Throughout this book, we have examined the situation of the Turkish-Islamic world, the urgent need for creating the Turkish Islamic Union, and the resulting benefits of it for Muslims and other nations alike. As we saw in the previous chapter, recent developments clearly show that the Islamic world is ripe for great and fundamental change. The Qur'an and the hadith literature suggest that the approaching period will be a bright one for the world's Muslims, Allah willing. Setting up the Turkish Islamic Union will speed up the process and begin a new era of plenty and prosperity for humanity in general.
The current situation may seem to be very negative at first look,
whereas in reality each negative development signals the approach of a
blessed period. War, destitution, famine, oppression, and tyranny
against Muslims across the world are signs of the End Times foretold by
our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). That all of
these events are taking place is also a clear sign that the global rule
of Islamic morality is approaching, as prophesized by our Prophet (may
Allah bless him and grant him peace) (Allah knows the truth).
Therefore, the current situation must not cause Muslims to feel
despair and hopelessness; on the contrary, it should motivate them and
increase their zeal and excitement. In addition, they must act with the
awareness that despairing of solace from Allah is not an option, for
Do not despair of solace from Allah.
No one despairs of solace from Allah
except for people who disbelieve. (Surah Yusuf: 87)
The great scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi explained, in his
famous the Damascus Sermon (Hutbe-i Samiye), the conditions in which
Muslims live, warned of the dangers of falling into despair, and spoke
of the bright future awaiting them, as follows:
Despair is the most detrimental sickness. It has permeated
into the heart of the Islamic world... Such a despair that it
has stifled our sublime morality, swerving our attention from the
interests of the general to our personal interests. It is the very same
despair that has broken our spiritual might... Despair is the most
dreadful sickness of our people... It is the pretext of the
coward, the inferior and the helpless... It is only Islam which will
truly and spiritually pervade the continents of the future and lead
humanity to bliss both in this world and the next.58
The End Times
The hadith literature is the foremost source that reveals the Islamic world's bright future. This literature, which describes in great detail the nature of the End Times (the period before the Last Day), reveals that these signs bear a great resemblance to hundreds of events taking place right now. Some of the most prominent signs of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) are that people seek to distance themselves from the purpose of their Creation and, consequently, participate in society's spiritual break-down by altering Allah's law, openly denying Allah's existence, spreading disorder around the world, and increasing decadence. Other signs include frequent natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes and floods, droughts and famines); increasing warfare, conflict, and bloodshed; emergence of bid'ats (innovation, changing the original teaching of the Prophet); widespread poverty; astonishing and shocking events; and the almost complete disappearance of contentment and stability. In the End Times, murder, killing, and fighting will intensify, and the oppression of Muslims will worsen. In addition, Muslims living during this time will be subjected to such violence and tyranny that most of them will not be able to find a way out of the cruel environment in which they live.
Following this difficult and disordered period, Allah will send a holy savior, the Mahdi (one who guides to the righteous path), who will deliver people from the darkness of ignorance into the light of true knowledge. This blessed person will first enlighten the Islamic world and then bring peace, love, and morality to the entire world. With his arrival, all anti-religious ideologies that deny Allah's existence will be completely refuted, religious morality will be returned to its original pure state, as revealed by the Qur'an and the hadiths, and the Islamic world will gain economic, political, and social power.
The hadiths also reveal that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth during the End Times. His second coming is one of the greatest events of the End Times, and is revealed by a number of hadiths and many Qur'anic verses. Allah reveals in the Qur'an that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not killed or crucified, but that He caused the people to see it that way, and then raised him to His Presence. (For further information, please see Harun Yahya, Jesus Will Return [London: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 2001]). This fact is revealed in Surat an-Nisa':
And [on account of] their saying: "We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Maryam, Messenger of Allah." They did not kill him and they did not crucify him, but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. But they certainly did not kill him. Allah raised him up to Himself. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (Surat an-Nisa': 157-158)
Those who believe and do right actions, happiness will be theirs and a wonderful Homecoming. (Surat ar-Ra’d: 29) |
When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns, he will rule by the Qur'an. He will free Christians from their myths and invite them to live by the Qur'an's values. This way, Islam and Christianity will unite into one faith, and the world will enter a new golden era in which peace, happiness, security, contentment, and prosperity rule. The Golden Age, like the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), will be a blessed period characterized by justice instead of cruelty. There will be so much prosperity that people who want to give alms to the poor will not be able to find anyone to accept them. Developments in science and technology will raise the quality of life, and goodness and comfort will increase. Wherever they turn, people will see prosperity and beauty.
When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns, he will rule by the Qur'an. He will free Christians from their myths and invite them to live by the Qur'an's values. This way, Islam and Christianity will unite into one faith, and the world will enter a new golden era in which peace, happiness, security, contentment, and prosperity rule. The Golden Age, like the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), will be a blessed period characterized by justice instead of cruelty. There will be so much prosperity that people who want to give alms to the poor will not be able to find anyone to accept them. Developments in science and technology will raise the quality of life, and goodness and comfort will increase. Wherever they turn, people will see prosperity and beauty.
Some of the Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hadiths on the End Times are listed below.
Works by great and esteemed scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah,
including Sunan Abu-Dawud and Maktubat of Imam Rabbani, explicitly
state that Allah sends an individual every century in order to revive
and rid religious morals of any innovations: FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED YEARS HAVE
PASSED FROM THIS WORLD. (Al-Burhan fi Alamat
al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 89) Anas Ibn Malik narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: THE LIFE SPAN OF THE WORLD IS SEVEN DAYS IN THE DAYS OF THE HEREAFTER. Almighty Allah has said: ONE DAY IN THE SIGHT OF YOUR LORD IS LIKE A THOUSAND OF YOUR YEARS. Allah will ASCRIBE THE EQUIVALENT OF GOOD DEEDS OF THE SEVEN THOUSAND YEARS OF THE AGE OF THIS WORLD to the one who meets the need of any of his brothers in the faith on the path of Allah as if he spends his days in fasting and his nights in worship. (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 88) Narrated from Daqqaq Ibn Zaid al-Juhani: Said Nursi, the renovator of the Islamic 1300s and the greatest one of the last millennium, cited the 1500s as the period of dominion of Islamic moral values. He stated that Muslims would enjoy a time of clear and explicit victory up until then. He said that in the years after that, the rise of the moral values of Islam would come to an end and that the Last Day would break for the unbelievers in the Islamic year 1545. (Allah knows the truth.) "A group from my community will
remain in truth until Allah's command [the Last Day]." The great Sunni scholar al-Barzanji states that the life span of the world will not last until the Islamic 1600, in other words, that the Last Day is expected to come in Islamic 1500s by Allah's leave. (Allah knows the truth.) THE LIFE OF THIS COMMUNITY WILL EXCEED 1,000 YEARS, YET BE LIMITED TO 1,500 YEARS ... (Muhammad ibn 'Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat as-Sa'ah, The Portents of the Last Day, p. 299) Suyuti's statement made on the basis of the hadith handed down from our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is as follows: "THE LIFE OF MY COMMUNITY WILL NOT EXCEED 1,500 YEARS.(Suyuti, al-Kasfu an Mujawazati Hazihil Ummah al-Alfu, al-hawi lil Fatawi. 2/248, Tafsir Ruh-ul Bayan. Bursawi 4/262, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-'Ilal, p. 89) As is clear from the hadith of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and statements by great Islamic scholars, the Islamic 1400s we are now living in is the age of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth in this century, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear and the moral values of Islam will rule the world.
Calling on the World of Islam
At present, irreligious systems of thought are collapsing around the world and people are turning to faith and religious morality. Furthermore, Islam has become the most important subject on the world's agenda, and people's attention has turned toward the true religion. Our time's technological development has made intra-Muslim cooperation easier, and have created the opportunity to convey the beauty of Islamic morality to the masses.
However, parts of the Islamic world still suffer from poverty
and ignorance. People who take advantage of this situation act in the
name of Islam, but contrary to Islam, and thereby make Muslims accused
in the eyes of the world. Circles who oppose Islamic morality use the
Muslims' present weakness and disorder to oppress them and plan even
worse tyranny. The solution to the Islamic world's ongoing tension and
conflict, both internal and external, lies in forming a Turkish Islamic
Union that will unite all Muslims and guide them to the right path.
Therefore, every Muslim must work for its creation.
All Muslim governments should prepare for the Turkish Islamic
Union by developing their relations with other Muslim countries and
organizing cultural activities that will help establish true Islamic
morality in their countries. All Muslim NGOs, associations, charities,
members of the media, and intellectual leaders should make genuine
efforts to resolve the differences between Muslims and to achieve unity
and solidarity. All Muslims should work to create this Islamic unity,
regardless of the mosque or school they attend, the Internet sites that
they visit, and the charities or associations to which they belong.
Moreover, they must encourage other Muslims to follow their example.
It is the prayer of all Muslims that the great Islamic
civilization, one that will bring goodness, justice, and peace to
Muslims and non-Muslims alike, will flourish once more. Allah willing,
the formation of the Turkish Islamic Union will bring all of this
about. All Muslims who wish to play a role in this holy duty should
make the following prayer and then act upon it:
Come, let's heal the rifts between Muslims. Let's bridge the gaps
between Muslims who do not pray in one another's mosques, who do not
read each others books, and who are hostile to one another because of
small ideological differences. Let's do away with such artificial
segregations. Let the house of Allah, the mosque, be the place of
worship of not this group or that sect but of all Muslims. Let every
Muslim greet and talk with every other Muslim. Let's end the disputes
between communities or individuals, and let all Muslims work hand in
hand in humility and compassion to serve Allah's religion. Let's not
forget Allah's command:
Hold fast to the rope of Allah all
together, and do not separate. Remember Allah's blessing to you when
you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became
brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of a pit of the
Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way, Allah makes His Signs
clear to you so that, hopefully, you will be guided. (Surah Al 'Imran: