To mankind the love of worldly appetites is painted in glowing colours: women and children, and heaped-up mounds of gold and silver, and horses with fine markings, and livestock and fertile farmland. All that is merely the enjoyment of the life of this world. The best homecoming is in the presence of Allah. (3:14)
Allah desires to turn towards you, but those who pursue their lower appetites desire to make you deviate completely. (4:27)
An evil generation succeeded them who neglected the prayer and followed their appetites. They will plunge into the Valley of Evil- (19:59)
But as for him who feared the Station of his Lord and forbade the lower self its appetites, the Garden will be his refuge. (79:40-41)
No indeed! You do not honour orphans nor do you urge the feeding of the poor; you devour inheritance with voracious appetites and you have an insatiable love of wealth. (89:17-20)
We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (12:2)
Accordingly We have sent it down as a judgement in Arabic. If you followed their whims and desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you would have no protector or defender against Allah. (13:37)
We know that they say, 'It is only a human being who is teaching him.' The language of him they allude to is a foreign one whereas this is in clear and lucid Arabic. (16:103)
In this way We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an and We have made various threats in it so that hopefully they will guard against evil or it will spur them into remembrance. (20:113)
The Faithful Spirit brought it down to your heart so you would be one of the Warners in a clear Arabic tongue. (26:193-195)
If We had sent it down to a non-Arab who had then recited it to them, they still would not believe in it. (26:198-199)
We have given all kinds of examples to people in this Qur'an, so that hopefully they will pay heed-an Arabic Qur'an with no distortion in it, so that hopefully they will guard against evil. (39:27-28)
A Book whose verses have been demarcated for people who know as an Arabic Qur'an. (41:3)
Accordingly We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur'an so that you may warn the Mother of Cities (Makka) and those around it, and give warning of the Day of Gathering about which there is no doubt: one group in the Garden,the other in the Blazing Fire. (42:7)
We have made it an Arabic Qur'an so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (43:3)
But before it there was the Book of Musa as a model and a mercy. And this is a corroborating Book in the Arabic tongue so that you may warn those who do wrong, and as good news for the good-doers. (46:12)
There is nothing wrong in seeking bounty from your Lord. When you pour down from Arafat, remember Allah at the Sacred Landmark. Remember Him because He has guided you, even though before this you were astray. Then press on from where the people press on and ask Allah's forgiveness. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (2:198-199)
Say, 'Do you argue with us about Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? We have our actions and you have your actions. We act for Him alone.' (2:139)
What about the one who argued with Ibrahim about his Lord, on the basis that Allah had given him sovereignty? Ibrahim said, 'My Lord is He Who gives life and causes to die.' He said, 'I too give life and cause to die.' Ibrahim said, 'Allah makes the sun come from the East. Make it come from the West.' And the one who was a disbeliever was dumbfounded. Allah does not guide wrongdoing people. (2:258)
If they argue with you, say, 'I have submitted myself completely to Allah, and so have all who follow me.' Say to those given the Book and those who have no Book, 'Have you become Muslim?' If they become Muslim, they have been guided. If they turn away, you are only responsible for transmission. Allah sees His servants. (3:20)
This is news from the Unseen which We reveal to you. You were not with them when they cast their reeds to see which of them would be the guardian of Maryam. You were not with them when they quarrelled. (3:44)
If anyone argues with you about him after the knowledge that has come to you, say, 'Come then! Let us summon our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves. Then let us make earnest supplication and call down the curse of Allah upon the liars.' (3:61)
(Say,) 'People of the Book! Why do you argue concerning Ibrahim when the Torah and Gospel were only sent down after him? Why do you not use your intellect? You are people arguing about something of which you have no knowledge. Why do you argue about something of which you have no knowledge? Allah knows; you do not know.' (3:65-66)
(A group of the People of the Book say,) 'Do not trust anyone except for those who follow your religion.' Say, 'Allah's guidance is true guidance. But you think it is impossible for anyone to be given the same as you were given, or to argue with you before your Lord.' Say, 'All favour is in Allah's Hand and He gives it to whoever He wills. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.' (3:73)
Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you were slaughtering them by His permission. But then you faltered, disputing the command, and disobeyed after He showed you what you love. Among you are those who want this world and among you are those who want the hereafter. Then He turned you from them in order to test you-but He has pardoned you. Allah shows favour to the believers. (3:152)
No, by your Lord, they are not believers until they make you their judge in the disputes that break out between them, and then find no resistance within themselves to what you decide and submit themselves completely. (4:65)
Do not argue on behalf of those who betray themselves. Allah does not love any evildoing traitors. (4:107)
Here you are arguing on their behalf in this world, but who will argue with Allah on their behalf on the Day of Rising? Who will act as guardian for them then? (4:109)
And (on account of) their saying, 'We killed the Messiah, 'Isa son of Maryam, Messenger of Allah.' They did not kill him and they did not crucify him but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. But they certainly did not kill him. (4:157)
His people argued with him. He (Ibrahim) said, 'Are you arguing with me about Allah when He has guided me? I have no fear of any partner you ascribe to Him unless my Lord should will such a thing to happen. My Lord encompasses all things in His knowledge so will you not pay heed?' (6:80)
He (Hud) said, 'Punishment and anger have come down on you from your Lord. Do you argue with me regarding names which you and your forefathers invented and for which Allah has sent down no authority? Wait, then; I am waiting with you.' (7:71)
Remember when Allah showed them to you in your dream as only a few. If He had shown you them as many, you would have lost heart and quarrelled about the matter; but Allah saved you. He knows what your hearts contain. (8:43)
Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast. (8:46)
They said, 'Nuh, you have argued with us and argued much so bring us what you have promised us if you are telling the truth.' (11:32)
When the feeling of fear left Ibrahim, and the good news reached him, he disputed with Us about the people of Lut. (11:74)
The thunder glorifies His praise, as do the angels, out of fear of Him. He discharges the thunderbolts, striking with them anyone He wills. Yet still they argue about Allah when He is inexorable in His power! (13:13)
On that Day every self will come to argue for itself and every self will be paid in full for what it did. They will not be wronged. (16:111)
Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. Your Lord knows best who is misguided from His way. And He knows best who are guided. (16:125)
They argued among themselves about the matter and had a secret conference. (20:62)
Among people there is one who argues about Allah without knowledge, and follows every rebellious Satan. (22:3)
Among people there is one who argues about Allah without knowledge or guidance or any light-giving Book. (22:8)
Here are two rival groups who disputed concerning their Lord. Those who disbelieve will have garments of fire cut out for them, and boiling water poured over their heads. (22:19)
We have appointed for every nation a rite that they observe, so let them not dispute with you about the matter. Call the people to your Lord. You are guided straight. (22:67)
If they do argue with you, say: 'Allah knows best what you are doing.' (22:68)
Arguing in it with one another, they will say, 'By Allah, we were plainly misguided.' (26:96-97)
Only argue with the People of the Book in the kindest way-except in the case of those of them who do wrong-saying, 'We believe in what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to you. Our God and your God are one and we submit to Him.' (29:46)
Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you everything in the heavens and earth and has showered His blessings upon you, both outwardly and inwardly? Yet there are people who argue about Allah without knowledge or guidance or any illuminating Book. (31:20)
What are they waiting for but one Great Blast to seize them while they are quibbling? (36:49)
All this is certainly true-the bickering of the people of the Fire. (38:64)
Then on the Day of Rising you will argue in the presence of your Lord. (39:31)
Those who argue about the Signs of Allah without any authority coming to them do something hateful in the sight of Allah and in the sight of the people who believe. That is how Allah seals up the heart of every arrogant oppressor. (40:35)
Certainly those who argue about the Signs of Allah without any authority having come to them have nothing in their breasts except for pride which they will never be able to vindicate. Therefore seek refuge with Allah. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (40:56)
Do you not see those who argue about Allah's Signs? How have they been turned around? (40:69)
The argument of those who argue about Allah, once He has been acknowledged, has no basis whatsoever with their Lord. There is anger upon them and they will have a harsh punishment. (42:16)
Those who argue about Our Signs should know that they have no way of escape. (42:35)
He will say, 'Do not argue in My presence when I gave you advance warning of the Threat.' (50:28)
But they turned away so We unleashed against them the flood from the great dam and exchanged their two gardens for two others containing bitter-tasting plants and tamarisk and a few lote trees. (34:16)
Their Prophet said to them, 'The sign of his kingship is that the Ark will come to you, containing serenity from your Lord and certain relics left by the families of Musa and Harun. It will be borne by angels. There is a sign for you in that if you are believers.' (2:248)
But they denied him (Nuh) so We rescued him and those with him in the Ark. And We drowned the people who denied Our Signs. They were a blind people. (7:64)
But they denied him (Nuh) so We rescued him, and all those with him, in the Ark and We made them the successors and We drowned the people who denied Our Signs. See the final fate of those who were warned! (10:73)
(It was revealed to Nuh:) 'Build the Ark under Our supervision and as We reveal and do not address Me concerning the wrongdoers. They shall be drowned.' (11:37)
He (Nuh) began to build the Ark and every time some nobles of his people passed him by, they ridiculed him. He said, 'Though you ridicule us now, we will certainly ridicule you as you do us.' (11:38)
We rescued him (Nuh) and the occupants of the Ark and made that into a Sign for all the worlds. (29:15)
Those of you who turned their backs on the day the two armies clashed-it was Satan who made them slip for what they had done. But Allah has pardoned them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing. (3:155)
What assailed you on the day the two armies met was by Allah's permission, so that He would know the believers, (3:166)
We did not send down to his people any army from heaven after him nor would We send one down. (36:28)
They have taken gods besides Allah so that perhaps they may be helped. They cannot help them even though they are an army mobilised in their support. (36:74-75)
It is Our army which will be victorious. (37:173)
(He said,) 'Leave the sea divided as it is. They are an army who will be drowned.' (44:24)
So We seized him and his armies and hurled them into the sea, and he was to blame. (51:40)
thanks, its very good
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