amount, do not take any of it. Would you take it by means of slander and outright crime? (4:20)
Allah does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who associates something with Allah has committed a terrible crime. (4:48)
Or do they say, 'He has invented it'? Say: 'If I have invented it the crime will be laid at my door, but I am innocent of the crimes which you commit.' (11:35)
You who believe! Avoid most suspicion. Indeed some suspicion is a crime. And do not spy and do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat his brother's dead flesh? No, you would hate it. And have fear of Allah. Allah is Ever-Returning, Most Merciful. (49:12)
when the baby girl buried alive is asked for what crime she was killed, (81:8-9)
When he leaves you, he goes about the earth corrupting it, destroying crops and animals. Allah does not love corruption. (2:205)
The metaphor of what they spend in their life in this world is that of a wind with an icy bite to it which strikes the crops of a people who have wronged themselves and destroys them. Allah did not wrong them; rather it was themselves they were wronging. (3:117)
They assign to Allah a share of the crops and livestock He has created, saying, 'This is for Allah,'-as they allege-'and this is for our idols.' Their idols' share does not reach Allah whereas Allah's share reaches their idols! What an evil judgement they make! (6:136)
They say, 'These animals and crops are sacrosanct. No one may eat them except those we wish',-as they allege-and animals on whose backs it is forbidden to ride, and animals over which they do not mention Allah's name, inventing falsehood against Him. He will repay them for the things they have invented. (6:138)
It is He Who produces gardens, both cultivated and wild, and palm-trees and crops of diverse kinds, and olives and pomegranates, both similar and dissimilar. Eat of their fruits when they bear fruit and pay their due on the day of their harvest, and do not be profligate. He does not love the profligate. (6:141)
And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (16:11)
Make an example for them of two men. To one of them We gave two gardens of grape-vines and surrounded them with date-palms, putting between them some cultivated land. Both gardens yielded their crops and did not suffer any loss, and We made a river flow right through the middle of them. (18:32-33)
But if We send a wind, and they see it (the crop) turning yellow, still they persist after that in disbelieving. (30:51)
Do they not see how We drive water to barren land and bring forth crops by it which their livestock and they themselves both eat? So will they not see? (32:27)
Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky and threads it through the earth to emerge as springs and then by it brings forth crops of varying colours, which then wither and you see them turning yellow and then He makes them into broken stubble? There is a reminder in that for people of intelligence. (39:21)
How many gardens and fountains they (Pharaoh and his troops) left behind, and ripe crops and noble residences. (44:25-26)
If We wished We could have made it broken stubble. You would then be left devoid of crops, distraught. (56:65)
Then Allah sent a crow which scratched at the earth to show him how to conceal his brother's corpse. He said, 'Woe is me! Can I not even be like this crow and conceal my brother's corpse?' And he became one of those who suffer bitter remorse. (5:31)
Thamud and 'Ad denied the Crushing Blow. (69:4)
And when you said, 'Musa, we will not put up with just one kind of food so ask your Lord to supply to us some of what the earth produces-its green vegetables, cucumbers, grains, lentils and onions,' he said, 'Do you want to replace what is better with what is inferior? Go back to Egypt, then you will have what you are asking for.' Abasement and destitution were stamped upon them. They brought down anger from Allah upon themselves. That was because they rejected Allah's Signs and killed the Prophets without any right to do so. That was because they rebelled and went beyond the limits. (2:61)
It is He Who produces gardens, both cultivated and wild, and palm-trees and crops of diverse kinds, and olives and pomegranates, both similar and dissimilar. Eat of their fruits when they bear fruit and pay their due on the day of their harvest, and do not be profligate. He does not love the profligate. (6:141)
In the earth there are diverse regions side by side and gardens of grapes and cultivated fields, and palm-trees sharing one root and others with individual roots, all watered with the same water. And We make some things better to eat than others. There are Signs in that for people who use their intellect. (13:4)
(Ibrahim said,) 'Our Lord! I have settled some of my offspring by Your Sacred House in an uncultivated valley. Our Lord! Let them perform prayer! Make the hearts of mankind incline towards them and provide them with fruits, so that hopefully they will be thankful.' (14:37)
Make an example for them of two men. To one of them We gave two gardens of grape-vines and surrounded them with date-palms, putting between them some cultivated land. (18:32)
Are you going to be left secure amid what is here, amid gardens and clear springs, and cultivated fields and palms with supple spathes? (26:146-148)
Have they not travelled in the earth and seen the final fate of those before them? They had greater strength than them and cultivated the land and inhabited it in far greater numbers than they do. Their Messengers also came to them with the Clear Signs. Allah would never have wronged them; but they wronged themselves. (30:9)
If anyone desires to cultivate the hereafter, We will increase him in his cultivation. If anyone desires to cultivate this world, We will give him some of it but he will have no share in the hereafter. (42:20)
Have you thought about what you cultivate? (56:63)
Know that the life of this world is merely a game and a diversion and ostentation and a cause of boasting among yourselves and trying to outdo one another in wealth and children: like the plant-growth after rain which delights the cultivators, but then it withers and you see it turning yellow, and then it becomes broken stubble. In the hereafter there is terrible punishment but also forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. The life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion. (57:20)
(In Gardens of Delight, believers will have) a cup from a flowing spring passing round among them. (37:45)
They will pass round there a drinking cup to one another with no foolish talk and no wrong action in it. (52:23)
There will circulate among them, ageless youths, carrying goblets and decanters and a cup from a flowing spring. (56:17-18)
The truly good will drink from a cup mixed with the coolness of camphor. (76:5)
They will be given there a cup to drink mixed with the warmth of ginger. (76:17)
For those who guard against evil there is triumph: Gardens and grape vines, and nubile maidens of similar age, and an overflowing cup. (78:31-34)
They say, 'Our hearts are uncircumcised.' Rather, Allah has cursed them for their disbelief. Very few of them believe! (2:88)
When a Book does come to them from Allah, confirming what is with them (Torah)-even though before that they were praying for victory over the disbelievers-yet when what they recognise does come to them, they reject it. Allah's curse is on the disbelievers. (2:89)
Those who hide the Clear Signs and Guidance We have sent down, after We have made it clear to people in the Book, Allah curses them, and the cursers curse them. (2:159)
But as for those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, the curse of Allah is upon them and that of the angels and all mankind. (2:161)
If anyone argues with you about him after the knowledge that has come to you, say, 'Come then! Let us summon our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves. Then let us make earnest supplication and call down the curse of Allah upon the liars.' (3:61)
The repayment of such people is that Allah's curse is on them and that of the angels and of all mankind. (3:87)
Some of the Jews distort the true meaning of words, saying, 'We hear and disobey,' and 'Listen without listening,' and 'Listen to us!' twisting them with their tongues, disparaging the religion. If they had said, 'We hear and we obey,' and 'Listen,' and, 'Look at us!' that would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief. Very few of them believe. (4:46)
You who have been given the Book! Believe in what We have sent down confirming what is with you (Torah and Gospel), before We obliterate faces, turning them inside out, or We curse you as We cursed the Companions of the Sabbath. Allah's command is always carried out. (4:47)
Those are the ones Allah has cursed. And if someone is cursed by Allah you will not find any one to help him. (4:52)
As for anyone who kills a believer deliberately, his repayment is Hell, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. Allah is angry with him and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a terrible punishment. (4:93)
What they call on apart from Him are female idols. What they call on is an arrogant Satan whom Allah has cursed. He said, 'I will take a certain fixed proportion of Your servants.' (4:117-118)
But because of their breaking of their covenant, We have cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort the true meaning of words and have forgotten a good portion of what they were reminded of. You will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except for a few of them. Yet pardon them, and overlook. Allah loves good-doers. (5:13)
Say: 'Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that: that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry-turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs-and who worshipped false gods? Such people are in a worse situation and further from the right way.' (5:60)
The Jews say, 'Allah's hand is chained.' Their hands are chained and they are cursed for what they say! No! Both His hands are open wide and He gives however He wills. What has been sent down to you from your Lord increases many of them in insolence and disbelief. We have incited enmity and hatred between them until the Day of Rising. Each time they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it. They rush about the earth corrupting it. Allah does not love corrupters. (5:64)
Those among the tribe of Israel who disbelieved were cursed on the tongue of Dawud and that of 'Isa, son of Maryam. That is because they rebelled and overstepped the limits. (5:78)
He will say, 'Enter the Fire together with the nations of jinn and men who have passed away before you.' Each time a nation enters, it will curse its sister nation, until, when they are all gathered together in it, the last of them will say to the first, 'Our Lord, those are the ones who misguided us, so give them a double punishment in the Fire.' He will say, 'Each will receive double. But you do not know it.' (7:38)
The Companions of the Garden will call out to the Companions of the Fire, 'We have found that what our Lord promised us is true. Have you found that what your Lord promised you is true?' They will say, 'Yes, we have!' Between them a herald will proclaim: 'May the curse of Allah be on the wrongdoers.' (7:44)
Allah has promised the men and women of the hypocrites and disbelievers the Fire of Hell, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. It will suffice them. Allah has cursed them. They will have everlasting punishment. (9:68)
Who could do greater wrong than those who invent lies against Allah? Such people will be arrayed before their Lord and the witnesses will say, 'Those are the ones who lied against their Lord.' Yes indeed! Allah's curse is on the wrongdoers. (11:18)
They were pursued by a curse in this world and on the Day of Rising. Yes indeed! 'Ad rejected their Lord, so away with 'Ad, the people of Hud! (11:60)
They are pursued by a curse in this world and on the Day of Rising. What an evil gift to be given! (11:99)
But as for those who break Allah's contract after it has been agreed and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the earth, the curse will be upon them. They will have the Evil Abode. (13:25)
(Allah said to Satan,) 'The curse will be on you till the Day of Reckoning.' (15:35)
When We said to you, 'Surely your Lord encompasses the people with His knowledge.' We only appointed the vision We showed you and the Accursed Tree in the Qur'an as a trial and temptation for the people. We frighten them, but it only increases them in their excessive insolence. (17:60)
Those who make an accusation against their wives and have no witnesses except themselves, such people should testify four times by Allah that they are telling the truth and a fifth time that Allah's curse will be upon them if they are lying. (24:6-7)
Those who accuse chaste believing women, unaware (of the evil), are cursed both in this world and the hereafter, and they will have a terrible punishment. (24:23)
We pursued them with a curse in this world and on the Day of Rising they will be hideous and spurned. (28:42)
He (Ibrahim) said, 'You have adopted idols apart from Allah as tokens of mutual affection in this world. But then on the Day of Rising you will reject one another and curse one another. The Fire will be your shelter. You will have no helpers.' (29:25)
As for those who abuse Allah and His Messenger, Allah's curse is on them in this world and the hereafter. He has prepared a humiliating punishment for them. (33:57)
They are an accursed people. Wherever they are found they should be seized and mercilessly put to death. (33:61)
Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared a Searing Blaze for them. (33:64)
And they (the disbelievers) will say, 'Our Lord, we obeyed our masters and great men and they misguided us from the Way. Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them many times over!' (33:67-68)
(Allah said to Satan,) 'My curse is upon you until the Day of Reckoning.' (38:78)
(On) the Day when the excuses of the wrongdoers will not help them. The curse will be on them and they will have the most evil Home. (40:52)
Such are the people Allah has cursed, making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (47:23)
And so that He might punish the men and women of the hypocrites and the men and women of the idolaters-those who think bad thoughts about Allah. They will suffer an evil turn of fate. Allah is angry with them, and has cursed them and prepared Hell for them. What an evil destination! (48:6)
(In the Garden are) lined-up cushions... (88:15)
It is He Who created you from earth, then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot of blood, then He brings you out as infants, then so you may achieve full strength, then so you may become old men-though some of you may die before that time-so that you may reach a predetermined age and so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (40:67)
Those who disbelieve will be driven to Hell in companies and when they arrive there and its gates are opened its custodians will say to them, 'Did Messengers from yourselves not come to you, reciting your Lord's Signs to you and warning you of the meeting on this Day of yours?' They will say, 'Indeed they did, but the decree of punishment is justly carried out against the disbelievers.' (39:71)
And those who have fear of their Lord will be driven to the Garden in companies and when they arrive there, finding its gates open, its custodians will say to them, 'Peace be upon you! You have done well so enter it timelessly, for ever.' (39:73)
Those in the Fire will say to the custodians of Hell, 'Call on your Lord to make the punishment less for us for just one day.' (40:49)
It all but bursts with rage. Each time a group is flung into it its custodians will question them: 'Did no warner come to you?' (67:8)