But those who disbelieve and deny Our Signs are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (2:39)
No indeed! Those who accumulate bad actions and are surrounded by their mistakes, such people are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever; whereas those who believe and do right actions, such people are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (2:81-82)
They will ask you about the Sacred Month and fighting in it. Say, 'Fighting in it is a serious matter; but barring access to the Way of Allah and rejecting Him and barring access to the Sacred Mosque (Masjid al-Haram) and expelling its people from it are far more serious in the sight of Allah. Discord is worse than killing.' They will not stop fighting you until they make you revert from your religion, if they are able. As for any of you who revert from their religion and die disbeliever, their actions will come to nothing in this world and the hereafter. They are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (2:217)
Allah is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light. But those who disbelieve have false gods as protectors. They take them from the light into the darkness. Those are the Companions of the Fire remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (2:257)
Those who practise usury will not rise from the grave except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, 'Trade is the same as usury.' But Allah has permitted trade and He has forbidden usury. Whoever is given a warning by his Lord and then desists, can keep what he received in the past and his affair is Allah's concern. But all who return to it will be the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (2:275)
As for those who disbelieve, their wealth and children will not help them against Allah in any way. They are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (3:116)
Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him. Be good to your parents and relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to neighbours who are related to you and neighbours who are not related to you, and to companions and travellers and your slaves. Allah does not love anyone vain or boastful. (4:36)
You who have been given the Book! Believe in what We have sent down confirming what is with you, before We obliterate faces, turning them inside out, or We curse you as We cursed the Companions of the Sabbath. Allah's command is always carried out. (4:47)
But those who disbelieve and deny Our Signs, are the Companions of the Blazing Fire. (5:10)
(One of Adam's two sons said to the other,) 'I want you to take on both my wrongdoing and your wrongdoing and so become one of the Companions of the Fire. That is the repayment of the wrongdoers.' (5:29)
As for those who disbelieve and deny Our Signs, they are the Companions of the Blazing Fire. (5:86)
Say: 'Are we to call on something besides Allah which can neither help nor harm us, and to turn on our heels after Allah has guided us, like someone the Satans have lured away in the earth, leaving him confused and stupefied, despite the fact that he has companions calling him to guidance, saying, "Come with us!"?' Say: 'Allah's guidance, that is true guidance. We are commanded to submit as Muslims to the Lord of all the worlds.' (6:71)
But as for those who reject Our Signs and are arrogant regarding them, they are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (7:36)
As for those who believe and do right actions-We impose on no self any more than it can bear-they are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (7:42)
The Companions of the Garden will call out to the Companions of the Fire, 'We have found that what our Lord promised us is true. Have you found that what your Lord promised you is true?' They will say, 'Yes, we have!' Between them a herald will proclaim: 'May the curse of Allah be on the wrongdoers.' (7:44)
When they turn their eyes towards the Companions of the Fire, they will say, 'Our Lord, do not place us with the people of the wrongdoers!' (7:47)
The Companions of the Ramparts will call out to men they recognise by their mark, saying, 'What you amassed was of no use to you, nor was your arrogance.' (7:48)
The Companions of the Fire will call out to the Companions of the Garden, 'Throw down some water to us or some of what Allah has given you as provision.' They will say, 'Allah has forbidden them to the disbelievers. (7:50)
Have they not reflected? Their companion is not mad. He is only a clear warner. (7:184)
If you do not help him, Allah did help him when those who disbelieved drove him out and there were two of them in the Cave. He said to his companion, 'Do not be despondent, Allah is with us.' Then Allah sent down His serenity upon him and reinforced him with troops you could not see. He made the word of those who disbelieved undermost. It is the word of Allah which is uppermost. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (9:40)
It is not right for the Prophet and those who believe to ask forgiveness for the idolaters-even if they are close relatives-after it has become clear to them that they are the Companions of the Blazing Fire. (9:113)
Those who do good will have the best and more! Neither dust nor debasement will darken their faces. They are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (10:26)
But as for those who have earned bad actions-a bad action will be repaid with one the like of it. Debasement will darken them. They will have no one to protect them from Allah. It is as if their faces were covered by dark patches of the night. Those are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (10:27)
As for those who believe and do right actions and humble themselves before their Lord, they are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (11:23)
(Yusuf said,) 'My companions of the prison, are many lords better, or Allah, the only One, the Conqueror?' (12:39)
(Yusuf said,) 'My companions of the prison, one of you will serve his lord with wine, the other of you will be crucified and birds will eat his head. The thing you asked about is foreordained.' (12:41)
If you are surprised at their blindness, what could be more surprising than their words: 'What, when we are turned to dust, shall we then be created all anew?' These are the people who reject their Lord. Such people have iron collars round their necks. Such people are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (13:5)
Do you consider that the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim were one of the most remarkable of Our Signs? (18:9)
He was a man of wealth and property and he said to his companion, debating with him, 'I have more wealth than you and more people under me.' (18:34)
His companion, with whom he was debating, said to him, 'Do you then disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, and then formed you as a man?' (18:37)
Musa said, 'If I ask you about anything after this, then you should no longer keep me company. I will have given you excuse enough.' (18:76)
Say: 'Everyone is waiting expectantly so wait expectantly. You will soon know who are the Companions of the Right Path and who is is guided.' (20:135)
And the companions of Madyan (denied); and Musa was denied as well. I allowed time to the disbelievers but then I seized them. How terrible was My denial! (22:44)
But as for those who strive against My Signs and try to thwart them, they will be the Companions of the Blazing Fire. (22:51)
The Companions of the Garden on that Day will have better lodging and a better resting-place. (25:24)
The same goes for 'Ad and Thamud and the Companions of the Rass and many generations in between. (25:38)
And when the two hosts came into sight of one another Musa's companions said, 'We will surely be overtaken!' (26:61)
The Companions of the Thicket denied the Messengers. (26:176)
Say: 'I exhort you to do one thing alone: to stand before Allah in pairs and on your own and then reflect. Your companion is not possessed. He is only a warner come to you ahead of a terrible punishment.' (34:46)
The Companions of the Garden are busy enjoying themselves today. (36:55)
And Thamud and the people of Lut and the Companions of the Thicket. Those too were Confederates. (38:13)
When harm touches man he calls upon his Lord, repenting to Him. Then when He grants him a blessing from Him, he forgets what he was calling for before and ascribes rivals to Allah, so as to misguide others from His Way. Say: 'Enjoy your disbelief for a little while. You are among the Companions of the Fire.' (39:8)
So your Lord's Words about those who disbelieve proved true, that they are indeed the Companions of the Fire. (40:6)
There is no question that what you call me to has no foundation either in this world or the hereafter, that our return is to Allah, and that the profligate will be Companions of the Fire. (40:43)
If someone shuts his eyes to the remembrance of the All-Merciful, We assign him a Satan who becomes his bosom friend-they debar them from the path, yet they still think they are guided-so that, when he reaches Us, he says, 'If only there was the distance of the two Easts between you and me!' What an evil companion! (43:36-38)
Such people are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever, as repayment for what they did. (46:14)
Those are people whose best deeds will be accepted and whose wrong deeds will be overlooked. They are among the Companions of the Garden, in fulfilment of the true promise made to them. (46:16)
Before them the people of Nuh also denied the truth and the Companions of Rass and Thamud. (50:12)
And the Companions of the Thicket and the people of Tubba'. Each one denied the Messengers and My promise proved true. (50:14)
Your companion is not misguided or misled. (53:2)
They called on their companion and he set to it and hamstrung her (the she-camel). (54:29)
The Companions of the Right: how happy are the Companions of the Right? (56:8)
The Companions of the Left: how wretched are the Companions of the Left? (56:9)
And the Companions of the Right: how happy are the Companions of the Right? (56:27)
We have brought maidens into being and made them purest virgins, devoted, passionate, of like age, for the Companions of the Right. (56:35-38)
And the Companions of the Left: how wretched are the Companions of the Left? (56:41)
And if he is one of the Companions of the Right, 'Peace be upon you!' from the Companions of the Right. (56:90-91)
Those who believe in Allah and His Messengers-such people are the truly sincere-and the martyrs who are with their Lord will receive their wages and their light. But those who disbelieve and deny Our Signs, will be Companions of the Blazing Fire. (57:19)
Neither their wealth nor their children will help them at all against Allah. Such people are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (58:17)
The Companions of the Fire and the Companions of the Garden are not the same. It is the Companions of the Garden who are the victors. (59:20)
But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our Signs they are the Companions of the Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. What an evil destination! (64:10)
They will say, 'If only we had really listened and used our intellect, we would not have been Companions of the Blaze.' (67:10)
Then they will acknowledge their wrong actions. Away with the Companions of the Blaze! (67:11)
So wait steadfastly for the judgement of your Lord. Do not be like the Companion of the Fish when he called out in absolute despair. (68:48)
Except for the companions of the Right. (74:39)
Your companion is not mad. (81:22)
Cursed be the Companions of the Pit. (85:4)
Those are the Companions of the Right. (90:18)
Those who reject Our signs, they are the Companions of the Left. (90:19)
Do you not see what your Lord did with the Companions of the Elephant? (105:1)
Do you consider that the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim were one of the most remarkable of Our Signs? When the young men took refuge in the cave and said, 'Our Lord, give us mercy directly from You and open the way for us to right guidance in our situation.' So We sealed their ears with sleep in the cave for a number of years. Then We woke them up again so that we might see which of the two groups would better calculate the time they had stayed there. We will relate their story to you with truth. They were young men who believed in their Lord and We increased them in guidance. We fortified their hearts when they stood up and said, 'Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and We will not call on any god apart from Him. We would in that case have uttered an abomination. These people of ours have taken gods apart from Him. Why do they not produce a clear authority concerning them? Who could do greater wrong than someone who invents a lie against Allah? When you have separated yourselves from them and everything they worship except Allah, take refuge in the cave and your Lord will unfold His mercy to you and open the way to the best for you in your situation.' You would have seen the sun, when it rose, inclining away from their cave towards the right, and, when it set, leaving them behind on the left, while they were lying in an open part of it. That was one of Allah's Signs. Whoever Allah guides is truly guided. But if He misguides someone, you will find no protector for them to guide them rightly. You would have supposed them to be awake whereas in fact they were asleep. We moved them to the right and to the left, and, at the entrance, their dog stretched out its paws. If you had looked down and seen them, you would have turned from them and run and have been filled with terror at the sight of them. That was the situation when we woke them up so they could question one another. One of them asked, 'How long have you been here?' They replied, 'We have been here for a day or part of a day.' They said, 'Your Lord knows best how long you have been here. Send one of your number into the city with this silver you have, so he can see which food is purest and bring you some of it to eat. But he should go about with caution so that no one is aware of you, for if they find out about you they will stone you or make you revert to their religion and then you will never have success.' Accordingly We made them chance upon them unexpectedly so they might know that Allah's promise is true and that there is no doubt about the Hour. When they were arguing among themselves about the matter, they said, 'Wall up their cave, their Lord knows best about them.' But those who got the better of the argument concerning them said, 'We will build a place of worship over them.' They will say, 'There were three of them, their dog being the fourth.' They will say, 'There were five of them, their dog being the sixth,' guessing at the Unseen. And they will say, 'There were seven of them, their dog being the eighth.' Say: 'My Lord knows best their number. Those who know about them are very few.' So do not enter into any argument concerning them, except in relation to what is clearly known. And do not seek the opinion of any of them regarding them. Never say about anything, 'I am doing that tomorrow,' without adding 'If Allah wills.' Remember your Lord when you forget, and say, 'Hopefully my Lord will guide me to something closer to right guidance than this.' They stayed in their Cave for three hundred years and added nine. Say: 'Allah knows best how long they stayed. The Unseen of the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. How perfectly He sees, how well He hears! They have no protector apart from Him. Nor does He share His rule with anyone.' (18:9-26)
Do you not see what your Lord did with the Companions of the Elephant? Did He not bring all their schemes to nothing, unleashing upon them flock after flock of birds? (105:1-3)
The Companions of the Left: how wretched are the Companions of the Left? (56:9)
Cursed be the Companions of the Pit-the fire well stocked with fuel-when they were seated right beside it witnessing what they did to the believers. The only reason they punished them was because they believed in Allah, the Almighty, the All-Praiseworthy. (85:4-8)
The same goes for 'Ad and Thamud and the Companions of the Rass and many generations in between. (25:38)
Before them the people of Nuh also denied the truth and the Companions of the Rass and Thamud, (50:12)
The Companions of the Right: how happy are the Companions of the Right? (56:8)
And the Companions of the Right: how happy are the Companions of the Right? (56:27)
We have brought maidens into being and made them purest virgins, devoted, passionate, of like age, for the Companions of the Right. (56:35-38)
The people of the Thicket were also wrongdoers. (15:78)
The Companions of the Thicket denied the Messengers, (26:176)
And Thamud and the people of Lut and the Companions of the Thicket. Those too were Confederates. (38:13)
And the Companions of the Thicket and the people of Tubba'. Each one denied the Messengers and My promise proved true. (50:14)
Or (do those who plot evil actions feel secure) that He will not seize them little by little? For your Lord is All-Compassionate, Most Merciful. (16:47)
(He said to Musa,) 'We wanted their Lord to give them in exchange a purer son than him, one more compassionate.' (18:81)
Do you not see that Allah has made everything on the earth subservient to you and the ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the earth-except by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Most Merciful. (22:65)
Among His Signs is that He created spouses for you of your own kind so that you might find tranquillity in them. And He has placed affection and compassion between you. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (30:21)
Then We sent Our Messengers following in their footsteps and sent 'Isa son of Maryam after them, giving him the Gospel. We put compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. They invented monasticism-We did not prescribe it for them-purely out of desire to gain the pleasure of Allah, but even so they did not observe it as it should have been observed. To those of them who believed We gave their reward but many of them are deviators. (57:27)
(The steep ascent is) then to be one of those who believe and urge each other to steadfastness and urge each other to compassion. (90:17)
They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and compete in doing good. They are among the righteous. (3:114)
And We have sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming and conserving the previous Books. So judge between them by what Allah has sent down and do not follow their whims and desires deviating from the Truth that has come to you. We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had Allah willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to Allah and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed. (5:48)
There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned. Right guidance has become clearly distinct from error. Anyone who rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (2:256)
And (We punished them) on account of their disbelief, and their utterance of a monstrous slander against Maryam, and their saying, 'We killed the Messiah, 'Isa son of Maryam, Messenger of Allah.' They did not kill him and they did not crucify him but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. But they certainly did not kill him. (4:156-157)
If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would misguide you from Allah's Way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing. (6:116)
Those who associate others with Allah will say, 'If Allah had willed we would not have associated anything with Him, nor would our fathers; nor would we have made anything forbidden.' In the same way the people before them also lied until they felt Our violent force. Say: 'Do you have some knowledge you can produce for us? You are following nothing but conjecture. You are only guessing.' (6:148)
Most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Conjecture is of no use whatsoever against the truth. Allah most certainly knows what they are doing. (10:36)
Yes, indeed! Everyone in the heavens and everyone on the earth belongs to Allah. Those who call on something other than Allah are not really following their partner-gods. They are only following conjecture. They are only guessing. (10:66)
They say, 'If the All-Merciful had so willed, we would not have worshipped them.' They have no knowledge of that. They are only conjecturing. (43:20)
They say, 'There is nothing but our existence in this world. We die and we live and nothing destroys us except for time.' They have no knowledge of that. They are only conjecturing. (45:24)
But as for those who disbelieved: 'Were My Signs not recited to you and yet you proved arrogant; you were a people of evildoers? When you were told, "Allah's promise is true and so is the Hour, of which there is no doubt," you said, "We have no idea what the Hour is. We have only been conjecturing. We are by no means certain."' (45:31-32)
Death to the conjecturers. (51:10)
They are nothing but names which you yourselves have given, you and your forefathers. Allah has sent down no authority for them. They are following nothing but conjecture and what their own selves desire. And that when guidance has reached them from their Lord! (53:23)
They have no knowledge of this. They are only following conjecture. Conjecture is of no avail whatever against the truth. (53:28)
We have placed constellations in heaven and made them beautiful for those who look. (15:16)
Blessed be He Who placed constellations in the sky and put a blazing lamp and shining moon among them. (25:61)
Strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the religion-the religion of your forefather Ibrahim. He named you Muslims before and also in this, so that the Messenger could be witness against you and you could be witnesses against all mankind. So perform prayer and give the alms and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector-the Best Protector, the Best Helper. (22:78)
There is no constraint on the blind, nor on the lame, nor on the sick. We will admit all who obey Allah and His Messenger into Gardens with rivers flowing under them. But We will punish with a painful punishment anyone who turns his back. (48:17)
Mothers should nurse their children for two full years-those who wish to complete the full term of nursing. It is the duty of the fathers to feed and clothe them with correctness and courtesy-no self is charged with more than it can bear. No mother should be put under pressure in respect of her child nor any father in respect of his child. The same duty is incumbent on the heir. If the couple both wish weaning to take place after mutual agreement and consultation, there is nothing wrong in their doing that. If you wish to find wet-nurses for your children, there is nothing wrong in your doing that provided you hand over to them what you have agreed to give with correctness and courtesy. Have fear of Allah and know that Allah sees what you do. (2:233)
It is a mercy from Allah that you were gentle with them. If you had been rough or hard of heart, they would have scattered from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them about the matter. Then when you have reached a firm decision, put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. (3:159)
(Believers are) those who respond to their Lord and perform prayer, and manage their affairs by mutual consultation and give of what We have provided for them. (42:38)
Those who say, 'Allah has made a contract with us that we should not believe in any Messenger until he brings us a sacrifice consumed by fire.' Say, 'Messengers came to you before me with the Clear Signs and with what you say. So why did you kill them if you are telling the truth?' (3:183)
Keep a close check on orphans until they reach a marriageable age, then if you perceive that they have sound judgement hand over their property to them. Do not consume it extravagantly and precipitately before they come of age. Those who are wealthy should abstain from it altogether. Those who are poor should use it sensibly and correctly. When you hand over their property to them ensure that there are witnesses on their behalf. Allah suffices as a Reckoner. (4:6)
People who consume the property of orphans wrongfully consume nothing in their bellies except fire. They will roast in a Searing Blaze. (4:10)
You who believe! Do not consume one another's property by false means, but only by means of mutually agreed trade. And do not kill yourselves. Allah is Most Merciful to you. (4:29)
Because of wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made forbidden for them some good things which had previously been lawful for them; and because of their obstructing many people from the Way of Allah, and because of their practising usury when they were forbidden to do it, and because of their consuming people's wealth by wrongful means, We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. (4:160-161)
They are people who listen to lies and consume ill-gotten gains. If they come to you, you can either judge between them or turn away from them. If you turn away from them, they cannot harm you in any way. But if you do judge, judge between them justly. Allah loves the just. (5:42)
He says, 'I have consumed vast quantities of wealth.' (90:6)
Those who break Allah's contract after it has been agreed, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption on the earth, it is they who are the lost. (2:27)
Tribe of Israel! Remember the blessing I conferred on you. Honour My contract and I will honour your contract. Have dread of Me alone. (2:40)
They say, 'The Fire will only touch us for a number of days.' Say, 'Have you made a contract with Allah-then Allah will not break His contract-or are you rather saying about Allah what you do not know?' (2:80)
Why is it that, whenever they make a contract, a group of them disdainfully tosses it aside? No indeed! Most of them have no faith. (2:100)
Remember when Ibrahim was tested by his Lord with certain words which he carried out completely. He said, 'I will make you a model for mankind.' He asked, 'And what of my descendants?' He said, 'My contract does not include the wrongdoers.' (2:124)
And when We made the House (Kaaba) a place of return, a sanctuary for mankind: They took the place where Ibrahim stood (to pray) as a place of prayer. We contracted with Ibrahim and Isma'il: 'Purify My House for those who circle it, and those who stay there, and those who bow and who prostrate.' (2:125)
It is not devoutness to turn your faces to the East or to the West. Rather, those with true devoutness are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, the Angels, the Book and the Prophets, and who, despite their love for it, give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travellers and beggars and to set slaves free, and who perform prayer and give the alms; those who honour their contracts when they make them, and are steadfast in poverty and illness and in battle. Those are the people who are true. They are the people who guard against evil. (2:177)
If you divorce them before you have touched them but have already allotted them a dowry, they should have half the amount which you allotted, unless they forgo it or the one in charge of the marriage contract forgoes it. To forgo it is closer to heedfulness. Do not forget to show generosity to one another. Allah sees what you do. (2:237)
No, the truth is, if people honour their contracts and have fear of Him, Allah loves those who guard against evil. (3:76)
Those who sell Allah's contract and their own oaths for a paltry price, such people will have no portion in the hereafter and on the Day of Rising Allah will not speak to them or look at them or purify them. They will have a painful punishment. (3:77)
Those who say, 'Allah has made a contract with us that we should not believe in any Messenger until he brings us a sacrifice consumed by fire.' Say, 'Messengers came to you before me with the Clear Signs and with what you say. So why did you kill them if you are telling the truth?' (3:183)
How could you take it when you have been intimate with one another and they have made a binding contract with you? (4:21)
You who believe! Fulfil your contracts. All livestock animals are lawful for you, except those that are recited to you now; but it is still not lawful to hunt while you are in the state of pilgrimage. Allah makes whatever judgements He wills. (5:1)
And that you do not go near the property of orphans before they reach maturity-except in a good way; that you give full measure and full weight with justice-We impose on no self any more than it can bear; that you are equitable when you speak-even if a near relative is concerned; and that you fulfil Allah's contract. That is what He instructs you to do, so that hopefully you will pay heed. (6:152)
We did not find many of them worthy of their contract. We found most of them deviators. (7:102)
Whenever the plague came down on them they said, 'Musa, pray to your Lord for us by the contract He has with you. If you remove the plague from us, we will definitely believe in you and send the tribe of Israel away with you.' (7:134)
Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their wealth in return for the Garden. They fight in the Way of Allah and they kill and are killed. It is a promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an and who is truer to his contract than Allah? Rejoice then in the bargain you have made. That is the great victory. (9:111)
(People of intelligence are) those who fulfil Allah's contract and do not break their agreement. (13:20)
But as for those who break Allah's contract after it has been agreed and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the earth, the curse will be upon them. They will have the Evil Abode. (13:25)
Be true to Allah's contract when you have agreed to it, and do not break your oaths once they are confirmed and you have made Allah your guarantee. Allah knows what you do. (16:91)
Do not sell Allah's contract for a paltry price. What is with Allah is better for you if you only knew. (16:95)
Do not go near the property of orphans before they reach maturity, except in a good way. Fulfil your contracts. Contracts will be asked about. (17:34)
Has he surveyed the Unseen or has he a contract with the All-Merciful? (19:78)
They have no right of intercession. None do but those who have a contract with the All-Merciful. (19:87)
Musa returned to his people in anger and great sorrow. He said, 'My people, did not your Lord make you a handsome promise? Did the fulfilment of the contract seem too long to you or did you want to unleash your Lord's anger upon yourselves, so you broke your promise to me?' (20:86)
We made a contract with Adam before, but he forgot. We did not find that he had a firm resolve. (20:115)
(Believers are) those who honour their trusts and their contracts. (23:8)
Those who cannot find the means to marry should be abstinent until Allah enriches them from His bounty. If any slaves you own want to make a contract to free themselves, write it for them if you know of good in them and give them some of the wealth Allah has given you. Do not force your slavegirls to prostitute themselves if they desire to be virtuous women out of your desire for the goods of this world. If anyone forces them, then after they have been forced, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (24:33)
Yet they had previously made a contract with Allah that they would never turn their backs. Contracts made with Allah will be asked about. (33:15)
Among the believers there are men who have been true to the contract they made with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pact by death and some are still waiting to do so, not having changed in any way at all. (33:23)
Did I not make a contract with you, tribe of Adam, not to worship Satan, who truly is an outright enemy to you? (36:60)
They said, 'Magician, invoke your Lord for us by the contract He has made with you and we shall certainly follow the guidance.' (43:49)
Those who pledge you their allegiance pledge allegiance to Allah. Allah's hand is over their hands. He who breaks his pledge only breaks it against himself. But as for him who fulfils the contract he has made with Allah, We will pay him an immense reward. (48:10)
(Believers are) those who honour their trusts and contracts. (70:32)